Folha - How will be the show ?
Bill Kaulitz - We are exited and anxious, mainly because we will meet our fans for first time. Be anywhere for the first time is a very nice experience.
F - In 2008, you had a hard throat infection. How did you feel ?
BK - It was the worst period of my life. I was afraid of losing my voice. I couldn't do anything. I had surgery and had to learn to sing again.
F - For the band, the image is as important as music ?
BK - What we do is music. Our intention is not to create an image. It just appear naturally. We have never had the intention of creating something that is not us.
F - Have you been prejudiced by the way you dress ?
BK - From cute young. Now, it doesn't bother me more, because I have chewed a lot of this for a long time. Is thing of the past.
F - What inspires you ?
BK - The best ideas come on tour. We are together and when we come together to make a new album, each other bring their ideas.
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