Back for another year of toasting the fan's favorites in entertainment and social media, The O Music Awards announced their 2011 winners on a webcast airing on Monday night (October 31).
Taking home the top prize of the evening was German rock band Tokio Hotel being awards the Fan Army FTW trophy while Demi Lovato snagged Best Artist With a Cameraphone and Adam Lambert garnered the Must-Follow Artist on Twitter accolade.

We don’t know how you’re still standing (we would be beat to hell from all that voting), but, Aliens, give yourself a weary round of applause: You truly are the O Music Awards’ Fan Army FTW.
We’ve seen you out there, Aliens, voting since the very second we announced the nominees. You really are an army, having positively demolished your competitors yet again.
All hail the reigning champs of musical obsession: The Aliens. Now, guys, seriously — go to sleep!
Видео-обращение Билла и Тома
Bill: Happy Halloween and congratulations to all our aliens. Wow!, this is just incredible!. We just heared that you guys won the MTV OMA for Best fan army AGAIN. So… it’s the second year, this is just amazing. I don’t know what to say. You guys can be so proud yourself. We definetly are so proud to have fans like you, it just feels so good, ‘cause we’re still producing on our album. We’re working really, really hard on it and it feels really good to have fans like that and that you guys support us all the time. that give us so much power and strength. So thank you so much for that and we’re really really sorry that we can’t be with you tonight. But tom and me we have something really exciting just coming out. It’s our brand new app. It’s a personal messenger. So we share a little bit of our private direct contact whit you guys. So we can’t wait for that. Celebrate tonight! just have the biggest, best party on earth and we see you guys really really soon.
Tom:Thank you so much
Bill: Happy Halloween and congratulations to all our aliens. Wow!, this is just incredible!. We just heared that you guys won the MTV OMA for Best fan army AGAIN. So… it’s the second year, this is just amazing. I don’t know what to say. You guys can be so proud yourself. We definetly are so proud to have fans like you, it just feels so good, ‘cause we’re still producing on our album. We’re working really, really hard on it and it feels really good to have fans like that and that you guys support us all the time. that give us so much power and strength. So thank you so much for that and we’re really really sorry that we can’t be with you tonight. But tom and me we have something really exciting just coming out. It’s our brand new app. It’s a personal messenger. So we share a little bit of our private direct contact whit you guys. So we can’t wait for that. Celebrate tonight! just have the biggest, best party on earth and we see you guys really really soon.
Tom:Thank you so much
понедельник, 31 октября 2011
Билл и Том- приложение: у меня нет айфона 

Хэллоуин пришел и познакомит вас с певцами, которые живут интенсивно в течение всего года.Вокалист немецкой группы Tokio Hotel имеет преувеличенно андрогинный вид.

Билл Каулитц
Это один из наиболее ярких примеров. Солист Tokio Hotel выглядит даже не метросексуалом, трудно найти определение для его стиля. Щуплый, как девушка, накрашенный и natapirowany он не выглядит мужчиной или даже мальчиком. То и дело появляются сообщения о неоднозначных ситуациях, связанных со звездой и разными мужчинами. Но поклонники Билла настаивают, что он не гей. Его стиль поражает их.
Хотите увидеть знаменитостей без мейка?
Билл Каулитц пожертвовал чубом и здесь он с нормальной прической.