Видео-обращение Билла и Тома
Bill: Happy Halloween and congratulations to all our aliens. Wow!, this is just incredible!. We just heared that you guys won the MTV OMA for Best fan army AGAIN. So… it’s the second year, this is just amazing. I don’t know what to say. You guys can be so proud yourself. We definetly are so proud to have fans like you, it just feels so good, ‘cause we’re still producing on our album. We’re working really, really hard on it and it feels really good to have fans like that and that you guys support us all the time. that give us so much power and strength. So thank you so much for that and we’re really really sorry that we can’t be with you tonight. But tom and me we have something really exciting just coming out. It’s our brand new app. It’s a personal messenger. So we share a little bit of our private direct contact whit you guys. So we can’t wait for that. Celebrate tonight! just have the biggest, best party on earth and we see you guys really really soon.
Tom:Thank you so much
Bill: Happy Halloween and congratulations to all our aliens. Wow!, this is just incredible!. We just heared that you guys won the MTV OMA for Best fan army AGAIN. So… it’s the second year, this is just amazing. I don’t know what to say. You guys can be so proud yourself. We definetly are so proud to have fans like you, it just feels so good, ‘cause we’re still producing on our album. We’re working really, really hard on it and it feels really good to have fans like that and that you guys support us all the time. that give us so much power and strength. So thank you so much for that and we’re really really sorry that we can’t be with you tonight. But tom and me we have something really exciting just coming out. It’s our brand new app. It’s a personal messenger. So we share a little bit of our private direct contact whit you guys. So we can’t wait for that. Celebrate tonight! just have the biggest, best party on earth and we see you guys really really soon.
Tom:Thank you so much
я поначалу испугалась, что народ весь завис над Биллем и никто не сделал ни скринов ни видео
но ничоо. уже и гифки появились
купальнойшапочкой прятать?а плечи-то как раскачал
Билли! Томми!
Как полегчало)
теперь бы альбом новый
а чо это у Билля опять брове чорные и из-под шапки чото чорна торчит
щастье-то каукое!!!
that give us so much power and strength. So thank you so much for that and we’re really really sorry that we can’t be with you tonight. But tom and me we have something really exciting just coming out. It’s our brand new app. It’s a personal messenger. So we share a little bit of our private direct contact whit you guys. So we can’t wait for that. Celebrate tonight! just have the biggest, best party on earth and we see you guys really really soon.
Tom:Thank you so much
А тетенька как-будто под кайфом...
Том страсть как многословен
виалли виалли
- Нету слов!
- Это у Тома нету слов!
Блин, как точно
А вообще - прелесть, конечно