понедельник, 14 февраля 2011
translation by theresa@THCN
An interview of Tokio Hotel
Tokio Hotel was found by identical twin brother, Bill (Vo.) and Tom (G.), who come from an old small city called Loitsche in Eastern Germany. (Birthday: 1989.9.1) Then Georg Listing (B., 1987.3.31) and Gustav Schafer (D., 1988.9.8) joined them. Finally four of them set up this band.
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An interview of Tokio Hotel
Tokio Hotel was found by identical twin brother, Bill (Vo.) and Tom (G.), who come from an old small city called Loitsche in Eastern Germany. (Birthday: 1989.9.1) Then Georg Listing (B., 1987.3.31) and Gustav Schafer (D., 1988.9.8) joined them. Finally four of them set up this band.
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воскресенье, 13 февраля 2011

В 3-ий раз Kilian Kerner появился в футболке ТН. На этот раз на Mercedes Benz Fashion Week осень-зима 2011/2012 в Берлине.