Translation by Swedengirl:
Reporter: Kenza is a big fan, and you’re kind of a guy who has groupies. How do you feel about groupies, is there like some parts you want to tell her and parts of mankind [the reporter speaks so fast and bllubla-blibla-ish so it’s hard to hear what he says].
Johan: NO.
читать дальшеReporter: You appreciate them?
Johan: Yeah, yes I do.
Reporter: What is the worst, or like the biggest a fan have done to you?
Johan: Eh.. yeah, biggest.. Very big is this big bag with candy, I got two bags like this of candy ..
Reporter: Ey I’m just going to turn you now..
Johan: This big, two bags like these with sweets I got one time. It was like 6 kilos in each.
Reporter: Allright. And you ate everything?
Johan: Ehum, no.. eh, I’m on it.
Reporter: You work on it?
Johan: I work on it.
Reporter: If you hear this now before the competitions end, don’t give Johan more candy because he will not have time to eat everything.
Johan: I’m gonna get diabetes.
Reporter: He will be a diabetic like the people in the U.S. :-: Tokio Hotel is something I guess that you’ve heard about since you came along. It feels like emo and all that have becoming new words.. do you have a really clue in what emo is, are you emo yourself, I don’t know…
Johan: But emo, is like.. well if you’re going to be finicky, is someone who listens to the music-style emotional hardcore, and have some kind of little more pop-punk-style that I don’t really get. Ehum… but I do not have anything against those who listens to that music-style, but no I don’t really like…
Reporter: Tokio Hotel, is that something you listen to?
Johan: I haven’t really heard so much about Tokio Hotel, I can’t really comment that..
Reporter: But hey we can say that Tokio Hotel are pretty bad, I dunno..
Johan: No, I don’t know..
Reporter: Ha I’m just kidding with you… *Kenza gives a killing look to the camera*
Johan: I’ve heard some song which was totally okey, I think it was Scream which sounded like any hardcore-song, they’re not special in any way.. But the singer’s style is pretty cool though but..
Kenza: You are a little bit like a mini-Bill, like he was when he was younger.
Reporter: Bill, who Bill?
Kenza: Bill, the singer, with the hair.
Reporter: Do you know how he looks?
Johan: Yes, he’s pretty cool though, but he looks like a girl *smiles*, no I also do that sometimes maybe, eh… *tries to be forgiven by Kenzas look xD* [Johan is very sweet, he cannot be mean, and the way he speaks and tries to gloss over the situation is so.. sweet.]
Reporter: How would you react if we say that Kenza was a fan of you, instead of Tokio Hotel, and she tattoo something in her neck and then like “wuhuw! Look what I got!”, how would you react?
Johan: I would think it were very fun and believe she was a mad human being who have done this, well that depends on how big I am though, but mostly fun.
video, видео,
Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель,
СМИ, пресса, press