●1 - Bill Kaulitz - IG/1
● Tokio Hotel - IG/1

●2 - Bill Kaulitz - IG/2
●3 - Bill Kaulitz - IG/3: медиа: drive.google.com/file/d/19HPPrvQKFuTyitKv1sL8Xd...
●4-5 - Bill Kaulitz - IG/2512: www.instagram.com/p/Cc3Ueg2Jmok/
@kaulitzhills.podcast season 2 comes to an end! Final episode out now on @spotifyde „Staffel 2 - Die Party ist vorbei“ BUT we got extended for an even longer season 3 aaaaaahhhhhhhh @tomkaulitz and I couldn’t be more excited! We love doing this podcast so much and are overwhelmed how many people love our weekly „Senf“ and listen to our little boozy brother talk! Thank you guys so much for the love and also a big thank you to our spotify team @nikolaou.inc @wbxyz_ @saruulberlin and @studio71official Here we go!!!! Season 3 airs next week on wednesday! No breaks baby

Tokio Hotel (TW):
Feels like not many aliens monitor our “tweets & replies”...
(Такое ощущение, что не многие aliens следят за нашими «твитами и ответами»…)
гиф - twitter.com/tokiohotel/status/15192637280883712...