сообщает, что, как выяснилось, новости MTV Europe о новом альбоме Tokio Hotel были основаны на информации от самих фанов.
Текст сообщенияMTV Europe news about new album = false We have found out that MTV Europe is saying that WE are the source of the official album news. We would just like to go on record as saying THAT IS 100% NOT TRUE. The article they read on here is this text from OK Magazine from Croatia. Which, as you guys know, most of these magazines are just cobbled together half-facts, old news and stuff they make up. (post they are claiming that we said TH is releasing an album) So, to clear this up, and WE ARE LOOKING AT YOU, MTV EUROPE, the news of a new album from Tokio Hotel is NOT TRUE until Tokio Hotel themselves announces it. Hopefully, they will show some integrity and admit that there information is not correct so fans that are already complaining that “Tokio Hotel better not be late!111!!!11!” when Tokio Hotel has not even said they are making a new album will SIMMER DOWN. Sorry, had to go on a rant. (probably overused CAPS as well, but grrrrrrrr!) This kind of stuff is irritating and damaging to the reputation of the band.
Таким образом, у нас по-прежнему нет никакой официальной информации о новом альбоме.
А чего мы ждем от нового альбома? Каким представляем его себе?
[...]Во второй половине 1990-х годов, устав от разочарований, подростки перестали воспринимать информацию из СМИ, и индустрии пришлось переключиться на еще более молодую аудиторию 12–13 лет. Тогда возникли рафинадные бойз-бенды, кукольные группы типа Spice Girls и хорошая девочка Бритни Спирс.
К концу 2000-х этот ход также перестал приносить необходимые дивиденды, и на авансцену уже без всякого стеснения были выдвинуты настоящие дети: пять лет назад — 16-летние «псевдоэмо» Tokio Hotel, а в прошлом году вестником грядущего апокалипсиса к нам явился 12-летний вундеркинд Джастин Бибер — главный объект ненависти взрослых людей и «такая лапочка» по мнению школьниц младших классов. [...]
Ex Teen band Tokio Hotel prefers to stand on the stage in Asia, than in this country
читать дальшеFor over 2 years, Tokio Hotel seems to be swallowed by Earth. Dream-Teen-band at this moment prefers their international career, instead of taking care of fans here - and despite of that, girls are still loyal to them.
East German art was never so good: identical twin Bill (Singer) and Tom Kaulitz (guitarist), bass-player Georg Listing and drummer Gustav Schäfer were 6 years ago with such a hits as 'Durch den Monsun', 'Schrei' or 'An deiner Seite' successfull Popstars, who spreaded their vanity in all kind of media. Sold out Tours, screaming girls and such a prices like Bambi, Echo or various MTV Awards were for now 22 to 24 years old musician, just a every-day reality. After release of the third album, in 2009, they wanted to breathe a worldwide air, not only German, and, according to their Record Company, made a 'media break' for Germany. That means no interviews, no concerts, no Tv apperances, nearly nothing from the scene.
In the beginning of the 'German break' female fans were in tears everyday. Meanwhile, they dried, and in this country you can't hear anything about TH, cause those diehards are fighting for the attention in America and Asia. "Trend shows that international traffic about Tokio Hotel in Internet is still very high" says Andreas Kraus, menaging direct from SUnlab GmbH Company in Aschaffenburg, who has a website: "In Germany, requests are a little bit on lower levels. This topic is for us a little bit out." Despite the last entries on the forum from May 2011, Andreas Kraus won't close the wbesite. "Even though we don't have large number of new registrations, some fans replace others on the website. And only few of them cancelled our Newsletter." says Krays, who has reduced his work on the technical side of the website.
You can't be sure about also about actual location of the official Fanclub, who at first wanted to express their opinion, but then, just like a record company, they had no better information. However, much more opened are old TH fans, who are happy for they steps abroad, despite the fact that they miss them. "We can always say with a proud, that this successfull band comes from Germany" says Sina Hernandez from Essen, who is excited about the band from the very beginning, and met band members on the concerts, in front of the hotels and during Autograph sessions. "First time I was so nervous, but then I saw that they are exttremly nice and whats more, Tom is exactly so sassy and funny as you can see him during interviews." This 20 years old schoolgirl experienced Tokio Hotel concerts 12 times, and is still impressed: "They stand out from others with their Look and self-written songs and despite the success, they are down to the earth. Sina also thinks, that their few years abscense won't mean that the German fans will forget them. "When they will be somwehere around me again, I will buy a ticket for sure." she says exicted.
Many others fans are sure, that the big hype around Tokio Hotel is in Germany definately gone. "However, they will still be successfull and will establish their name in music industry." thinks 23 years old Sabi K. from Hanhofen. The banker is a fan since 2007, and is linked to all new friendships and exciting experiences, like a trip for a concert to Nancy. "I met so many people, I can't imagine my life without them now. This is except the music, the most beautiful, personal gift, that guys gave to me, even If they don't know it" Sabi explains theit connection to TH. Whats more, in their opinin, popgroup had a big impact on their lives. "Since I'm a fan, I've noticed, who is really my friend. There were people, who didn't want to know me, just because of TH!"
That's why Sabi forgive boys, as they are called by their fans, current abscence. She thinks that distance from the spotlight is good for Bill and Tom, who live in Los Angeles now. "I don't understand when someone is not a fan anymore because of their moving, or when someone says he hates them." say Sabi, and she's close to TH everyday and goes not only with their music under her body. As a dedication to the band, she has their song title: In your shadow I can shine, tatooed on her left arm.">For over 2 years, Tokio Hotel seems to be swallowed by Earth. Dream-Teen-band at this moment prefers their international career, instead of taking care of fans here - and despite of that, girls are still loyal to them.
East German art was never so good: identical twin Bill (Singer) and Tom Kaulitz (guitarist), bass-player Georg Listing and drummer Gustav Schäfer were 6 years ago with such a hits as 'Durch den Monsun', 'Schrei' or 'An deiner Seite' successfull Popstars, who spreaded their vanity in all kind of media. Sold out Tours, screaming girls and such a prices like Bambi, Echo or various MTV Awards were for now 22 to 24 years old musician, just a every-day reality. After release of the third album, in 2009, they wanted to breathe a worldwide air, not only German, and, according to their Record Company, made a 'media break' for Germany. That means no interviews, no concerts, no Tv apperances, nearly nothing from the scene.
In the beginning of the 'German break' female fans were in tears everyday. Meanwhile, they dried, and in this country you can't hear anything about TH, cause those diehards are fighting for the attention in America and Asia. "Trend shows that international traffic about Tokio Hotel in Internet is still very high" says Andreas Kraus, menaging direct from SUnlab GmbH Company in Aschaffenburg, who has a website: "In Germany, requests are a little bit on lower levels. This topic is for us a little bit out." Despite the last entries on the forum from May 2011, Andreas Kraus won't close the wbesite. "Even though we don't have large number of new registrations, some fans replace others on the website. And only few of them cancelled our Newsletter." says Krays, who has reduced his work on the technical side of the website.
You can't be sure about also about actual location of the official Fanclub, who at first wanted to express their opinion, but then, just like a record company, they had no better information. However, much more opened are old TH fans, who are happy for they steps abroad, despite the fact that they miss them. "We can always say with a proud, that this successfull band comes from Germany" says Sina Hernandez from Essen, who is excited about the band from the very beginning, and met band members on the concerts, in front of the hotels and during Autograph sessions. "First time I was so nervous, but then I saw that they are exttremly nice and whats more, Tom is exactly so sassy and funny as you can see him during interviews." This 20 years old schoolgirl experienced Tokio Hotel concerts 12 times, and is still impressed: "They stand out from others with their Look and self-written songs and despite the success, they are down to the earth. Sina also thinks, that their few years abscense won't mean that the German fans will forget them. "When they will be somwehere around me again, I will buy a ticket for sure." she says exicted.
Many others fans are sure, that the big hype around Tokio Hotel is in Germany definately gone. "However, they will still be successfull and will establish their name in music industry." thinks 23 years old Sabi K. from Hanhofen. The banker is a fan since 2007, and is linked to all new friendships and exciting experiences, like a trip for a concert to Nancy. "I met so many people, I can't imagine my life without them now. This is except the music, the most beautiful, personal gift, that guys gave to me, even If they don't know it" Sabi explains theit connection to TH. Whats more, in their opinin, popgroup had a big impact on their lives. "Since I'm a fan, I've noticed, who is really my friend. There were people, who didn't want to know me, just because of TH!"
That's why Sabi forgive boys, as they are called by their fans, current abscence. She thinks that distance from the spotlight is good for Bill and Tom, who live in Los Angeles now. "I don't understand when someone is not a fan anymore because of their moving, or when someone says he hates them." say Sabi, and she's close to TH everyday and goes not only with their music under her body. As a dedication to the band, she has their song title: In your shadow I can shine, tatooed on her left arm.