среда, 30 марта 2011
Оказывается у Tokio Hotel уже было и такое звание )))
Теперь оно принадлежит Jorge Gonzalez *Билл! Бегом в обувной магазин! )))*

Теперь оно принадлежит Jorge Gonzalez *Билл! Бегом в обувной магазин! )))*

О праздновании 16 апреля дня Tokio Hotel (1 абзац текста)

Finally it was confirmed that Bill Kaulitz is NOT the voice of Arthur in the 3th film of “Arthur und die Minimoys” adventure. It was confirmed during the premiere and if you watch the trailer you can check that the voice isn’t Bill’s one.
вторник, 29 марта 2011

Vintage & Rags : магазин винтажной одежды в Кельне (Германия)
В нашем Гамбургском филиале частый гость - Вольфганг Йооп, и Билл Каулитц из Tokio Hotel посетил нас там несколько недель назад.
BILL: Hello Japan, we are Bill and Tom from Tokio Hotel. And we are just let you know that we are feeling terribly sad about everything that happened in Japan and it’s really hard to find any words in a situation like that. But we want you to know that we are thinking of you every second and every day and we are by your side and we want to send you some love.
TOM: And we want to really help, we are in the middle of the planning everything and yeah, check our website for all the informations that will be online as soon as possible.
BILL: And we wish you all the best. We hope everything will be good a very soon. And stay strong and see you guys soon.
TOM: And we want to really help, we are in the middle of the planning everything and yeah, check our website for all the informations that will be online as soon as possible.
BILL: And we wish you all the best. We hope everything will be good a very soon. And stay strong and see you guys soon.
Rock the Vote !!!
It's time for ROUND #3: Get your keyboards ready because the polls won't be open for very long and this will be a super tough race. Cast your vote now for TH in this year's MTV Musical March Madness.
/> Rock the vote right HERE!
Thanks for all the support so far - you guys are unbelievablhttp://www.myspace.com/tokiohotel/blog/542513886#pm_cmp=O_5804_notif
понедельник, 28 марта 2011

Breakfast with Tokio Hotel All Request Hour April 16th
It's Tokio Hotel Day on April 16th! Come celebrate with us on Cherrytree Radio for a special all request HOUR of Breakfast with Tokio Hotel!
Leave your requests for Scott in the topic below, including your name (or screen name), city/country you're in, and the song you want to hear. Scott will go through the requests and pick out songs for the show airing on Saturday April 16th at 8am Pacific Daylight Time.
Start Tokio Hotel Day off the right way with the special hour long all request edition of Breakfast with Tokio Hotel!
Thanks for listening and thanks for participating!