

I don't want to reveal too much, but one long haired Tokio Hotel band member has his first gray hair since Zimmer 483 - jep, no kidding. Unfortunately, it's pretty likely that he'll be going bald within the next couple of month. Yes you heard me, bad news. One of us is loosing his hair big time. The good news is: below it seems to be growing and growing and growing…

@темы: Tom's blog, блог Тома, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель



Mar - Inrock #327 (jp)

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@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель, scans, сканы

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А Ладе - :candy:

@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель, scans, сканы

Living fully has always been the only possible option for Bill Kaulitz. At 12 he formed the band Devilish with his twin brother Tom and friends Georg Listing and Gustav Schafer. In 2001 the band catches every opportunity to perform and it‘s thanks to their perseverance that in 2003 talent scout Peter Hoffman discovers them. He changes the name of the band in Tokio Hotel and obtains a record deal with Universal. 
Their latest single Hurricane and Suns is the bonus track of their album Best Of, released in late 2010, which contains all their greatest hits. The album was released in three versions: Inglese Version, German Version and Deluxe Limited Edition.

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@темы: Bill Kaulitz, Билл Каулитц, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель



Separated at Birth: Lead singer of Tokio Hotel and Belinda
Since Tokio Hotel turned out to be a Trending Topic in Venezuela, and the world because that's how their fans wanted it to be, La Patilla in their search for news, they found a striking resemblance between the controversial singer of Tokio Hotel and the mexican singer Belinda.
Before fans of both artists, get up from the computer horrified by our previous statements, take a second and look at the pictures that we show you below. Incredible, right?
Кое-кто нашел поразительное сходство между солистом Tokio Hotel и мексиканской певицей Белиндой.

@темы: Bill Kaulitz, Билл Каулитц, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

Les Rois de Suède - (комедийная) группа, которая посвятила Густаву сочувственную песню "Le P'tit Gros de Tokio Hotel" - "Толстячок из Токио Отель".
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source: th_apex

@темы: video, видео, фанарт, Gustav Schafer, Густав Шефер, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

stay gold
12.02.2011- J-wave(JP): Interview

Bill Kaulitz : « I don't celebrate Valentine's day because I don't have a girlfriend.»

This week, we met with the phenomenal German rock band Tokio Hotel. Indeed, Nana Otsuka met them yesterday and interviewed the members of Tokio Hotel who visited Japan.

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@темы: interview, интервью, Bill Kaulitz, Билл Каулитц, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель



По аналогии с Джулианом Ассанжем и его сливом информации в инет на Wikileaks (*для тех, кто знает*) предлагаю верить или не верить подробностям о ТН.

Anonymous asked: Is a new album in preparation ? Has Bill alreday written few songs (english or german ?) ?

Bill has already written few songs, but they are not sure whether they are going to include them into a new album because it would mean another tour and they are already exhausted.
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@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель
