Remeber Bill and Tom’s awesome ad for Peta some time ago? Now they are nominated at this years peta2 libby awards! Rock the vote NOW for Tokio Hotel in the categories „MOST ANIMAL FRIENDLY BAND“ and „BEST PETA2 AD“!!
Queen, Sydney [2,000,273] Monsters Of Rock festival, Moscow headlined by AC/DC, Tushino Airfield [1,600,000+] (**) Peace without Border Concert, (2nd edition) Havana sep 20, 2009 [1,500,000] (*** Rolling Stones Feb 2006 at Copacabana Beach [1,500,000] Garth Brooks in Central Park [980,000] (****) New York Philharmonic in Central Park [800,000] Steve Wozniak's 1983 US Festival [670,000] Summer Jam at Watkins Glen [600,000+] Isle of Wight Festival [600,000] Tokio Hotel in Paris, France [500,000+] Simon & Garfunkel in Central Park [500,000] Genesis, Turn It on Again: The Tour in Rome [500,000] Toronto SARS Benefit [450,000] Rock in Rio 1985 headlined by Queen and Iron Maiden [400,000] Woodstock 1969 [400,00]
Tom Kaulitz Меня вообще-то сложно вывести из себя.И как бы кто бы ни старался,я всегда сдерживаю свои эмоции.Но есть один человек,способный меня довести до бешенства.Каждый раз,когда я смотрю в зеркало,я понимаю,кто он:его имя начинается на Т,а фамилия на К.Понимаете,о ком я?! Bill Kaulitz Многие мои знакомые парни говорят,что это круто - каждый день тусоваться в компании новой подружки.Мне же кажется,что дело даже не в том,что это очень сомнительное удовольствие.Просто я абсолютно уверен,что на каждую новую девушку не хватит никаких нервов!
Gustav Schäfer of Tokio Hotel has spent the last months as an apprentice at a famous German restaurant perfecting the art of making Spätzle from scratch. He has invited 300 of his closest friends over for a giant holiday dinner and will be preparing over 500 pounds of Spätzle. He will be serving Spätzle und Saitenwürstle, Käsespätzle, Krautspätzle (my personal fave!) and a dessert of Kirschspätzle.
читать дальшеGeorg Listing of Tokio Hotel has spent most of the time enjoying the finer hotels in Europe with his girlfriend. He only goes to places with pools where he works daily on perfecting the butterfly stroke. He is storyboarding a new Tokio Hotel video where slow-motion images of him in the water will be featured, with his long wet hair flowing behind him. He has also taken up bareback horseback riding, and wants the video to also feature him riding shirtless and bareback in the video. Georg also is practicing a dive from the back of the horse into the water as part of the new video.
Tom Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel spends at last 7 hours a week having his corn rows rewoven. He has been having a crisis of vegetarianism and hangs out at Pink’s craving a hot dog, but so far, he has not succumbed and wolfed any down. He also gets weekly pedicures and has his toes painted with a vegan nail polish. Tom has also been spending a lot of time with Steve Vai improving his guitar techniques. Tom can also be found at the Ikea in Burbank most weekends.
Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel has become addicted to Lucky Charms and Silk Vanilla Soy milk. He skinny dips in his pool at all hours of the night. He also purchased a unicycle and practices around the neighborhood. He only wears the radioactive cow pants when practicing as he feels they bring him luck. Bill also lost Jumbie when he took it to Griffith Park to try flying it and a pitbull grabbed it and ran off with it.
Мы полагаем,что вы не станете сопротивляться этой идее, поскольку фанаты Tokio Hotel не отличаются ленью, особенно
в вопросах, направленных на возврат любимой группы в наши края)) А уж если группа в скором времени выпустит альбом, то вероятность осуществления задумки возрастет в разы! Мы попрактиковались на Муз-ТВ, теперь мы обязаны повторить успех))
Сегодня на сайте NCA мы увидели акцию: "Привези артиста".
Девушка Nina уже предложила Tokio Hotel в Санкт-Петербурге. Мы же создали заявку на концерт Tokio Hotel в Москве.
This girl claims Martin at Cherrytree told her in private that the song Bill did with another artist/group will come out next year. She also says she knows who it's with.