Bill Kaulitz : « I don't celebrate Valentine's day because I don't have a girlfriend.»
This week, we met with the phenomenal German rock band Tokio Hotel. Indeed, Nana Otsuka met them yesterday and interviewed the members of Tokio Hotel who visited Japan.
читать дальшеThey have sold more than 7 million albums to date! They are the most successful artists in Germany in the past 20 years. This week, Tokio Hotel makes their debut in Japan!
Yesterday, in a building in Tokyo, I went to visit guitarist Tom, the singer Bill's twin brother . I also met bassist Georg and drummer Gustav!
The singer Bill's outfit was unique. He wore a silver suit, it was splendid! As expected, he was dazzling! First, I asked the untold story of the group and where the name Tokio Hotel ame from.
Bill: That's a question that has often been asked. The band was formed when we were very young and the band's first name was « Devilish ». I wanted a cool name, and while looking for a new name for the group, we had the idea of "Tokio Hotel". It sounded good, Tokyo is a far away city and kept us motivated. We liked it because we felt that it was a goal. Including the word « Hotel », it was the world we dreamed about. And then,« Tokio Hotel » I think, is a pretty name.
« Tokyo is a goal », he dreamed of a place of symbol.[TOKYO -> TOKIO]. And the symbol of their desire to make a living on tour -> HOTEL. The name of the group is full of dreams.
Later, I told them about their first Japanese album "Darkside of the Sun. " I heard it was a concept album.
Bill: Firstly, I really wanted to do a special edition for the Japanese fans. I think you need to understand what it is to listen to an album of Tokio Hotel . We have included two new songs from previous albums. From this point of view, I think it's the best Tokio Hotel album ever released . As for the selection of songs, each group member has selected his favorite. For example, we decided that "Monsoon" should figure in it because it is a very special song for us. It is our first single.
In a few days, it's February 14, Valentine's Day. In Japan, a young girl offers chocolates to the guy she loves! Here is their reaction when I told them!
Bill: Really?! We must introduce that habit in Germany! I envy the Japanese boys. There is also Valentine's Day in Germany. But guys offer gifts to girls instead. You can also give gifts to people important to you, like your family. I do nothing, because I have no girlfriend, but Georg does, why don't you offer her something like a car or a diamond?
I wish I were a Japanese boy. In Germany and in Japan, some customs are different! I did not know Georg had a girlfriend! I offered them chocolate, woe is me. The members of Tokio Hotel have decided to leave one last message to the listeners.
Bill: Thanks for your continued support, guys. I am very happy to be in Tokyo. Hope to see you soon!
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Anonymous asked: Is a new album in preparation ? Has Bill alreday written few songs (english or german ?) ?
Bill has already written few songs, but they are not sure whether they are going to include them into a new album because it would mean another tour and they are already exhausted. читать дальше________________
Anonymous asked: Can you tell us more about Georg and Gustav? I want to know more about their personalities since they're so quiet and stay out of the public eye.
Gustav loves cycling and the most important in his life is his sister, his family and friends are really loyal and they would never fail him. He’s the one who have more privacity and live his life in a more random way.
Georg loves party, he’s often in magdeburg clubs at the weekends, he’s very nice with fans and he have never had problems with them. ________________ Anonymous asked: why do you post all of these things? just WHY?
Because fandom should open their eyes.
They are random boys, who live their live as random people.
They should stop their histerism and face the truth. ________________ Anonymous asked: So, Does Bill really write the songs for Tokio Hotel, or...??
Yes, he’s the writter if it’s what you meant, but before he could release a song, it must be checked by their producers. ________________ Anonymous asked: Is it true Tom und Bill do have girlfriends?
They are both in relationships ________________ Anonymous asked: Is Toms girlfriend a celebrity?
No, she’s a random girl who want to stay anonymous ________________ Anonymous asked: What is Bill's girlfriend/boyfriend like? Like.. appearance wise.
Black hair, blue eyes, tall. Cant go on details ________________ Anonymous asked: what members of the band are single?
Gustav splitted up with his girlfriend recently, the rest band members are taken ________________ Dear reader,
No, we are not american neither british.Our english is not perfect, but we give it a try in order everybody can read us.If you just care about grammar mistakes, we are not useful, so please dont read it.
We are not able to give you our source, if you dont believe what is written here, it’s quite easy, just close this tumblr and dont waste your time leaving comments
Cordial regards,
Thleaks ________________ Anonymous asked: Is Bill really "sick" ? i mean "anorexic" ?
Bill kaulitz has some healthy problems related to stress, but he is already taking medication.Dont worry you all, it’s nothing serious and he will get well soon. ________________ Tom kaulitz wears a silver bracelet on his left wrist which is a present from someone very special for him, who doesnt belong to his family. ________________ Bill kaulitz doesnt lead himself by gender, age or culture.
Same as many artist from 80’s such as David bowie, Morrissey…
Stop focusing on his sexual orientation and fighting whether he is gay or straight, that’s such a waste of time.
He wont date fans, neither males or females.
He doesnt want anyone new to enter into his privat life, his circle is already closed since a while ago.
He has already a soulmate into his life and that person have exactly this word written into the left arm skin. _________________
“The best of” tour might be the last one under Tokio Hotel band name.
The twins own a editorial business in order to save their copyrights in case Universal deal is over in 2012.
Tom is distance learning at the moment and Bill has some movies&fashion offers.
Gustav and Georg will keep in the music industry.
Let’s give them a last tour they will never forget! Respect and love, people! _________________ There are people who impersonate members from Tokio Hotel staff. They are playing with little girls telling them they would introduce them to the guys if they send them photos naked.
PLEASE,dont believe that kind of people and DO NOT send any photos, the boys are not allowed to meet fans outside concerts and events dued security reasons. _________________ Twincest is not real, and it’s really a shame it should be written here.
Everyone have freedom to imagine, to dream. However when it crosses the line, someone must give them a touch.
Last year some girls painted on the bridge next to their old house with a neon pink graffitti “Tom+Bill TWINCEST”, they used to drive over there and their family was able to see it.
They were so disappointed by it, but the girls who made it thought they would be proud of it.
There are also some fans which give them twincest and billshido hard manips in signing sessions.
Stop this kind of behavior, please. _____________________ Now you are able to ask anything you would like to know, anonymous users are allow.
Questions will be answer as far as they dont break the rules written below _____________________ Kaulitz’ twins wouldn’t have moved from his old house if stalkers had stopped following them after April incident.
You all blame stalkers, but you should look yourself in a mirror.
“Les Afghanes on tour” were just the beginning of the chaos, when they thought the situation have finished, a new wave of girls from all over Europe and even America felt curious and started traveling to Hamburg to visit their house.
What happened? Those girls werent called stalkers but they become a new source of information to fans all over the world, they become idols which wanted to be copy and none could realized the twins, relatives and even friends felt animals in cages.
The highest situation, some of those girls throwed eggs to a close friend from the twins’ house, threats and power became funny and the game started.
They changed their mind about fandom and fandom blame them to be different.
They are safe by now, what’s going to happend next? ______________________ Natalie F. lived a huge part from her teenages in America, she still keep some good friends in New York and Hollywood.
She has steady long-term relationship with his husband, which is also in the music industry at the moment.
She never had sexual encounters with any member of the band, but she is really close to the twins since she is a good friend.
She is NOT pregnant at the moment and she will keep her job as make-up artist. ______________________ Tom kaulitz had nothing to do with the famous american blond singer, they were barely friends, what’s more they knew each others for half a year before the promotion stuff was made.
Universal music records has tight control over his public image and he made a deal to fix the stalkers incident, what could be better than famous singer telling how sweet he is in privat?
However,it didn’t go as planned. Fandom couldnt stand their lovely Tom was kissing a girl,he was losing respect and fame and a new album was going to be released.
What do we learnt about it, kids? Relationships, one-night-stand and friends with benefits are awful and must be hidden from the public domain.
He will never run out of ideas! So crazy are Bill's Japan-Looks!
When nature calls! For their Japanese fans Tokio Hotel have come up with something special - more specifically Bill (21). The singer has picked just cool outfits out of his closet for the big trip to Tokyo. On the arrival at the airport he wore a panda-bear-hat. "Of course not real fur", confirmed TH-Manager David Jost. And at a shooting Bill surprised with the Little Red Cap- and Captain-Look. The effort pays off: Tokio Hotel were on the day of their arrival the most searched term on Google, their video and their CD were number 1. Congratulations!
Photo 1: At a shooting Bill posed as Little Red Cap...
Photo 2: ...and as a captain with his boys Gustav (22), Tom (21) and Georg (23)
Photo 3: The singer arrives with a hip panda-hat in Tokyo
Photo 4: Success: TH are the number 1 in the Japanese Amazon Charts
Вы, наверное, слышали о такой очень известной музыкальной группе, как Tokio Hotel? Если нет, то сейчас мы вам немного расскажем об истории их успеха. Звезда с названием группы уже есть на Аллее славы в Нью-Йорке, заработали кучу наград и денег соответственно, объехали и до сих пор ездят по крупным городам Европы и Азии. Их успех безграничен и очень высок. Планка была изначально высокой, и теперь эти ребята пожинают плоды своего многолетнего труда. Вы хотите добиться чего-то особенного в жизни? Тогда прочитайте, как это удалось сделать Tokio Hotel.
читать дальшеКак начинала эта всемирно известная группа. В 2003 году братья-близнецы Билл и Том Каулитц решили создать группу и прославиться на весь мир. Тогда же немецкие ребята из города Магдебург познакомились с Густавом Шефером и Георгом Листингом. Самым младшим участником тогда было по 14 лет. Всего лишь за 2 года они смогли пробиться. В 2005 году они заключили контракт с Дэвидом Йостом, "отцом" группы и со звукозаписывающей компанией. В этом же году выходит их альбом "Через муссон", в котором очень лиричные и жизненные тексты и качественная музыка. Основой для текстов были переживания солиста Билла. Том спокойно играл на ритм-гитаре, Густав не отлипал от барабанов, а Георг любил свою бас-гитару. Да и сейчас ребята любят музыку и вкладывают в нее свою душу. А тогда к группе пришел первый успех, и ребята стали колесить по странам Европы, где их радушно принимала публика. Особенно Германия.
В 2007 году выходит альбом "Комната 483", голос Билла уже сломался и стал мужским, следовательно, вокал этого альбома на высоте. Ребята также выросли в плане музыки, их навыки стали более профессиональными. Вторая волна сногсшибательного и умопомрачительного успеха накрыла группу. Продюсеры радостно зарабатывали деньги, ребята тоже с упоением тратили деньги. А фанаты были безгранично счастливы. Билл бесконечно менял имидж, совершенствовал прическу и одежду, носил много аксессуаров. Остальные ребята не так фанатично относились к своему внешнему виду. В 2008 году ребята штурмуют Америку и англоговорящие страны, им это удается, там находится тоже очень много фанатов.
В 2009 году выходит альбом "Гуманоид". Этот альбом отличается электронностью звучания, живым звуком, усовершенствованным вокалом. Ребята также популярны, как и были в 2007, только успех стал более ярким и всепоглощающим.
В 2010 выходит песня "Hurricanes and suns", которая взрывает всех и все.
Также много клипов снимается группой, с каждым разом видео становились более глубокими и осмысленными.
Если вы хотите стать звездой, то смело действуйте: Tokio Hotel тоже однажды решились и добились успеха...