- The concert is over! It was EPIC!
- It is so loud! The band is back! Last sond: Für immer jetzt.
- Gustav called for quiet :) The whole arena makes Laola - wave.
- "Durch den Monsun" of course everybody is singing alone
- Zoom was pure perfection. Vocals and piano.
- Got another "Danke schön" from Tom at the end of Zoom
- "Zoom" Tom at piano and Bill is next to him. The hall is actually (almost) completely quiet
- Flames at the end of Hey you! (check the pic on the other post)
- Bill shook his head and smiled. He is excited! Now Sonnensystem.
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@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

26.02.2010 в 23:31

Интернет врать не станет(с)
а там щас наши девочки)) Мун, Финс и Биз :inlove: