Ninette Murk - бывшая журналистка, одна из создателей движения "Дизайнеры против СПИД".
THE DEADBOLT: Some of your collaborations, like Tokio Hotel and DAA, you’ve already worked together back in December.

MURK: Yeah, several times. They are very motivated. Well, Bill [Kaulitz] is very motivated. He does his best. They are insanely busy promoting a new album and everything, but they are very, very motivated. I like that. I’d heard of them before, but I didn’t really know them. I didn’t know they had so many fans that were also very motivated. It was really surprising, because they started to call us and mail us and started to get money and send it to us. They all started their own little fundraisers, it was so fun and so nice. They are really cool people.