●1 - Билл - IG-история/1
●2 - Билл - IG-история/2: медиа: drive.google.com/file/d/1XLqG3hStFVK1dE04VR4i0c...
●3 - Билл - IG/2412: www.instagram.com/p/CTVOMIxB1Du/
What’s better than to listen to a good podcast on a hungover day after the most amazing bday bash?! We got one for U! #kaulitzhills #senfaushollywood @kaulitzhills.podcast Link in Bio
●4 - Билл - IG-история/3: медиа: drive.google.com/file/d/1K2e1_-Ll6DT2xCsRSHcQBu...
●1 - bradelterman - IG: www.instagram.com/p/CTVNExuP5LJ/
My @kaulitzhills.podcast @spotify COVER shoot released today!! @richgreens was there doing all the STYLING!! So much fun!!
●2 - bradelterman - IG: www.instagram.com/p/CTVOI1dv5fM/
Moments after my shoot with @kaulitzhills.podcast for @spotify . That’s me in the center. Photo by @richgreens .