понедельник, 26 сентября 2011

Швед Tommy Denander, участвовавший в записи альбомов Tokio Hotel.
На youtube выложили "пустышки" нового альбома - есть какие-то названия и никакого звука
*Маша Собко завоевала второй приз конкурса "Новая волна" *
Привет!) Тебе нравится Tokio Hotel?
Мой брат слушает ! ) я нет хотя поп рок когда-то в 17 лет мне нравился)
Привет!) Тебе нравится Tokio Hotel?
Мой брат слушает ! ) я нет хотя поп рок когда-то в 17 лет мне нравился)
Spevák z Tokio Hotel zmenil imidž
Какой имидж Билла нравится больше?
- предыдущий
- новый
- ни один
воскресенье, 25 сентября 2011
My father is an assistant producer at HBO and he looks at and analyzes charts for the popularity of past TV series and sort of like compares them with a test group who watch pilots of new tv series. He basically sees what works with which demographic and what will bemost successful. Anyway~!! /boring
so this is the news: he knows I am a TH fan so yesterday he mentioned to me that he saw something i might be interested in.. on the list of shows that will be aired in Spring 2012 there was a show called "Kaulitz Brothers: Radio Hysteria" or something like that, I can't quite remember, but it was optioned for HBO internationally and it's under the category reality tv!! I have no idea what it could be, but ummm, who cares right? kind of amazing. I'll post more if I can find out more!!
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so this is the news: he knows I am a TH fan so yesterday he mentioned to me that he saw something i might be interested in.. on the list of shows that will be aired in Spring 2012 there was a show called "Kaulitz Brothers: Radio Hysteria" or something like that, I can't quite remember, but it was optioned for HBO internationally and it's under the category reality tv!! I have no idea what it could be, but ummm, who cares right? kind of amazing. I'll post more if I can find out more!!
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суббота, 24 сентября 2011
Gala #39 (Германия)