среда, 15 декабря 2010
Do I need to say more?!
Download link (.flv file)
Download link (.flv file)

Out NOW: Tokio Hotel „Best of“
Get the full Tokio Hotel experience and download the guys brand new
„Best of“ album on iTunes today. It features 16 of the band’s greatest
hits – either in English or German – plus the two unreleased songs
„Hurricanes and Suns [2009]“ and „Mädchen aus dem All [2003]. The
limited deluxe „Best of“ album edition will hit store shelves across the
country on January 18, 2011 and right now it is available for pre-order
over at Amazon.com.
It inlcudes Tokio Hotel’s greatest hits in English and German [CD 1 +
CD2] as well as a stunning18 (!) music videos plus 6 video „Making of“
читать дальше
Translation: Tokio Hotel is a tourist whirlwind Omotesandou ~ ~ Harazyuku Shibuya. Videos and took many photos. The scramble intersection at night or want to take up the shin. Bill & George went shopping at the thrift store in Omotesando.
Translation: Tokio Hotel is a tourist whirlwind Omotesandou ~ ~ Harazyuku Shibuya. Videos and took many photos. The scramble intersection at night or want to take up the shin. Bill & George went shopping at the thrift store in Omotesando.
вторник, 14 декабря 2010