02.10.2009 в 23:09

Хотя… ну и что, что планета размером с яблоко? Зато только ее. Маленькая голубая планета, перевязанная ленточкой.
съехавшая лямка младшего...ммм.. *тает*

Нервничают что ли? Как-то странно себя ведут. Хм.. Особенно Билл. Что он там в углу увидел?! И Том постоянно чешется... мрак.

Еще бы понимать о чем говорят. *__*
03.10.2009 в 00:06

«Люби меня меньше, но люби меня дольше…" (с)
да и билл постоянно заикается..в камеру не смотрят кидают какие-то нервные взгляды..:bat2:
перевёл бы кто о чём там говорят :small:
03.10.2009 в 00:11

RTL Translation

In their younger years, Tokio Hotel have already expierenced a lot more than others in their entire life. They are in the spotlight since the age of 15. Always a farouche pose and extremly cool....Now the twins are 20 years old and their words a surprisingly mature and thoughtfully when they talked about their beginning as a popstar.

Tom: At that time we extremly screwed up ...That was the time where you were just hanging out..someone smoked a joint..someone were drinking..all this stuff....At that time you were just hanging out and tried to be high in some way.

Bill: Drugs and alcohol never thought about it.....i think ...their is already nobody who did not tried it out......

From the beginning the twins had been on VIP-parties and skipped nothing...and of course the headlines were there...

Tom: That was exactly the time as i thought...awesome i am a Rockstar....i take completly advantage of it

Bill: As the negative headlines started and the discussion began about our age, parties and alcohol..that was the first time that i realized..oh there is another could i explain it to my grandfather

Tom: Next day you have to go to a familycelebration and there are such headlines in the newspaper about you...he drank hard drinks...some girls had been in his hotelroom..and so on....

Bill: At that time....i have to say...Tom had an extreme wastage of girls....

Tom: Every day there was another girl in my room

But in the case of love it was never serious. In 100% Tokio Hotel on october 16th on RTL a very thoughtfully Bill explain why....

Bill: If i would fall in love my situation would be anyway like a lottery winning...i could never built up a relationship without somebody notice it..i had to let somebody know...and this girl would be probably escorted to my beedroom....

It became very clear which prize they have to pay for their fame...

Bill: We have a proberty with a is fenced ...there is a high can look no further than up to the fence..and otherwise we drive around with cars with black are not able to go on the street...

Today is the release of their new album Humanoid..and the freedom of Tokio hotel is going to be more less..but now they handle it a bit different ….more mature....
03.10.2009 в 00:14

«Люби меня меньше, но люби меня дольше…" (с)
Ichbinda спасибо!
03.10.2009 в 11:39

Хотя… ну и что, что планета размером с яблоко? Зато только ее. Маленькая голубая планета, перевязанная ленточкой.
Ichbinda мерси
03.10.2009 в 17:45

Wir sind Eins wie Yin und Yang
И Том постоянно чешется..
Они оба всё время чешутся... Не мудрено подцепить блох от такого количества собак)))