вторник, 01 февраля 2011
Молодая звезда модельного бизнеса
Чувственные губы, глаза Бэмби и нахальная короткая стрижка: Лейла Ходжич (16) представляет собой смесь голливудской звезды Вайноны Райдер и певца Билла Каулитца из Tokio Hotel.
Celebrities are always looking for new ways to wear their hair, and we the public are always like looking to celebrities for new hairstyle ideas. But sometimes celebrities go to the extreme. Mohawks: the good, the bad, and the ugly, seem to be a popular trend among rock stars and celebs alike. Some can pull the look off, but most can't.
Who do you think rocks the mohawk best? And would you ever rock this look?
2007.06.23 - Trabendo Session[36 min 12 sec]
2007.06.23 - Trabendo Session[36 min 12 sec]
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