Предыдущие записи 1 читать дальше●1-4 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/221: www.instagram.com/p/Cc0jf7vIG4o/ Have you already seen our #NEW 'ESSENTIAL' sweatshirt in black on @aboutyoude ? Our #NEW drop is waiting for you! Photography by @andybrawl & @Inszene Model @timgrupp Model @zhongtastic Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Project Manager @aennykin
+ (01.05.2022)
читать дальше●1-4 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/222: www.instagram.com/p/CdBrUkQIto_/ Keep calm and carry a fabulous bag Our brand new #mdla shopper 'ESSENTIAL' is out now! visit @aboutyoude and shop some new hot stuff #mdla #newhotstuff #essential #power #shopper Photography by @inszene.eu Model @billkaulitz Model @timgrupp Model @zhongtastic
+ (08.05.2022) ●1-4 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/223: www.instagram.com/p/CdT1XOIotEw/ Have you already seen our 'ESSENTIAL' shirt on @aboutyoude ? Our NEW drop is waiting for you! Photography by @andybrawl Photography by @inszene.eu Model @timgrupp Model @zhongtastic
+ (15.05.2022) ● MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/224: www.instagram.com/p/CdlqtuPoZMN/ Nothing is more comfy than wearing sweatpants during summer! Create your own comfortable jogging suit with our new 'ESSENTIAL' top for the day or our matching hoodie for the summer nights on @aboutyoude ! Photography by @inszene.eu Model @timgrupp Model @zhongtastic Model @billkaulitz
+ (22.05.2022) ● MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/225: www.instagram.com/p/Cd3xshZNvAf/ Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak. Which one is your favorite piece of our 'ESSENTIAL' drop ?
читать дальше ● MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/226: www.instagram.com/p/Cd8kEBoNiWt/ Beauty is an attitude and fashion is an instant language Tag someone who needs this shirt Photography by @inszene.eu Model @zhongtastic
+ (30.05.2022) ● MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/227: www.instagram.com/p/CeJzmoXN6Z8/ Keep it simple✖️ @timgrupp wearing the 'ESSENTIAL' sweater from our 'ESSENTIAL DROP' Discover all pieces on @aboutyoude Photography by @andybrawl Photography by @inszene.eu Model @timgrupp Model @zhongtastic
+ (02.06.2022)
● MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/228: www.instagram.com/p/CeUJKAeLgBK/ IF YOU LIKE IT - WEAR IT. ✖️Find your favorite #magdeburglosangeles pieces on @aboutyoude Photography by @inszene.eu Model @timgrupp Model @zhongtastic Model @billkaulitz
●1 - Густав - IG/457: www.instagram.com/p/CeO7JMVL_Ig/ Moin ihr Schnuggis, heute das erste mal wirklich vegan gekocht und ich muss sagen, dass ich selber total überrascht war! Sau lecker trotz „Ersatzprodukten“. Probiert es aus! ————————— by @robert_nowell_photography #vegan #risotto #spargel
+ (31.05.2022) ● Heidi Klum - IG: This was just before performing live with my husband . He is relaxed as can be. Me on the other hand … shaking like a little leaf. Those are the moments you never forget.
RB Leipzig отпраздновал свой триумф в Кубке Германии в берлинском клубе «Жемчужина». Помимо игроков, их жен и подруг и около 200 сотрудников были приглашены знаменитости. www.lvz.de/sport/regional/bilder-von-rb-leipzig...
* (полное название — «Клуб по игре с мячом на газоне Лейпциг», нем. RasenBallsport Leipzig, неофициально известен как «Ред Булл Лейпциг»)