суббота, 01 октября 2011

пятница, 30 сентября 2011

2. В Tokio Hotel не было необходимости
Неверно! В 2003 фронтмен Tokio Hotel Билл Каулитц был на шоу Sat.1 "Star Search" в категории „Music Act von 10 bis 15 Jahren“ - и вылетел в следующием раунде. Классическая ошибки (недооценка) жюри.
Появился слух, что в tokiohotel.de будет чат, чтобы поговорить с Tokio Hotel.
*Пишут со ссылкой на твиттер Натали Франц. Разве у нее есть твиттер? *
Tokio Hotel
Ready for take off
Sold out concerts, hordes of screaming girls ... The arrival of Tokio Hotel never goes unnoticed. For their 2008 tour, the successful Germand pop rock band relied on the technical knowhow of WIcreations. This cooperation was literally skyrocketing.
WIcreations built a flying platform with a diameter of 6 meters for the boys from Magdeburg, which the band used to land on stage. The band was enchanted with their gimmick. And the fans even more so.

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Ready for take off
Sold out concerts, hordes of screaming girls ... The arrival of Tokio Hotel never goes unnoticed. For their 2008 tour, the successful Germand pop rock band relied on the technical knowhow of WIcreations. This cooperation was literally skyrocketing.
WIcreations built a flying platform with a diameter of 6 meters for the boys from Magdeburg, which the band used to land on stage. The band was enchanted with their gimmick. And the fans even more so.

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