1. Adam Lambert on 4302 votes
2. Drake Bell on 3518 votes
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4. Demi Lovato on 2917 votes
5. David Archuleta on 2408 votes
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7. Tokio Hotel on 2114 votes
Diary of the brothers Kaulitz !
Tokio Hotel will never leave their fans out of their hands. They are always releasing new CD ! Since 2001, has recorded six studio albums and live three. Now, just released for sale on CD The Best Of. Co-produced by the brothers Kaulitz, the album has 18 songs, which range throughout the history of the band. Could not miss “Dark Side of the Sun”, “Ready Set Go!” and “Humanoid”. It also has romantic ones as “By Your Side” and “Rescue Me. ” And a surprise: two new songs. “Hurricanes and suns”, made in 2009, had never come to light and now even has an amazing video on the official website of the band. And “Mädchen aus dem All” from 2003, sing in German by Bill, who still had a soft voice when he was younger. Currently great, huh ?
...everyone should know:
The famous German band in the world finally landed in Japan!
“Tokyo is a city of stunning beauty. The name of the band will not change, has been designed for this.”
“After the fall of the Berlin Wall, is an air of self-growth” – on music, pop rock metal and electronic. It is not possible to distinguish various types of lights and joy of diversity, is the beauty of music.
Translation by ©THEurope