Yes, waiting, TOKIO HOTEL exchange visit to Japan was the day of the event.
So Dear Tokio Hotel is also a goodwill ambassador for the 150th anniversary of Germany,
For Germany and mainly travel, HIS ★ we have a special interview from
читать дальшеHIS: everyone is born in the city of Magdeburg Tokio Hotel, do you just like?
Georg: That it is ... another great city (Great City) I! ! (Laughs)
Everyone laugh ~ ~
Unison with everyone: I'mーーーlichen Sai town!
Bill: dare to go over there ... (laughs)
Gustav: I really like the village.
HIS: So ... even in Magdeburg, the spots do not recommend?
Tom: Yes ... I
Georg: Cathedral of Magdeburg is one of the old church is also quite a few things from it.
We have to go shopping mall.
Tom: After that, yes, Hundertwasser!
Everyone Tokio Hotel: Well done is, Hundertwasser! ! !
HIS: ? ? ? What is it?
Tokio Hotel manager: a hand - Austrian architect Hundertwasser, I have a building.
He is a very famous architect active in Europe, I feel a bit like Gaudi.
Gustav: The building in Magdeburg, and I look very colorful.
Bill: Highlights when saying, I wonder if that place.
Georg: Some 30 minutes, she can tour (laughs)
HIS: It is a small town ... (laughs)
In Germany if you wish to explore the Japanese, then another large city,
What is the recommended way to go to Munich and Berlin, for example?
Bill: If you want to tour in Germany, Berlin and Hamburg not it good?
Gustav: If after Munich, Oktoberfest!
Tom: Great, Oktoberfest!
Georg: It is our Kina Hiroshi beer festival. I rise!
HIS: once I'd like to go out to play!
By the way, I have heard that George was not even born in Halle in Magdeburg?
Georg: I was born in Halle, indeed, only two - I do not live up to the age of three.
Bill: I'm torn between the small town of Halle tea (laughs)
Georg: Yeah, maybe nothing more than the city of Halle, Magdeburg better (laughs)
Everyone laugh ~ ~
HIS: soon in the next question ...
My favorite city in Germany where is everyone?
Bill: Hamburg. What to say selfish, I first lived for some love from Hamburg for a short time, besides, a little goes toward the countryside, nature is really beautiful.
Indeed, the weather is often not very good, but he is strong winds or rain, or even, but what I mean ... I'm Pretty sure that city.
I think I'm the most beautiful city of Hamburg in Germany.
HIS: as a tourist, or a nice city of Hamburg?
Bill: Hmm ... I'd probably, I fell in love with the city's only live飽Kumade, though not as a translation visited tourist attractions, but I think I have something (laughs).
HIS: Thank you. What does Tom do?
Tom: Cologne. It is very bright and happy people in the street anyway! Famous street carnival. But never lived in Cologne, oh, I want one day live in, how? ?
Most people cheerful, very favorite city. No, I thought, might be best to live than to visit a little sightseeing. (Laughs)
HIS: Thank you. How about George?
Georg: As of now, how Berlin. Very big and exciting city I knew, everything is aligned street. I'm not full of attractive variety of cultures from around the world.
There is a lot of nightclubs, we can play a lot into the night.
HIS: What is to come about as a tourist destination?
Georg: Of course, they'll highlight someー'll Pie.
Bill: You are doing a lot of sightseeing tours in Berlin.
Georg: historically and culturally as well, you're perfect as a tourist town.
HIS: indeed, I have just capital! In town Gustav favorite?
Gustav: 貰E to say it honestly, I'm for Magdeburg.
Everyone laughed - "no shit" -
Gustav: It's true -. Even some people in other cities said that now all aligned.
Because for some Oktoberfest, because that will be visited as a tourist destination.
Bill: Do not bring the bike and you go (laughs)
Everyone laugh ~ ~
HIS: What is there public transportation?
Tom: No no!
Gustav: But is there a taxi, then I have such a double-decker bus in London!
However, only one though (laughs). I'm a tourist bus. After a trip by bus, transfer to the boat, it's absolutely sweet around the river Elbe, amazing that!
Bill: Well, the most interesting of Magdeburg is not going to the house of Georg and Gustav (laughs)
Everyone laugh ~ ~
HIS: Home But anyway, HIS is the future, TOKIO HOTEL I believe him about the possibility of organizing something related land tour.
All: Really? ! ?
Tom: Are you thinking about trips to Magdeburg?
HIS: including Magdeburg, TOKIO HOTEL rest areas and recommends everyone, TOKIO HOTEL I think a tour of the land of memories related to the land of members. If not Magdeburg, do you recommend any places to go?
Everyone unanimously: That sounds great! WOW! Unbelievable! (Excited state)
Tom: Well, like Los Angeles? (Laughs)
Gustav: I so ...
Bill: If you visit TOKIO HOTEL to be associated with historic places, Baol Grouiuger has trouble releasing it.
HIS: What is it?
Bill: The club for the first time we met!
HIS: If you like it once was - I'd like to visit? !
Unison with everyone: Now we might be fun to visit each member of the school.
HIS: Wow! So ... please tell me the name means the school (laughs)
Taught the school's name - each -
※ When planning for a fun tour ※
HIS: Thank you. In the next question ...
Bill and Tom are now living in Los Angeles, Tokio Hotel will hold a concert there this year in Los Angeles? In Los Angeles and other cities or is it?
Bill: No, I do not this year. Because we're now want to focus on Japan. In other countries, so do not be too far for promotion. And we have just released a new album. So now, to concentrate on studio recording, I was just getting a new inspiration to the next one. So, I'd probably live ... what's the next time, I do not know really. Now we are developing a plot of the song together!
HIS: Creating release the next album does do is make yourself a target when did you?
Tom: I do not know. Six months later, and that even possible, may become even five years.
Specifically, "when" and could not decide, I'm looking to get new inspiration while. So now it is "time for training," a place called either.
HIS: following their live CD, is also looking forward to it very much! Finally, the promotion of tourism but also for Germany, Japanese fans to everybody, May I have a message?
Bill: Of course! Eto Eh, Germany, but the weather is so good, so I think the country can enjoy! ! Do not forget your umbrella when you come (laughs)
Tom: must also go to the bar! Night bar with German beers (alcohol)'m the best!
Georg: And then, I Ito Makoto autobahn I tried!
Gustav: In Japan I will have a speed limit in Germany, I can get the speed as you like!
Bill: Now that we talked, we think, is Germany's most interesting! !
HIS: TOKIO HOTEL everyone, thank you! ! !
@темы: Tom Kaulitz, Том Каулитц, Georg Listing, Георг Листинг, Gustav Schafer, Густав Шефер, interview, интервью, Bill Kaulitz, Билл Каулитц, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель