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You've got a busy year ahead of you. What are your plans exactly? Bill: Well, first we will do an elaborate tour. That requires a lot of preparation, which in turn takes a lot of time and effort. So, I'm trying to not too far ahead, haha.
What is so great about being Bill from Tokio Hotel? Bill: It is magnificent, indeed. But look, we're just some guys who really love music. Guys who love to perform. Once you're on stage and you see all those fans - it is simply a great feeling. But it's very hard to describe how it makes you feel exactly. читать дальше
What is the best gift you've ever received from a fan? Bill: Oh, I get lots of stuff. From sweet letters and stuffed animals to girls' panties. Sometimes fans send me demos they recorded themselves. I think that's really cool.
Who is your biggest idol? Bill: Oh, dear... Well, I am a big fan of David Bowie, of course. And Stereophonics. That's also a band I really like.
What is your biggest sin? Bill: I am a bit of a control freak. That is my most obvious negative trait, but at the same time it's also one of my best traits. It goes both ways.
When was the last time you got a speeding ticket? Bill: Haha, I like this question. But, no, actually I am a good driver. I have never been pulled aside for speeding or anything. Because I'm not someone who races as fast as he can once he reaches the highway, haha.
What time period would you enjoy living in? Bill: I would like to fast forward 30 years and look around a bit. To see if there are things like flying cars and aliens already. Also, I wouldn't mind living in the time of pirates.
What is your favourite domestic chore? Bill: I am a very organized and tidy person. However, I am not very fond of chores and cleaning. I don't mind cooking very much, but I wouldn't say I really enjoy that either...
How much money do you spend on your looks? Bill: Hmmm, I don't know the exact amount. What I do know is that our stage outfits are very expensive.
What are your favourite curse words? Bill: I don't really like cursing very much. We sometimes call Georg Hobbit, but that's a pet name more than anything, really.
What do you feel ashamed of? Bill: I don't easily feel embarresed. But now I feel that on some occasions in the past I have worn very wrong/ugly outfits, haha. But, ah well, those are things you learn from, right?
What would you do with a million? Bill: I would buy lots and lots of presents for my family and friends, spend a part of it for myself and put the rest in my savings account. Something like that..
What is the worst pick-up line you have ever heard? Bill: Hmm, when people walk up to me and act as if they don't know who I am. "Hey, what's your name?", haha. Terrible.
Do you notice any changes now the economy is in trouble? Bill: It's not going so well in the music industry. There are less performances and hardly any releases at the moment...
Pick one: fastfood or a home cooked meal? Bill: I don't really enjoying cooking, right? Augenzwinkern Sometimes I eat fastfood, but then I do choose vegetarian meals. If you're going to MacDonald's that means you can only get a cola or a milkshake...
What is the object you love most? Bill: My microphone! I use it the most and also I'm not much of a gadgetfreak.
Tokio Hotel has taken over the world; not only are they a hugely successful band in Europe, but they are also a top notch band in the United States. Just a few weeks ago; they won an award for Best Group at the EMA's; showing that they really do have what it takes. We were able to talk with the guys and fill you in how they plan on getting back in touch with their fans in the next year! читать дальше Alex Zawada: You just won an award for Best Group at the EMAs beating out Black Eyed Peas, Green Day, Kings of Leon, and the Jonas Brothers; how does it feel knowing you beat out such well known bands? Bill: It feels great and we were very honoured to even be nominated with those bands! We admire and respect them so much and winning that category is unbelievable. Thanks to our fans again… you are the best!
AZ: I know you are very well known in Europe, but how does it feel knowing the United States supports you just as much? Tom: We are thrilled. I mean being a young band from Germany and getting the chance to even release records in the States feels like a dream come true. Back when we were thirteen we just wanted to be discovered and look where we are now. I mean this is still only the beginning for us in the US but it’s already absolutely crazy. Bill: So far we had an amazing time on our US trips and we hope to come back very soon in 2010.
AZ: Fans have been wondering why there is such a great difference between translations for the lyrics of the songs on the Humanoid album? Bill: Well, you have to see them as two different versions. It’s not a one to one translation. But in general they have the same feeling and meaning. This time we wrote in English and in German at the same time.
AZ: What is your favourite song on the new album? Tom. When working on an album that long and so intensely, it is hard to pick a favourite song. I really like all of them. AUTOMATIC, NOISE and our next single WORLD BEHIND MY WALL are my faves at the moment, but that might change next week.. Bill: This is such a tough question, it’s like asking someone which of their own kids they like best! At the moment I am really into PHANTOMRIDER and DOGS UNLEASHED.
AZ: What's your most embarrassing moment on stage? Tom: It is more the time before we go on stage. We have huge stage fright, so nothing is worse than the minutes before going on stage. When we are up there everything is great.
AZ: What inspired you to get into music? Bill: Nobody or nothing in particular really inspired me. It just felt natural and I knew this is what I want to do for the rest of my life from the time I was about five years old.
AZ: If you could collaborate with anyone who would it be? All: STEVEN TYLER would be really cool…!
AZ: If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would you change? Bill: Make people understand that not paying for music is destroying the art and the artists – especially for the newcomers.
AZ: What can fans expect from you in the next year? Tom: We will be going on tour in 2010 and we are totally excited about that. Especially after such a long time in the studio it’s fantastic to go back on stage and meet all the fans. Bill: We’ve prepared some wicked stuff for this tour so everyone can expect some surprises. Hopefully we will be in the US toward the end of 2010 for concerts. | AZ: Do you have any advice for aspiring musicians? Bill: Follow your heart and be determined. Don’t let anybody tell you what you can or can’t do. Tom: And don’t follow any advice [laughs]
AZ: Is there something other than music that you might be interested in the future or is this something you want to do your whole lives? Tom: No, not really – this band is our life and we hope to be doing this for a long time. Bill: Exactly! Had this not worked out I have no clue what else I or we would have done – there is nothing else besides music that feels so perfect.
AZ: Is there anything you'd like to tell your fans here at Musiqtone? Bill: Yes, thanks so much for all your support. Without you we would not be here – see you in a town near you in 2010. http://www.musiqtone.com/interviews/major/tokiohotel_111809.php
то здесь можно почитать, кто такие Ингрид и Клаус, у которых гостили Билл и Том. Кстати, фамилия у них очень знакомая фанам ТН - Raab. На ютубе можно найти несколько видео с программами немецкого ТВ про Ингрид и Клауса.
"Я умный, вокруг козлы! Я честный, вокруг жулье! Я - гений, вокруг быдло! Я - д'Артаньян, все пидорасы!" (с)
Мировой Чарт MTV. Самые сексуальные мужчины года. 1)Роберт Патинсон 2)Джастин Тмберлэйк чипеньк! 3)Билл Каулиц 4)Чэйс Кроуфорд 5)Тэйлор Лотнер 6)Дарэн Кагасоф 7)Лил Вэйн 8)Джарэд Лето 9)Эштон Качер 10)Дэн Франклин Опять с пометками Ч.С. Я обожаю ведущих этого шоу-они жгут! Лора: Я должна тебе что-то сказать,Йохан.Только пойми меня правильно! мне нравиться акцент,особоенно испанский... Бла-бла-бла... Йохан: А мне нравиться немецкий акцент...Особенно в устах такой известной красавицы... *тут Ч.С. слегла,представляя,что он щас скажет Билл*...как Марлен Дитрих. Помнишь такую? Лора: Конечно,она еще выступала на церимонии VMA. Йохан: оО Лора: Шучу! Но я согласна,немецкий акцент он такой...сексуальный! Особенно мне нравиться акцент некоего Блла Каулица. Заставка...Клипы,встречи с фанатами и т.д. Лора: "Он вернулся. Билл Каулитц! После двух лет отсутствия он вновь вернулся: повзрослевший,возмужавший и с новой прической... *показывают отрывок из Automatic,где Билл в машине* Он стал еще привлекательней." Точных слов больше не помню,но помню,что его очень нахваливали... "Но свободно ли сердце,влюбился ли он? Сейчас Билл говорит,что самыми дорогими для него людьми являются брат Том и мама. *А как же отчим? оО* Возможно после операции на голосовые связки ему будет проще сказать: "Я люблю" своей девушке. Так что девушки идите на его концерт и верте в сказку-на сцену выходит король геля для волос и лака для ногтей Билл Каулитц! У него нет белого коня,но есть микрофон." Когда в конце стали перечеслять всех и дошли до призовой тройки,Йохан меня сразил на повал! "На третьем месте разместился очаровашка Билл Каулитц..." Я долго ржала,ибо никого они так мило не называли за все время шоу! Вобщем HOT,как всегда!
Джакарта - название Tokio Hotel все еще неизвестно в Индонезии. Но на международной арене они процветают с синглом 'Automatic' из альбома 'Humanoid'.
Это - группа немецкого происхождения из жанра рок-поп-эмо. Вокалист, который выглядит очень мило, но с причудливой, привлекающей внимание внешностью. Специально для фанаток. Вокальные способности? Абсолютно никаких сомнений. читать дальше
Название Tokio Hotel создали вокалист Билл Каулитц и гитарист Том Каулитц, которые являются близнецами. Название Tokio взято от Токио (город в Японии) в немецком написании. Отель - потому, что они часто пользуются гостиницами во время туров.
Ниже представлены треки альбома Tokio Hotel. Они оказывают очень сильное эмоциональное воздействие на слушателей.
Их работа во втором альбоме принесла Tokio Hotel звание Лучшей группы на MTV Europe Music Awards 2009. Им удалось опередить Green Day, Black Eyed Peas, dan Kings Of Leon. Wow..
10 место Он когда-то был абсолютным кумиром подростков - а сейчас? 2,3 процента опрошенных молодых людей выбрали андрогинного, накрашенного, длинного (hochtoupierten), увешанного цепями (kettenbehangenen), изможденныго и lederbemantelten (татуированного?) фронтмена немецкой группы Tokio Hotel в качестве раздражающей звезды. Невысокий старт в новом году для Билла Каулитца. http://www.sueddeutsche.de/leben/931/499212/bilder/ Кстати, на остальных местах 9 - Том Круз 8 - Бушидо 7 - Эми Вайнхауз 6 - Оливер Похер 5 - Дитер Болен, 4 - Бритни Спирс 3 - Lady Gaga 2 - Пэрис Хилтон
1 - Двойной удар по Биллу Каулитцу: он дважды попал в голосование. Его группа Tokio Hotel, несмотря на многочисленные награды, абсолютный раздражающий фактор - она сумела объединить 14,1 процентов голосов. http://www.sueddeutsche.de/leben/931/499212/bilder/?img=9.0
Annelies: The brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz Peter: They were sociable? Annelies: Yes they were sociable. Even on the background you could hear the other members of the band, they were also present they were hearable on the backgound it was really sociable. And talk talk talk.. Peter: Yes okay, thank you Annelies and then some unimportant talk XD читать дальше
Annelies: I asked them first about 2009, How was it for you and a new album, yeah how was that for you. Did it always go very well and mostly what was your absolute top moment? Bill: yeah the topmoment was definetly the release of our album, because we worked really long on the album and we didn't really know how the people will react to the album. Annelies: Translates in dutch what Bill said. And then he also said that the most exciting moment now is the tour. Peter: They'll be in Belgium on 25 Februari in Forest National in Brussels Annelies: Yeah, I expect lots of screaming girls then. But then I also asked them about the English/German combination, the songs they have Peter: yes, we play 'Lass uns laufen' for example, and then you have 'World behind my wall' and that's the same song then in English Annelies:Yes that means a big breakthrough, in South-America for example that they have English songs, And then I wondered is that different that you sing songs English German? Do they write that differntly? How does that go? Bill: Yes we did really write in 2 languages, that writing is diffently very different you get a totally new song then even if we sing it. And we don't know what we prefer to do. Annelies: Translates in dutch. And then I asked about maybe some co-operation with other artists. Because most fans will know that they're fans off Aerosmith. But there aren't any plans yet. But then I thought Tom, Bill's brother, he is a hip-hop fan. You know maybe there are plans to go to a hip hop co-operation or maybe an other artist, anyway listen to what they say to that Tom: That is erally difficult, whether it's a hip hop artist or another one, it's not easy to find on artist which you can really get along with. And TH is a band that makes music together and we've known each other for a very long time, and that is really necessary you really need to share something together to be able to make music together. Peter: What's really interessting when you say there's a TH interview coming is that you have TH lovers and people who don't like them that much, the haters you can say. did you ask someting about that too? Annelies: Yes, of course I had no other choice. How bad do they think it is, do they laugh with it. Bill: it is really terrible that you have people that really hate you, but it better that then that they think 'Scheiss egal' Annelies: Yes Sheiss egal, Bill actually says that it isn't that bad, because it doens't work without them, if people wouldn't care, TH wouldn't be able to excist. So actually they think it's good.Now it's TH love groups and hate groups. He says we love our fans very much and actually our haters too, they also make a part of what we are. Peter: Yes. I can hope you also said something about his hair? Don't disappoint me. Annelies: Yes exactly, I asked something about that too. I thought now were gonna now,so I suggest we listen to Bill Bill: It really doens't take that long, it's a routine. With showering it only takes about one hour. Annelies: Translates. So actually it's not that bad. And after that I also asked Tom, his brother, he got those pretty braids in his hair done by a hairdresser, Bill doesn't have one, Tom does. Peter: Some will say, you can tell that. Annelies: (laughs) I know, it could be. Peter: It was a good talk. Annelies: it was very good, yes Peter: Joked with Tokio Hotel, anyway the complete interview will be on the MNM site in a while and it's about 10 minutes Annelies: 10 minutes, yes Peter: Yes something like that, later on MNM.be. Anyway for all TH haters it's over! and for all the others check the site. And now will play their song cause they're in the list too on place 38.