понедельник, 14 сентября 2009
воскресенье, 13 сентября 2009
http://www.mediafire.com/?wqwdmttkzyo (12.85 MB)
Англ. текст
Interview with "Simosas Stiftelse" 9/9 2009.
On the site it says:
Germany's gift to the popworld is on a quick visit in Finland and of course they wanted to meet up with "Simosas stiftelse"...
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http://www.mediafire.com/?wqwdmttkzyo (12.85 MB)
Англ. текст
Interview with "Simosas Stiftelse" 9/9 2009.
On the site it says:
Germany's gift to the popworld is on a quick visit in Finland and of course they wanted to meet up with "Simosas stiftelse"...
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суббота, 12 сентября 2009
(Предлагаю самостоятельно поупражняться в переводе)
Your new album releases in the beginning of october, how satisfied are you with the result?
Bill: we're very satisfied, it's very exciting, because we've produced very long, worked very long at it. It's like a baby, you don't know what you're doing somehow. You're doing something you like and you're happy with it, and then the time comes when it's released, and we're really nervous.And we're really happy with it, we took our time, tried a lot of new things, and are really satisfied.
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Your new album releases in the beginning of october, how satisfied are you with the result?
Bill: we're very satisfied, it's very exciting, because we've produced very long, worked very long at it. It's like a baby, you don't know what you're doing somehow. You're doing something you like and you're happy with it, and then the time comes when it's released, and we're really nervous.And we're really happy with it, we took our time, tried a lot of new things, and are really satisfied.
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К этому призвал Том в своем блоге))

Я встала в 2 часа ночи, автобус отправился в Стокгольм в 03:50. В том же автобусе было 5 фанаток, но я никого из них раньше не знала. Мы приехали к NRJ примерно в 06:45. Был уже много поклонников, и, когда часы приблизились к половине восьмого, собралось 70-80 человек. Была классная атмосфера, много энергии в воздухе. Tokio Hotel находилась на дороге!
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Wir sind Eins wie Yin und Yang
Tokio Hotel: A Music Mix Q&A

Интервью близнецов Каулитц by Joseph Brannigan Lynch
Источник: music-mix.ew.com/category/qa/
Перевожу только само интервью, без предисловия
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Интервью близнецов Каулитц by Joseph Brannigan Lynch
Источник: music-mix.ew.com/category/qa/
Перевожу только само интервью, без предисловия
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пятница, 11 сентября 2009

1 Noise – Tom Kaulitz – Dave Roth
2 Dark side Of The Sun – Patrick Benzner – David Jost
3 Automatic – Tom Kaulitz – Bill Kaulitz
4 World Behind My Wall – David Jost – Dave Roth
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