пятница, 18 февраля 2011
Separated at Birth: Lead singer of Tokio Hotel and Belinda
Since Tokio Hotel turned out to be a Trending Topic in Venezuela, and the world because that's how their fans wanted it to be, La Patilla in their search for news, they found a striking resemblance between the controversial singer of Tokio Hotel and the mexican singer Belinda.
Before fans of both artists, get up from the computer horrified by our previous statements, take a second and look at the pictures that we show you below. Incredible, right?
Кое-кто нашел поразительное сходство между солистом Tokio Hotel и мексиканской певицей Белиндой.
Since Tokio Hotel turned out to be a Trending Topic in Venezuela, and the world because that's how their fans wanted it to be, La Patilla in their search for news, they found a striking resemblance between the controversial singer of Tokio Hotel and the mexican singer Belinda.
Before fans of both artists, get up from the computer horrified by our previous statements, take a second and look at the pictures that we show you below. Incredible, right?
Кое-кто нашел поразительное сходство между солистом Tokio Hotel и мексиканской певицей Белиндой.
четверг, 17 февраля 2011
Les Rois de Suède - (комедийная) группа, которая посвятила Густаву сочувственную песню "Le P'tit Gros de Tokio Hotel" - "Толстячок из Токио Отель".
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source: th_apex
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source: th_apex
stay gold

(не знаю, было или же нет)
12.02.2011- J-wave(JP): Interview
Bill Kaulitz : « I don't celebrate Valentine's day because I don't have a girlfriend.»
This week, we met with the phenomenal German rock band Tokio Hotel. Indeed, Nana Otsuka met them yesterday and interviewed the members of Tokio Hotel who visited Japan.
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Bill Kaulitz : « I don't celebrate Valentine's day because I don't have a girlfriend.»
This week, we met with the phenomenal German rock band Tokio Hotel. Indeed, Nana Otsuka met them yesterday and interviewed the members of Tokio Hotel who visited Japan.
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По аналогии с Джулианом Ассанжем и его сливом информации в инет на Wikileaks (*для тех, кто знает*) предлагаю верить или не верить подробностям о ТН.
Anonymous asked: Is a new album in preparation ? Has Bill alreday written few songs (english or german ?) ?
Bill has already written few songs, but they are not sure whether they are going to include them into a new album because it would mean another tour and they are already exhausted.
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Anonymous asked: Is a new album in preparation ? Has Bill alreday written few songs (english or german ?) ?
Bill has already written few songs, but they are not sure whether they are going to include them into a new album because it would mean another tour and they are already exhausted.
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среда, 16 февраля 2011
I would make some sick amounts of money....money stacks sky high
I would make some sick amounts of money....money stacks sky high