10 years ago they only played for 5 people and did everything themselves. Now, Tokio Hotel holds concerts for over half a million people and about 700 million yearly.
“Love means everything. It’s life,” says Bill Kaulitz. Despite the fact that the Tokio Hotel frontman has an army of young fans, he claims that he hasn’t had a girlfriend in a long time. Love isn’t limited to just relationships and girls. Love is all around us. For me, it’s real love when I meet fans, to be touring with the guys, and to be standing on a stage in front of an eager audience, says Bill.
читать дальшеYet, there are some celebrity girls that steal his attention. “If I wanted to date a celebrity, the Olsen twins are right up there,” says Bill. (Translators Note: Then they talk a bit about his perfect black makeup and extreme hair. I didn’t want to translate this, since you know what he looks like. ;D )
TOPP is meeting the band in their hotelroom. They’ve held the meeting an secret because a flock of young girls are waiting outside their hotel, and when the superstars appear, they cry tears of joy. “They’ve helped me through a very difficult time,” says a teary-eyed girl. When we mention the fans that have gathered outside, the band is flattered. – We’re so glad for our fans, and we couldn’t put a price on them. (Translator’s Note: This expression doesn’t translate well. They are litterally saying: “We put a big price on their engagement in us.”).
In December, the band released their “Best of” album, and they’re already underway with recording their new album which will be ready for November 2011 (Translator’s Note: don’t know how true this is…).
The band will be working with different producers in Berlin and Los Angeles and the process will take about half a year. When asked if they will be inspired by artists they look up to, they shake their heads.
“We listen to almost only our own music when we’re on tour and when we go into the studio,” says Bill. He is a huge fan of music from the 80s. – I am a fan of Depeche Mode and David Bowie, but I listen mostly to Tokio Hotel before playing in the studio.
Although they are inspired by themselves, they said that, this time they want to change their sound. – We’ve always liked to be surprising, and to not appear as a predicatable band, says Bill. Bill says he is always changing, “My hair, for example. All four of us like to experiment with our own styles, just like our music in the comming year.”
“I must convice Georg and Gustav to change their style, but they don’t want to be ‘nerds’ and just do what’s comfortable for them. I’ve asked them if they want to colour their hair or wear colourful T-shirts, but no. It just doesn’t work for them. Tom is more accepting towards change than Georg or Gustav. I have six to eight months before I’m going to decide whether to cut my hair or not. We’ll see. I welcome all changes.”
Lead singer Bill has a style that separates him from the crowd, no doubt. The 21-year old also has strong opinions about current girl’s fashion trends. “Rubberboots are the ugliest things I have ever seen. You look like you’re dressing for work!”
But the Kaulitz brothers also have a guilty pleasure – classic chick flicks (girly romance movies). “It’s hard to believe, but I really like ‘The Notebook,’” admits Tom. Bill has a soft sort for “Meet Joe Black” where Brad Pitt plays the lead role.
That they’re now sitting here, being asked all sorts of different questions by the press all over the world, was inconceivable for the band when they formed in 2001. But it didn’t take a long time for them to become known, soon they were excused from school to focus 100% on their music.
“Of course, it was fantastic to skip school, but other things were more difficult to give up,” says Bill. “I remember my 16th birthday, I wanted to party, but we had to do interviews instead. It was a long process before we became disciplined to focus. I know some things have passed me by, but I would never give up what I have today.”
“There are some days were I wish I could just go out in the streets or drive around in my car without being noticed, but what would I even do? Bill Kaulitz with an office job? I would collapse! Yeah, I’ll just do what I like to do best, stand on the stage and entertain. I get nervous when I see an award show on TV that Tokio Hotel doesn’t have. I want to be on top. That is my inner strength. That’s what holds me together.”
Congratulations on your first day here. You seem to be very busy with interviews today , are you enjoying yourself in japan ?
B: Of course ! I'm having lots of fun ! But it's true that we have a whole day of interviews , I'd thought it'll be nice if we could go out more , but just the fact that we are here in japan makes us really happy ! Anyway I think we are going out tomorrow.
Is the image of japan you had in your mind previously destroyed after seeing japan 1st hand ?
читать дальшеB: hahaha ! (laugh) its okay ! We heard that in japan , the streets are really big and Colorful , it's a crazy country, but we didn't know how it really fits the image. But seeing japan now , there's a lot of buildings , it's a really beautiful country ! I would love to see more of japan tomorrow !
I see . Apparently the band's name and the lyrics consist of some Japanese.
B: when we were down in the studio in Germany we'd thought "why not set a goal , a goal that is so far and so impossible to achieve", so we thought of including Tokyo = Tokio into the band's name. And today we're here in japan , I would love to see how is the culture and music is like with my own eyes.
T: considering the history of the band , Tokyo is an important place to us. That's why we are truly gratefu that we are indeed here .
I see. Although germany and japan are really far away the fans are able to get to know you through Myspace and Facebook.
T: that's true even though we are the type who only uses e-mails (laugh) , when we saw the official Myspace and Facebook we are aware of the large community of fans there. Of course the number of Japanese followers are increasing as well. It'll be nice if we're able to gain more Japanese fans during this period of time.
Congratulations to the release of "darkside of the sun " a japan limited album. The 16 songs from previous albums like "humanoid" , "scream" and "humanoid city live" , well that's a lot of songs. Were the songs selected by the members ?
T: yes ! We chose them !
B: this is a special album limited to japan. We have released our albums in many different countries the release of the album came the latest for japan , so we thought that we would release our best work here. All the single releases up to date are included , so you would be able to listen to our history so far. So I suppose this is another best of album.
The 2 albums which make up this best of album , "scream" and "humanoid " what are the themes of these albums?
B: firstly , "scream" is our debut album , something we recorded properly in the studios. Just like the title it represents the emotions we have , how desperate we want to scream "we are right here!!!" out loud, it's a very energetic album. "humanoid " on the other hand is something very different, we are more experienced in the studio ...
T: we are credited as co-producers too !
B: exactly ! (laughs) we were more used to studio works , "humanoid" is a creative work. As we get the opportunity to meet different people around the world we get more different inspirations, so it turned out to be more futuristic just like a sci-fi movie.
I see. Tokio hotel's melody is very catchy and the sound is very dynamic , it seems that it's evolving and getting more and more dramatic.
B: the 4 members have very different taste in music, we don't have 1 specific group that we like , so we are inspired by many bands which i guess created the Tokio Hotel sound. Ever since we were young , the band had done countless numbers of live performances thats why we are able to be resonant with one another.
Artistes who were mentioned had inspired you are Aerosmith and GUNS N' ROSES .
B: Aerosmith is a rock legend that I really like. There aren't many bands that are that big these day are there ?
T: yeah. Female solo artistes , hip hop groups , rappers etc who simultaneously releases albums , however this doesn't seem to be happening to Rick bands. Having a single hit and then disappearing from the industry , there are many bands like that. That's why we respect bands like Aerosmith and GUNS N' ROSES.
I see. Putting aside Tokio Hotel's sound , visual image and creativity , do you have rock bands which you can relate to ?
B: I think the Black Eyed Peas is great , the album's concept , live performances and video clips are really good. The producer and song writer , will.i.am is very cool! And 30 seconds to mars too ! Their newest video "hurricanes" was great ! They are a very creative band who pay attention to small details too !
T: but the number 1 band is still Tokio Hotel ! ( laughs)
Yes , ( laughs) 30 seconds to mars which was just mentioned seems to have resonance with Tokio Hotel in terms of background and stance.
B: yes ! 30 seconds to mars is brilliant when it comes to quality ! Jared as a singer is great ! Both groups are perfectionists. We met them a couple of times during award ceremonies (laugh)
T: jared is a really nice guy.
Tokio hotel who have received many music awards and is enjoying their success now , please do tell us your current goals
B: our aim would be WORLD TOUR ! The actual feeling of dominating the world's market , so I was thinking about a world tour.
T: we have received approximately 90 awards , that's all because of our fans doing their best to vote for us , however we have not yet gotten a Grammy award (laugh)
B: yeah. It seems that fans have been posting comments in the Internet during the period of the Grammy awards
T: but we have not released our album yet during that time
B: yes, it's a regret that we missed the Grammy awards ! We'll be aiming for the Grammy award next time ! (laugh)
А сейчас я хочу обратиться к тем, кого я бешу. Дорогие мои, стараюсь, как могу.
Я видела, тут вчера было бурное обсуждение. Думаю, никто не возражает. Только прошу прощения, скрины мне делать в лом. Идем по ссылке, читаем с 598 страницы.
#11966 Ildar ib Bakeev вчера в 23:44 Друзья, я сегодня не мог целый день здесь быть. Но хочу вас порадовать , что я нашел даты на три концерта в Москве 30 сентября,1 и 2 октября в Театре Эстрады. Поговорил с директором , он мой друг, и готов подвинуть концерты других исполнителей ради наших концертов. Сегодня напишу менеджменту о нашем предложении, если это впишется в логистику тура, а она только верстается, то это реальная возможность. Билеты с предварительными ценами от 2 до 12-15 тыс. руб. В зале 1300 мест, итого 3900 билетов на три дня.
читать дальше #11975 Ildar ib Bakeev вчера в 23:59 Другие города буду приверстывать к этим датам, если мне их подтвердят как возможные.
#11980 Ildar ib Bakeev сегодня в 0:01 По special pack буду говорить с менеджментом, решим, пока рано об этом.
#11987 Ildar ib Bakeev сегодня в 0:06 Самый дорогой билет у сцены нулевой ряд., заявки будут учитываться. Зал очень удобный: почитайте отзывы франкофонов - я делал там концерты Брюно Пельте. Все места удобные. Но я обещал директору , что мебель стулья вы там не порушите. Не подведете.?
#11991 Ildar ib Bakeev сегодня в 0:08 на 19-00 есть схема зала вот пример концерт Патрика Фьори. тык
#12002 Ildar ib Bakeev сегодня в 0:14 Сможем добавить концерты ,если они подтвердят.
#12006 Ildar ib Bakeev сегодня в 0:15 Можно будет вставать на местах без движения по проходам, я договорился с директором
#12008 Ildar ib Bakeev сегодня в 0:18 Ну так я же понимаю ваши желания))) Не первый день делаю фанатские концерты.
#12011 Ildar ib Bakeev сегодня в 0:19 Поехал домой, я еще офисе- всем пока.