Tokio Hotel: давление и напряжение продолжает нарастать
Про работу над новыи альбомом (на основе интервью Дэвида Йоста)
пятница, 04 ноября 2011
10: Maite Kelly
9: Papst Benedikt der XVI.
8: Sarah Knappik
7: Cosimo Citiolo
6: Angela Merkel
5: Pietro Lombardi und Sarah Engels
4: Indira Weis
3: Gina-Lisa Lohfink
2: Lena Meyer-Landruth
1: Daniela Katzenberger
Билл Каулитц вошел в Топ-100, но в десятку не попал. Сдаем позиции... ))))
9: Papst Benedikt der XVI.
8: Sarah Knappik
7: Cosimo Citiolo
6: Angela Merkel
5: Pietro Lombardi und Sarah Engels
4: Indira Weis
3: Gina-Lisa Lohfink
2: Lena Meyer-Landruth
1: Daniela Katzenberger
Билл Каулитц вошел в Топ-100, но в десятку не попал. Сдаем позиции... ))))
Уточнение: Билл на 16 месте
Top Lady magazine 3/2011 Венгрия
Bill: I like the animals, we have 4 beautiful dogs, we have adopted them from animal shelters.
Tom: And it's also important to say that we're vegetarians for two years.
Bill: PETA wanted us to support their campaing. The campaign was about not to close the wild animals to cages, not to take them to circus. On the pictures, we tried to identify with this problem.
Will you continue this campaign in Germany too?
Bill: This project has ended, but naturally we always stand up at the side of protecting animals and maybe we'll start an own campaign. The band have always like to stand up next to important issues.
You've been a part of in the campaign of PETA that has been found to help animals. How it felt like to have a photoshoot like this?
Tom: The pictures are really nice... Bill: I like the animals, we have 4 beautiful dogs, we have adopted them from animal shelters.
Tom: And it's also important to say that we're vegetarians for two years.
Bill: PETA wanted us to support their campaing. The campaign was about not to close the wild animals to cages, not to take them to circus. On the pictures, we tried to identify with this problem.
Will you continue this campaign in Germany too?
Bill: This project has ended, but naturally we always stand up at the side of protecting animals and maybe we'll start an own campaign. The band have always like to stand up next to important issues.
by selenia.
четверг, 03 ноября 2011

Хотя в Дрездене не существует "аллеи славы", но есть "дверь славы", на которой увековечены более 50 знаменитостей. Niko Pavlidis, хозяин Karl-May-Bar в отеле Кемпински, не может обойтись без напоминаний о своих гостях. На обратной стороне двери, ведущей на склад, хранятся автографы более, чем 50 знаменитостей. А началось это коллекционирование в 2005 году. Хозяин гордится тем, что на двери оставили автографы Enrique Iglesias, Udo Lindenberg, Depeche Mode, Mario Barth, Armin Müller-Stahl, Tokio Hotel, Die Toten Hosen, Jon Bon Jovi и даже Tom Hanks.