Thoughts on Tom: He is a cad! When I went to do my group photo, before I could say anything Tom said "You made a guitar for me once?" I said yes, and his response was "See, I have a memory of an elephant, and a ***** of one too." But that aside, he was incredible to watch in the soundbooth. He was definitely the production manager for the weekend. Intensely concentrated on getting the stage and the sound just right. He must have worked on it for around four hours that afternoon, before and after the check. I think a lot of people were bored with the sound check. I was not. What they showed us for the first time was not the performance "sound checks" of the tours, but a REAL, exhausting, boring, tedious setup and check of everything. Right up my alley, tech that I am. The professionality and work ethic that Tom has really shown through there for me. It may have annoyed a lot of people because he kept turning them away because he was working. But he was working for US. Because he cared enough to make sure it was right for us. One of the highlights of camp was definitely shouting "Drink. Drink. Drink.* after Tom lost the third round of beer pong in a row.
читать дальшеNotes on Gustav: Absolutely the grill master. The BBQ got rained on 3 times in a row, and he still made a spectacular effort to move everything, re-set up, & blaze through cooking everything at a hectic pace for the fans, who were by that time pretty hungry & grumpy. Definitely stays cool and works well under pressure. He had a couple people helping him, but he did the cooking and the directing of what to do and when. It was HIS barbecue. I want more Gustav-grilled potatoes, and whatever that cheese thing was. Yum! I'd still like to know what he can do with meat. What do you say, Gustav, secret midnight pig roast next year? Gustav looks like he's definitely a family man. Totally devoted to his wife and little girl. 😍 And his baby is sooooo cute, chubby cheeks, curly hair, and cheerful all the time. She doesn't seem to like being separated from him. She even managed to slip away from her mom and ran for him when he was grilling, almost running smack into the giant burning hot grill. He turned and caught her, though. Terrible threes? They're sneaky at that age.
Notes on Georg: YAY! Camp director! It looked to me like he spent a lot of time making sure things ran smoothly.Another example of how it might look like the band was just hanging out with their people,but I suspect that there was a lot of whos hows whens going on. One of the best things I've ever seen one of the band members do was watching Georg come around while Gustav finally managed to get the grill going with an armful of (albeit fabric) leis and personally ensure that everyone in camp got one... by putting it on himself. It was a HUGE moral booster at exactly the right time. It kept everyone content while they waited for a late dinner. I told him he was a good camp director, but I think that confused him. He doesn't think so, but he is.
Notes on Bill: He has the hardest job of all- taking the brunt of the fans' fervor so the others can work. I am beginning to think he doesn't really like that aspect of things, and that it wears on him. I now believe him when he says he's shy,and what he does by standing there in the sea of piranhas is the hardest thing in the world for a shy person. No wonder he kept trying to withdraw for a quiet moment now and then. Not that the fans would let him get away with it for long. It hurts to watch people pushing and shoving for an autograph or a picture, but very rarely does an actual, human conversation happen. It can be very lonely in a sea of people. Even on the last day it was pushing for attention. The twins wound up hiding on the other side of the bar before bolting for it after the finale. I don't blame them. They were probably exhausted from a weekend of very hard, stressful work. It amazes me that even with such a small group, even after all these years, pictures are what the fans push for over actual real conversation, real contact. I wonder if that makes him sad. I had many things I wanted to talk to Bill about, and I am sad that I didn't get that chance, because I think that may have been what the original idea was, to chill and talk and party. Not follow the boys around like a pack of starving hyenas. Bill was certainly most happy on stage. He was glowing; all smiles. He was spot on, high energy, loving every second of the concert. He is an artist. He can not deny what he is, nor can he stop being it. It is a part of his soul. Just because ne NEEDS to express that art doesn't mean he chose to be mobbed by girls non stop. You can stop being a doctor or a lawyer, but you can never stop being an artist. It is not a profession, it is a statement of fact about what you are at the
летний лагерь,
Tom Kaulitz, Том Каулитц,
Georg Listing, Георг Листинг,
Gustav Schafer, Густав Шефер,
Bill Kaulitz, Билл Каулитц,
Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель,
информация из социальных сетей,
Феррополис, Ferropolis
Даже простой факт о саундчеке. Тут расписывают, что он чуть ли не все силы отдал там, а другая пишет, что репетировали все, а Тома половины саундчека не было. Он поехал встречать Хайди. Где истина непонятно.
угу, чего стоит только его спринт от дверцы автомобиля до двери в здание, чтобы успеть там закрыть, а тут открыть. залюбуешься
спасибо ))) надо фотки подсобрать. а то я немного в шоке была от количества. представляю, как вы тут страдали.
насыщенное лето получилось - "а лето это маленькая жизнь...")
Грустно только читать про одиночество в море людей, понимая, что это правда..
Про остальных тоже очень интересно, правда я почти ничего не поняла в отзыве про Георга, кроме того, что он был "директор лагеря" и всё контролировал. Обычно всё контролирует Билл, мне кажется он мог частично возложить на Георга эту миссию, т.к сам отдался на растерзание фанатам: He has the hardest job of all- taking the brunt of the fans' fervor so the others can work.