Bill from Tokio Hotel reveals to topp
They have experienced fanatical fans in the hotel room, and intruders backstage. - It is difficult to know who you can trust, Bill admits to topp. The Tokio Hotel-singer must have a bodyguard with him 24/7.
Speak out about:
- Growing up
- girls and feelings
- superficial people
- Celebrities with divamood
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- We can no longer spontaneously go out alone. It is impossible, says Bill Kaulitz (20). When topp meets Tokio Hotel in Hamburg, the security guards is in place outside the hotel suite at East hotel from early morning. It is not without reason; the fans will do anything to get close contact with the German superstars. Methods are many, and the guys have experienced several of special episodes in the recent years.
- We love the fans, but some go a bit far. There are a lot of strange things that have happened, admits Bill to topp.
What is the most extract a fan has done?
- I suppose it was when a fan was lying naked on Gustav’s bed when he came back in the hotel room.
What? Is it true?
- Yes, it was in Spain, says Gustav. I came in, and then she lay there in the bed - completely naked, he reveals.
- Then it was in my backstage room, continues Bill. We had a concert in Los Angeles. How she got there is still a mystery. She must have been a kind of spiderwoman.
Did you have your security guards with you?
- Yes, and they were in total shock and could not understand how she had managed to get there. Fortunately, we threw her out.
That Bill and Tom gets declarations of love from the girls around the world is no secret. The guys are still single, and admit it is difficult to get time to go out with girls. Tokio Hotel has previously admitted that they have many sweet followers, and does not exclude that they could go out with a fan.
- It is difficult to date a fanatical fan, but you want clearly that the one you are dating to like our music.
Is it difficult to combine life as a pop star and be in a relationship?
- I guess some girls find it difficult to accept that you are so much on the road and get as much attention from other girls. But this is our way of life, says Bill.
Have you had time for vacation?
- Not much, we've pretty much worked all the time. When we have free we are at home in our house - and inside! We can no longer go in peace on the streets, without being recognized. It's pretty crazy.
I guess life has changed a lot?
- Yes totally ... says Tom, but assures us that no band members have changed much.
What do you think about the fans have replaced French with German at school just because of you?
- That is respect. German is a difficult language to learn. There are even parts of the language we have not even mastered, says Bill. I can not even a word of French, and English is not my strongest side, but I have learned some from mom, he says.
Lack of English skills despite; Tokio Hotel’s new album humanoid is done in two languages. There have been a lot of work, but I think the fans appreciate that we give out the album in both languages, says Bill.
At the MTV Awards in Munich last year, mingle tokio hotel with the girls from the Pussy Cat Dolls, but who have made most impression on them?
- Often you have many superficial conversations, you say hello, and exchanged a few words. Short meetings are probably the most of. Often it is the biggest celebrity stars that are coolest. Jay-Z is very nice- he we were out and had dinner with.
Who is the worst celebrity you have met then? Someone who has been impudent, or a real diva?
- Yes, it is probably someone there, Tom laughs.. They have definitely met stars with divamood, but do they dear to mention names is the question.
- We were not very enthusiastic about Katy Perry. She can be difficult. We met her in the USA, on a few radio stations. She was a little diva, admits Bill to topp.
He believes the music industry at times is very superficial and very superficial people were the inspiration for the song Automatic.
- There are many superficial people out there that are false and without emotion. The vocalist has also met many superficial girls.
Love shall not go as automatic. There is something wrong when you notice your heart does not beat. Many pretend they have feelings without having it, says Bill, referring to the verse There's No Real Love in You.
Bill and Tom has performed since they were nine years old, and admitted that from early childhood stood out from the crowd.
- I have always been different, says Bill, looking at his brother Tom.
- Yes, we stood out and were very different back then, says Tom.
We looked different, and at school, they had problems because we were alike. We had a different look, but Tom was more normally dressed than me, says Bill.
Were you teased by other students?
- We were not directly bullied, but we did not have many friends. Much of the reason was that we did not have much in common with the others in the class, and not so much to do with them. But we two were together, said Bill.
Ten years ago, the twin brothers met their bandmates Gustav and Georg.
- We have soon 10-year anniversary, but we do not remember the exact day we met, says Bill.
In 2001 they released an album under the band name Devilish. Two years after they signed a deal with Universal Music, and their career took off completely under the name Tokio Hotel.
Why Tokio Hotel?
- It was more that we were young, and it seemed really cool to have an English name, grinned Bill. Now we hope that soon there will be a trip to Tokyo for us, he smiles.
Bill is known for his dressing and stage outfits, and when topp meets the singer; he is dressed in trendy leather blazer with shoulder pads, sky-high platform shoes and eeltight jeans. His nails are painted black and he has massive jewellery on him.
Do you get clothes specially designed for you?
- Well, I draw some myself, and make sketches - and have some people who help me. I like also very good second hand. I love to shop used, and has more than 25 vintage leather jackets.
Live there a designer in you?
- I've always been interested in design, and mom is an industrial designer. I have learned a lot from her.
What can you not be without on tour?
- We must have coffee and good beds…