2011.07.23 By NATSUMI
All the female fans of TH have been waiting for a long time. Right away I will upload the interview of TH for the VMAJ show. Due to the limited 10-minute time, I could not ask all the questions collected from Blog and Twitter, but the 4 lovely boys tried their best to answer the questions.
On June 24th, although I was preparing the ELLEgirl NIGHT, I decided to interview TH anyway. Here I would like to thank the staff for your concern.
читать дальшеHere are Gustav, Bill, Tom, Georg from the left. I thought they got jet lag, but actually they looked very fresh when they entered the interview room.

--The interviews you guys took before have made a stir all around the world. The interview was translated into, of course, English, and also French, Thai, Russian and other languages, and put on web. There are also comments written in English, French and German in my blog.
Bill: (very glad) Yeah, that’ so amazing, right? It’s unbelievable.
--This time I told fans I would interview TH, so in recent days I received a large number of questions from Uruguay, Russia, Italy, China and etc. Fans all over the earth want to ask you questions. They wrote something like this: if you would come to Japan, we hope you come to Kyusyu; or we hope you can come to Uruguay or Moscow. They all hope TH can come to their local place.
Bill: I see. We’d love to. All the fans keep eyes on your blog, right?
--Yeah, I notice that TH’s fans share close contacts.
Well, let’s get started. Let’s see how many questions you can answer.
Do you find any place or store you liked in Tokyo? (From KANA)
Bill: To be honest, we don’t have opportunities to look around or even free time. Especially this time we just stay for 2 nights. We spend all our time on interviews or shows (rehearsal and activities included), so we don’t have any chance to ramble. But in the first visit to Japan, I had 30 minutes to have a look at some beautiful and fashionable people.
--Where is it? Harajuku or Shibuya?
Bill: Yeah, we were very happy to shop in some small stores. So we are planning to come back to Japan to shop around.
TOKIO HOTEL interview vol.2 ②
2011.07.23 By NATSUMI
Because of the limited time, we kept on the interview. The interview was taken on June 24th, the day before VMAJ, when they held the unplugged concert at Audi.

--Do you like Kimono or Yutaka? (From Sindy who wears Yutaka in Audi activity)
Bill: Really? We like it. (Eyes shining) Last time we received Kimono as presents. Every morning we woke up in Kimono.
Tom: Last time I took a picture with two girls in Kimono.
Bill: Yeah, yeah.
--But if you wear Kimono in the show, it must be different style with your songs.
Bill: Hahaha. That’s right. Maybe we have to prepare some black Kimono with rivets.
Tom: (Laugh) Georg may wear Kimono tomorrow in VMAJ.
Georg looks like to say no with a cool smile.
--Please tell us in what kind of mood are you going to perform tomorrow in VMAJ? We know this show is to help and support the victims in the earthquake in Northeast of Japan.
Bill: Aid is absolutely most important. We really appreciate the opportunity of taking part in this activity. I think it’s awesome that MTV organizes the aid. The successive aids are quite important. People band together and donate. All of these are important. We really want to be one part of them and support them, so it’s our honor to perform in VMAJ tomorrow.
TOKIO HOTEL interview Vol.2 ③
2011.07.23 By NATSUMI
--In the previous interview, your favorite movies and composition you mentioned echoed among all the fans. I wonder if you have ever been saved by music. When you are depressed, you feel like you are saved by one song, something like this.
All the band members: Absolutely and all the time.
Tom: I think we are saved by composing. Otherwise, Bill has nowhere to go.
All: Laugh.
Bill: Music saves people anytime in no matter what kind of situation or emotion. Many staff and Tom write best songs all the way.
--When you write songs, do you have “bringing the hope to everybody” in mind?
Bill: Firstly, I always think about everyone’s idea and write them down. I like tours best, because I can share my feeling with others. Then I know what they are thinking. I received letters from fans written “ your songs save me”. Anyway, we are very happy. So music helps people in 100 percent. When fans told us that our songs can help them, we are so proud of ourselves.

--Gustav and Georg, have you ever been saved by music?
Georg: To Gustav and me, I believe all the time that I have nothing to do except music. If I was not in the rehearsal room, I should have been idling in the streets all day along.
Tom: Like patrolling.
Gustav: We must work in post office.
Tom, Bill: Laugh.
Georg: It may be because we got in touch with music when we were teenagers. That was very important. (Georg often made collusion.)

The interview time is 10 minutes only including shooting!!!
Only 4 minutes left, but we have much more questions.
TOKIO HOTEL interview Vol.2 ④
2011.07.23 By NATSUMI
--Fans’ questions: would you mind telling us your magic code of skin care? (From DESI)
Tom: Is it the question we should ask? (Laugh) Girls love to ask some questions about our skin.
Georg: Mine is…… (Touching his face and hair)
Bill: Proactiv? (Looking at Georg)
Tom: Your hair is nice. (Everyone is looking at Georg.)
(We can see Georg’s skin and hair is best.)
Bill: I do nothing on purpose.
Tom: I use the soap provided by hotel all the time.
Bill: To me, it’s the sun. I think it’s not bad to bathe in the sunshine. At least I always do that. People say the sunshine makes skin look old, but I don’t really care.
Bill: Even if something is wrong in the skin, I get tanned and nothing can be seen. (Laugh)

As everyone gets to relax, little time left.
TOKIO HOTEL interview Vol.2 ⑤
2011.07.23 By NATSUMI
--Tom, some fans want to ask why you wear a beard. (From bk89. At that moment, Bill is not wearing a beard, so I just ask Tom)
Tom: I have no idea. Maybe it’s because it looks good, so I start to wear.
Bill: It’s much easier, isn’t it? Comparing to shaving the beard everyday…...
Tom: If I shave my beard everyday, my skin will be rough like Bill’s.
Bill: The good thing is that the freckles can be hidden.
Georg: It took half a year to grow the beard like this long. (Laugh)
(Gustav is toughing his own face, but nobody notices that. It seems that everyone doesn’t pay attention to his face.)
--We notice that Bill developed his muscles. Did you do any exercises?
Bill: We go to the GYM together, when Tom is doing exercises.
--Do you guys have twitter account? (From Jasminev)
Tom: We have an official one, but we don’t have private twitter account.

@темы: photo, фото, Tom Kaulitz, Том Каулитц, Georg Listing, Георг Листинг, Gustav Schafer, Густав Шефер, interview, интервью, Bill Kaulitz, Билл Каулитц, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель