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Tokio Hotel: Hello!
Your new album is called Humanoid, what is the main theme?
Yes ... Then it would damage an album has a subject ... there are several subjects inspired our lives, our environment and things that happened during the year where we worked on the new CD.
The cover of the disc, representing you in Humanoid, exudes a certain melancholy and almost frightening. What do you think?
Yes ... But the young think about life ... and they come to them to be sad ... They may be worried ... and then comes a certain sadness, melancholy. But on this album there are still songs gay ... In fact, it is very mixed ... And then you know we are young and this album reflects us ...
You recorded the album in two languages, German and English, is that there were difficulties in re-record your songs in German, English?
This time we wrote and produced the album in two languages ... so before we chose pieces ... The so ... preferred and it was the result ... This time we have done differently but it took a lot more work ... more time. And it's worth it because English and German are part of the identity of Tokio Hotel.
The France loved you from the start. What relationship do you have with France?
La France is an important country for us ... We really love coming here ... France is the first country after Germany where we met with success ... We're planning our new gigs and we will of course in France ...
You've sold millions of records, all your rounds are complete, you have hordes of fans, how do you handle this constant pressure?
We manage this popularity more or less ... There are phases where it goes and others or it will not ... moments where we do not know how we'll do, where we did not want to go on stage ... Sometimes we're intimidated, we believe that we will not succeed ... but more often it makes us really happy ... The scene is like a drug.
Is the gap between your reality and what you expect of your fans does not scare you?
People have a certain image of us which is quite different from reality. It is a world of appearances ... But it's normal that the show business sustenance of a certain illusion ... It is in fact what
People want to see. The public can not imagine that behind the scene and lit it yal'envers beautiful decor, things not necessarily very aesthetic. For what is our life, our fans need to realize that reality is different ... and sometimes we are there to explain this reality ...
You say that this album is the best group, why? You also say that in this album there is a trend, which one?
Yes I agree with that. We always think the last album is the best because you just do it and that is full of enthusiasm. We are very pleased with this album. This is a normal development, we grew, we made a lot of concerts, met with various public, spent much time in the studio ... We're probably more relaxed. But we all still love our old songs.
What infuriates Tokio Hotel?
We do not like people greedy and arrogant. We also have a problem with authority ... We do not like that when we are told to do this or that ... We prefer to take decisions independently ...
Are you the spokesman of a generation?
In general, this is not a simple task. We still try to reach the maximum number of people with our songs, our texts and give them a way to identify ... In general, in our texts, we tell what touches us in the hope that it will also affect our public and think it will do.
How would you describe the perfect fan of Tokio Hotel?
The perfect fan fun listening to our music and he likes what we do, that makes her happy. But it does not download our songs illegally on the internet!
We just celebrated the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, it's what inspires you? For us, this is not very important, we grew up in a reunified Germany. We were told this episode, but we have not lived ...
Thank you! Bye.
@темы: interview, интервью, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель, TH-video, ТХ-видео