суббота, 31 октября 2009

Interview soyoutv France.zip http://www.mediafire.com/?5wooddy52xx
Interview soyoutv France.flv http://www.mediafire.com/?2tnwzol2tuz (не полное видео)
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*Весь концерт*
File description: MTV Day GreeceFile size: 604.97 MB
пятница, 30 октября 2009

"We have done many forbidden things!"
Outside the hotels entrance are hundreds of girls and looking for the band OKEJ poped into and asked Bill to draw a duck.
Hello! First of all, congrats Gustav, it's your birthday today!
Gustav: Thank you! Though I haven't celebrated it at all,
it's only been interviews whole day. But I don't complain. Or yeah, I
complain a little.
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Do you still remember your reaction
when you first saw the first part of Arthur and the Minimoys in the
cinema, and heard your voice?
Bill: I had to get used there first of all to hearing my
own voice. I do not like this since, actually, at all. Just, so, I was
very critical of course what concerns my work on the film. However,
after a while I was also really proud and thought only: ” Wow! ” I
remembered immediately the days in the synchronous studio and how much
work was this. But I just still knew exactly how much fun has done this
and could enjoy it to see the final result, finally, on the canvas.
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Wir sind Eins wie Yin und Yang
Немцы ловят ритм ;-D
Wir sind Eins wie Yin und Yang