Outside the hotels entrance are hundreds of girls and looking for the band OKEJ poped into and asked Bill to draw a duck. Hello! First of all, congrats Gustav, it's your birthday today! Gustav: Thank you! Though I haven't celebrated it at all, it's only been interviews whole day. But I don't complain. Or yeah, I complain a little. читать дальше I heard that you, Tom and Bill, celebrated your birthday recently in a very nice way! Tom: Yes, we rented an amusement park for ourselves and our friends. It was awesome! We could go on every ride as much as we wanted and didn't had to get in line. It was a dream come true. Crazy!
If there was an attraction on the amusement park with the name Tokio Hotel, how would it be?
Bill: It would be the fastest ride you experienced. It would go straight forward like a freeday really long, then suddenly spinn up, up, up til you were in the sky. Then it would stand still for a while til you suddenly will fall straight down to the ground really fast!
What's the most illegal you've done in a hotelroom?
Tom: There are very many illegal things we've done as we can't say here. But we've trashed some things here and there. One time we went really fast on little bikes in the hotel corridors. The hotelstaff nor the guests didn't like that so much...
Bill: At a hotel in Germany we trashed so much things so we aren't welcome back to that city anymore and play, haha!
What's the most idiotic you did as children?
Georg: I threw a rock through a window at a Mercedes. But it was by accident. It was actually meant to hit a friend in the head.
Tom: When we were about 6 Bill and I went to a cliff where people jumped bungy jumping. But we had no safety lines or anything. So we stood there and looked. If a gust of wind had came we could probably fell down but we were little and didn't understood it then. From one thing to another! What's the color of your underwear today?
Tom: Black.
Bill: Black.
Gustav: Blue and white-striped.
Georg: Black. It doesn't show when black underwear gets dirty! And the you can turn them inside out when you've had them for a while.
Would you ever pose naked for a magazine?
Tom: I mean, Im so good looking and there is already so much focus on my body...
Gustav: ...eh?
Tom: ... so I think it's enough. We should probably not have more attention to my nice body now. It's for the groups best.
Tell us about your first kiss!
Georg: [thinking]
Tom: Wasn't that the kiss you got from me yesterday?
Georg: Haha, no. I don't really remember the first one...
Tom: My first kiss was from the same girl as Bill got his first kiss from. It was a girl I was together with, and then Bill got together with her a month after we broke up. He usually takes my girls after me.
Bill: The first kiss is never good. It gets very wet and strange.
How should a normal Swedish girl do to get your attention?
Georg: Pull her shirt up!
Bill: They could color their hair in some crazy color and maybe have a big sign at our concerts. And learn German maybe. A good phrase is "Du hast so schöne augen". It means "You have beautiful eyes!"
Tokio Hotel's dreamgirl!
Face and legs: Jessica Alba.
Hair: Ashley Olsen.
Nose: Mary-Kate Olsen.
Butt: Jennifer Lopez.
Boobs: Pamela Anderson.
Feets: Angelina Jolie.
It's OKEJ... to think that Georg is a wimp! [says Tom]
Draw a duck, please!
Bill's duck:
Bill Kaulitz draw a duck and we asked a graphologist* to say who Bill is inside!
"There is a lot that spins in the head at this person. Many simple and obvious things. He has many amusing incidents and ideas - but the question is if he managed to achieve everything he wants to do? But despite the weirdness it's a person standing with both feet on the ground."
*a person who suggest and interpret people's cursive and drawings.
Do you still remember your reaction when you first saw the first part of Arthur and the Minimoys in the cinema, and heard your voice?
Bill: I had to get used there first of all to hearing my own voice. I do not like this since, actually, at all. Just, so, I was very critical of course what concerns my work on the film. However, after a while I was also really proud and thought only: ” Wow! ” I remembered immediately the days in the synchronous studio and how much work was this. But I just still knew exactly how much fun has done this and could enjoy it to see the final result, finally, on the canvas.
Have you been glad to lend your voice this small adventurer for Arthur and the Minimoys – the Rückker of the bad M. the second time?
Bill: Clear, I was properly excited again. Synhcronisation is for me still something new, for a long time there I am not so experienced as while singing. And when I have seen the film, then, I have felt properly at home. By the first part I have a right relation to Arthur and had immediately again desire to speak him once again. Far that is a piece anyhow also my film – and I feel nearly a kind of responsibility for Arthur.
Did you have before a notion, how would the action go on in the second part?
Bill: No, I was totally curious, above all like it goes on with Arthur and Selenia. Then the end of the film has also surprised me really totally, one sees this not coming at all. So or so the audience will do anyway a few quite new experiences with Arthur.
Would you say then that Arthur has changed?
Bill: He has been adult anyway a little bit, not least by all experiences which he has collected in the first film. For the fact that he is still so young he has experienced already quite a lot many crass things. This has made him surely more ripe. In addition, he has also taken over a big responsibility, while he has saved the Minimoys in the first part. He takes seriously this very much, in the end, the Minimoys lie to him incredibly with the heart. And above all he would like to protect of course Selenia, because, in the end, in that he is in love.
Do you have a favorite scene in the new film?
Bill: One of my dearest scenes is anyway when Arthur and Selenia kiss each other for the first time. Arthur comes later with the Minimoys in than expects and Selenia was quite really sad. He is afraid that it is disappointed and gets an absolutely wrong picture of him. Besides, he was all the time in thoughts with her and has been worried. When they kiss each other then, finally, this is a really intensive scene – and one really notices how falls in love the both are.
Do you run, actually, differently through the grass since you know that there the Minimoys live?
Bill: Well, I am not real anyway thus the physical freak. But this is not so bad in this case also at all, in the end, I must never do to myself in this manner the reproach that I maybe injure the Minimoys. So, my tip to everything: Comes to the cities and leaves the Minimoys in the wood and the meadows in peace!
The world of these small beings is totally foreign to you?
Bill: Anyhow already. But, nevertheless, one gets by the films suddenly desire to experience all these things also sometimes and to be even a Minimoy. All at once one has to sleep desire also sometimes in a flower or to fly with a ladybird by the area. Such scenes do Arthur’s adventure a real experience.