"We'll never forget Chile"
They were in our country for four days, and that was enough to see their talent and also all their friendliness. Here I leave you our last conversation with Bill, Tom, Gustav, and Georg.
By Yolanda Galaz T.
читать дальшеThey say that they were terrified at their arrival. Also "they say" that they don't want others to get near them too much. The truth is that what happened at the airport -with so much love from Chilean fans- did catch them off guard, and if they did get a bit frightened, they were left joyous, since they never thought that in a country so far from Germany, they'd have such enthused fans. But the guys understood it, since they are conscious that it is a different culture. Now, that thing about "not wanting others to get near them much", I must say is completely true, and it wasn't easy for fans to get close to them -I saw it myself with some of you with whom I met outside the hotel- And it was such the protection that Tokio Hotel had, that even all the
fortunate ones that won some Meet & Greet were highly warned. As off the record, I tell you that the instructions by their management were very clear "at the first tear, sign of hysteria, or the first of the girls to touch one of the four guys, the greet gets canceled". We know it wasn't by the guys, because they are really friendly, but that the rules were very strict, that is without a doubt true.
Now at the concert, we could see the true joy of the fans to see them so close. With a perfect sound, these Germans demonstrated why they are one of the most avant-garde shows of Europe, and why there were so many expectations surrounding their presentation. With Bill's unforgettable costume, his motorcycle, Tom's flaming piano, and the virtuous Gustav, and Georg's charisma, it was a concert filled with emotion, screams, girls fainting, and flames that without exaggeration were ideal to eat marshmallows.
With all the euphoria and desire to see them live and as the official magazine, we had EXCLUSIVE access to be alone with Tom, Bill, Gustav, and Georg, and aside from all that's been said and is said: they are four delightful and handsome guys. Girls, here's our last meeting with Tokio Hotel in Chile.
How did you feel with the welcome from fans in Chile?
Bill: In the beginning it was all so nice, especially at the airport (all laugh). We felt very flattered, happy, and expectant of what we'd live through in Chile.
When we spoke a month and a half ago, you told me that you'd allow yourselves to be surprised. Did Chile manage to do it?
Bill: The bad thing is we were not able to leave the hotel, so we made an effort to look out the window. What we could see was very beautiful, but there was no use to go out anywhere. Only Gustav went to a little market, to buy some things and he had a good time, even though he doesn't remember the name (Pueblito de los Dominicos).
Georg: Ah, but there is something that will never let us forget Chile. Right Bill?
Bill, Tom, Gustav: Yes, yes, yes (laughter).
Bill: Oh God! Never in my life had I felt an earthquake; and we had three in two days! (laughter). We felt two very strong ones and we woke up.
But...they weren't that strong.
Bill: What do you mean no? we got really scared.
Tom: (laughs) the truth is that we did get scared.
Bill: (laughing) I already thought that I would have to get dressed and that we would be evacuated.
So we gave you your first experience with earthquakes. Poor guys!
Tom: We had never felt one. It was...our first time (laughter).
But come on! they were two small ones. So then, with the 8.8 that we had last February you'd die!
Bill: No!!! I don't believe you (Bill stand up and sits back down). You think that could happen again, while we are still here?
I think that...hmmm...
Bill: Oh no, please...(Bill makes a fainting gesture).
Hahahaha, no, I promise that will not happen again...for now.
Tom: With luck, because we would not know what to do (laughs). And for "someone" to go out for evacuation just out of bed, would be a really good photo (laughter).
Let's change the subject, let's talk about Best Of. The album is ready. What do you expect from it, and what does it feel to now have a Greatest Hits?
Bill: On one hand if feels somewhat strange to have a Best Of so soon, but on the other hand we are proud to have so many hits to be able to make one. I can tell you that there are two new songs on the album, and one of them was recorded in 2002, Mädchen aus dem All (Girl From Outer Space)
Tom: Yes, and even Bill's voice is different, because the song was recorded before his voice changed (laughs).
Bill: Yea, and also it has another song, Hurricanes and Suns, recorded in 2009.
Let's talk about Bill and Tom's change of country. Was it based on a work strategy, to write and record? It's been said that it's due, in large part, by the fans' stalking, is that so?
Tom: The truth is that we feel incredible in Los Angeles, in regards to our private life (laughs). We recorded and wrote the majority of the songs from our last album in LA.
And what's going on with Gustav and Georg? Why did you stay in Germany?
Gustav: For family, and friends, they are all in Germany (they all laugh). Don't look at us like that! I'll tell you, the thing is that Bill and Tom have no friends and no one likes them (laughter).
Tom: That is true (laughter) we have no friends.
If there is something that has come to my attention, it's the campaign in which Tom and Bill supported PETA. How was it and how do you feel about animals?
Tom: Very nice photos (they all laugh).
Bill: We love animals so much. We have four beautiful dogs and the four we adopted from shelters.
Tom: Yes, and it's been two years that we are vegetarians.
Bill: Peta called us to support the specific campaign to free wild animals from the circus, and immediately we said yes, since we identify with it so much.
With such a good heart, have you worked on other campaigns in Germany?
Билл: На данный момент это наш единственный проект, но мы очень заинтересованы продолжать участвовать в проектах, связанных с животными, и если у нас будет такая возможность - сделать свой собственный проект.
I ask you because Tokio Hotel is donating a music classroom to a school. What do you feel about the chance that Icon Group gives you to provide culture to kids that don't have the same opportunities you had?
Bill: It is a contribution that we are happy to give, since we were blessed with having a father and mother that were in the music world. We always had the possibility of making music, because we had the access to it, so being able to help other kids that don't have the means, is a great joy to us.
Some farewell words?
Bill: Infinite thank you, to the fans for the support we have felt these past days. Truthfully, we will never forget Chile...and not only for the earthquakes (laughter).
Translation by Vee @ THA
@темы: interview, интервью, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель, scans, сканы