02.02.2011 в 21:59

I'm not weird, I am limited edition(c)
Интересно, что говорят)
04.02.2011 в 19:22

On Regis target

Regis: Do you know what androgyny is? Androgyny is when one single being has the same male and female characteristics. And nowadays no one impersonates it as good as the vocalist of Tokio Hotel, the Bill guy.

Formely there were artist that overdid androgyny, but with an amazing musical quality, remember David Bowie, Nem Mato Grosso (brazilian musician), even Boy George and Prince. And nowadays, dude, the personification of that is on behalve of a band with very bad songs.

To try and understand a liitle bit more about this, I came here to Via Funchal to attend the show of Tokio Hotel and interview the fans to understand the why of so much free-collective-masshysteria. Let's see....


Regis: How big is the sacrifice of you bringing your daughters to a show where they are going to scream hysterically? How is their fanaticism and the kind of sacrifice you do?

Lúcia: The biggest sacrifice today, besides the line and all this confusion, it's today she [her daughter] had two school exams, early tomorrow she'll have another school exam...

Regis: She probably isn't even thinking of exams, right?

Lúcia: There's no way she is thinking of exams...

Leonilde: At the same time you let them but you worry to dead how it's going to be inside... We have already been there, so...

Regie: NO, I haven't been there, I didn't have this masshysteria level. Is it a bit worrying?

Leonilde: Yes, a lot.

Lúcia: Seems like when they are in group, they forget everything that mom and dad teached them at home.

Regie: Is it a little bit worrying the hysteria level that this kids have nowadays?

Marily: Worrying? yes, it is. But you have to know how to talk with your children, your grandchildren, nephews when you come here. We already been there, right? With Roberto Leal, Nelson Gonçalves (Brazilian musicians)...

Regie: NO, no, no, we haven't been there, no.

Regie: What drives these hysterical fans to scream like crazy in a moment when nothing is happing?

Ingrid: I think it's the jitterness, the anxiousness, it's a way to let go.

Gerson: I think no artist like it, I think it's unecessary.

Regie: So you think every artist it's displeased to receive all this, this obessession level?

Gerson: I would be. I think most are. They scream in your ears, they pull your shirt, would you like it?

Regie: No, of course not.

Regie: Believe it if you want to. I am here with Soraia that brought her daughter to the show, right? Believe it, if you want to, Soraia came to bring her daughter, BUT Soraia loves Tokio Hotel! Soraia?!

Soraia: From my heart! They are beautiful, they are kind and gentil... they waved from upstairs, I screamed a lot, almost lost my voice. But I can't go to the show, because I didn't managed to get a ticket.

Regie: So, otherwise you'd be there, screaming too?

Regie: OMG, yes, in the front row.

Regie: Unbelieveable, dude!

Regie:Do you think it can happen with TH what already happened with other bands, that had cute guys, had a legion of teen fans and those fans when they grew up, they stop liking them... do you remember Hanson?

Agnes: Yes, maybe. But there's a lot of older people that I saw in line that likes TH, it can happen or not, don't know.

Luciana: I am 33, and I'm here among these kids of 14-15. So, I think if they go through with what they have been doing so far, I think they will continue, yes.

Girl: I think every band has it's high point, one day they are very famous and the next they aren't, it happens.

Luísa: Look, my mother likes Queen until today.

Regie: Hey, but wait a minute, you don't want to compare Queen with TH?!

Luísa:For me it's the same. What she felt for Queen is what I feel for TH.

Press Conference

Regie: I would like to know the following. Every band that has a base of thousands of teen fans, usually after some time, they loose those fans when the fans grow up. I wanted to know from them, if they are already musically prepared for when that change occurs?

Bill: Oh, I see. Yeah. I think the last record was already a little bit different... (Bill talks in English, so I'm leaving this out. I'll add a transcript later)


Regie: How is it possible?! We found another mom that likes TH?! Really?

Márcia: Yes, I like them. I like their sound a lot, I think they play well, being teens they play very well.

Regie: This world is really lost, right?!

Regie: Tokio Hotel's sound it's a mix of the worst there is in Justin Bieber and Marilyn Manson. It's really an abnominal agressivity and unfortunately every time [season] has the androgynous idol it deserves.
Do you think it's easy to raise a girl that's fanatic for this lousy bands? It's not easy.