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Tenderness, love, sex – Bill’s Kaulitz (20) little friend in his pants is dead to the world. Is he afraid of girls? Is he really happy?
The rest of the band has gone wild. Georg: He is the only one Th-boy who has a sweet girlfriend. He is together with his girlfriend from Magdeburg for 8 month. Georg: We met each other on the party. I don’t tell you her name or go out with her!” читать дальше
Tom: Blonde or brunet – Tom loves all the girls and he was never burnt by love. He’s last affair: Chantelle (21) DJ-girl from Flipsyde. Is it big love? Tom:”No. just flirt. But I already want to fall in love. “
Gustav: Even Gustav is known by hot flirt. But he does it often carefully, he doesn’t show with girls on public. Love? It’s still unknown.
4 years are 1.461 days, 35.064 minutes or 2,1 million seconds – by any means is rather long period of time ! Can 20 year old guy live without hugs, coddling, and sex for such a long time? Bill Kaulitz has to accept it! The Th-frontman has a girlfriend since 2005 no more, and he didn’t kiss since he started his career. His last girlfriend was Ina (now 21) from his home village Loitsche (left page). The girls all over the world want to come closer to Bill, even Miley Cyrus (16) tried to make up (flirt) to Bill. But in recent years Bill tries to get rid of the fan-girls. Unbelievable: Bill doesn’t look suffering from permanent love absence, he expresses his feelings on stage, in recording studio, in front of the fans. Doesn’t Bill need love?
The truth is: beyond the image of the cool star hides sensitive, shy boy. Bill is lonely, he describes it that way:” When I stay alone in my hotel room after a concert, I don’t know from what I have to start. Then everything is so quite!” On the bottom of his heart he carries a wish [to find] love and sense of security. But it’s too difficult for Bill to find a girlfriend. He’s afraid that soon he will disappoint, because he’s not like other guys in his age and he can meet a lady of easy virtue*. Tom, Georg and Gustuv go easy with girls, flirt even with fans, Bill prefers to keep a distance. He is afraid, that the girls see only glamourous pop star, that’s why he doesn’t want quick one-night-stands. Bill:”Sex without love is not for me. It is Tom’s way of spending his time. Sex for one night brings nothing!”
He doesn’t want sex without love, he’s afraid of his feelings because he can become disappointed. Everything is so complicated! “When I meet a girl, I’ll want to be with her all the time,” says he. “And it doesn’t feet in the overfilled calendar of Tokio hotel.” This pretext sounds everywhere. The Motto: Either Bill finds super understanding girlfriend, who’ll give him all her time, or he can wait for love till the end of his career. He doesn’t pressure himself about that too much: “It’s obvious that I want a girlfriend, but I can wait for a Woman of my Dream! At the moment I sleep in bed with my four dogs!"