BILL: What I find amazing is that you don't seem nervous at all, especially since you're shooting this today and tomorrow's the show. I would just say "all right, piss off", and... JOOP: To be honest, I never shoot things like this. I mean, maybe at your age but...
- talks in English, about his art, and stuff читать дальше [BEFORE DRIVING TO THE EIFFEL TOWER]
BILL: What was going on there, a terror attack or something? I didn't even hear about that... JOOP: Yes, that's why they told me that we couldn't visit the Eiffel Tower tonight, and I was hoping you wouldn't want to go there. BILL: What a pity! I was looking forward to it. I've never seen it. I've been in Paris so many times but I've never actually seen it. JOOP: I was twelve when I was there for the last time. Do you have your passport? BILL: Um... I think they gave me one earlier? JOOP: Otherwise they'll think you're a terrorist. Apparently it was a group of women who wanted to blow up the Eiffel Tower earlier today. Probably out of penis jealousy (??? XD)
BILL: I moved to Hamburg when I was fifteen. JOOP: Really? I didn't know that! BILL: Yes, I was fifteen. For me it was just... I wanted to get out of the province, didn't want to finish school there, I wanted to get out as soon as I could, and when it worked out for us... We released the first song during the summer break... JOOP: So you didn't go to school in Hamburg? BILL: No, I didn't go to school at all anymore. I quit at fifteen, and then we tried again but it was impossible, of course. The press was everywhere and the principal asked us to her office and was like, "Okay, we need to find a solution here. You need to get out of school." Of course I immediately packed my bags, and then we moved to Hamburg. And... yeah. Tom and I had four dogs. [lists all the dogs they have; I don't feel like translating those right now XD] And they were all accidents, we saved them all. We got the first one from an animal shelter, and the others too. We didn't want to keep them at first but... you know how it is. JOOP: I brought a female dalmatian from New York. She had another owner before me - her name is Gretchen. And then the previous owner followed us to Germany and wanted her back. And then I found an alternative dog for the first time in my life - a [insert dog name]. And her name is Lottchen. And they both sleep in my bed. BILL: Aww, they're so great. I love those. JOOP: I think I haven't slept properly in weeks. Because then they do like this, and at night I sometimes get up and try to push her away, but she won't budge! Then I walk around the bed and lay down on the other side where there's only a little room left for me. And then on the other side, there's Gretchen.
JOOP: And do you know whom I was on the runway with? Grace Jones. BILL: Wow. JOOP: She was walking in front of me, and... I designed that collection... [*mumblemumble*] And then I said "Grace, come/calm down." And she was like, "You know what? I'm not coming back. I'm coming back as a singer." And I was like: "Yeah, yeah, right, whatever." And the next time she came back, and everything was like in La Vie En Rose. I experienced that first-hand, that pop history. Yeah, I know her. BILL: Unfortunately, I can't talk about that [as in, I don't have anything that exciting to say]. JOOP: And then she was like, "My husband is Turkish, he's very jealous." BILL: *shivers* JOOP: I feel like I'm in a French 'Nouvelle Vague' film. You're Alain Delon, I'm Romy Schneider.
BILL: I love those parachutes when they like, hook you up and then let you fall down, you know? JOOP: Like bungee jumping? BILL: Or parachuting. Oh, I did that a while ago, yes. About two months ago. For the first time. It's a dream! It was incredible. JOOP: Adrenaline, adrenaline...
BILL: Over there is where we had our concert, on the French national day. It was in 2007. JOOP: And ever since all the teenagers here want to learn German. BILL: And there were 500,000 people here. It was incredible. I think that was the first time that I really couldn't see the end of the crowd. JOOP: What kind of a feeling is that, by the way? BILL: Actually, starting from a certain number, there's not really a difference anymore. I'd say at... 30,000, there's not really a difference if there are 30,000 or 70,000 people. Then you don't see much anymore; you just see little dots.
BILL: But I'm terribly nervous, contrary to you. JOOP: You think I'm not nervous? BILL: Before you said you weren't nervous! JOOP: Yes, but I like it physically. Then I don't hear well and start freezing, and I'd rather just lay in bed. Do you know that? BILL: Yes - for me it's more that I freak out completely. I'm so nervous before every show. Well... if you're on tour for three months in a row, you get a little more relaxed in the end. But I'm incredibly perfectionistic. Especially at the beginning of a tour - when only a little thing goes wrong - when I've thought everything through and have planned every little detail, and only a little thing goes wrong, then the whole concert is over for me. Of course I don't show it, but backstage I'm not approachable. Everything else can have gone perfectly, but if there's only a little flaw, I'm so irritated... And my problem is that I have so little faith in other people. JOOP: What's your zodiac sign? BILL: Virgo. JOOP: Oh, one of those. I was married to a Virgo, so I know what you're talking about. If you can't get your perfectionism under control, you're so desperate that you just give up. BILL: Even now, I already sometimes think that it's on the brink of getting sick. Because Tom and I are both like that. JOOP: Men are even worse than women when it comes to that. BILL: Yeah, so we're both Virgos, and we drive each other insane. When we're together, we're constantly discussing - it's terrible. Because we just can't... shut down from each other. Because we're like one head and together we just never shut down. You fly to the Maldives to relax, but actually you could just as well stay in Hamburg because I can't take a break from myself. JOOP: That's why I take a break when I'm in [whatever]. I hand it over to Damian, because otherwise I would drive myself crazy. BILL: That's what I absolutely need to learn from you because I can't do it. I can't! JOOP: Every week, there's a rehearsal. And the translation from my head to the paper, and from the paper to reality are completely different steps. So I let other people do it. I can't take care of everything. I can't stitch it, I can't cut it, and when I don't have Sarah, I can't do it either. But I don't need music, champagne or drugs. Only a very, very, very clear head. BILL: And you have to find the right people to take care of those things. For me, it's like... from the font to the cover to every other little detail, I just hate it when something doesn't pass over my desk. When there's one email... JOOP: Do you think I could do that? Do you think I would accept someone else's shoe? Or an earring? Or a belt? Then they'd run naked! If it doesn't come from me directly, then I wouldn't do it. But I don't dress the girls. I don't touch anything anymore at that point. You won't see me carrying a dress to the model. That's when I stay theoretical. Otherwise I'd go crazy. BILL: Yeah, that's what I have to teach myself too. JOOP: You just have to tell yourself "cut - now it's someone else's turn." BILL: I can't do that. And then I try to do it and tell myself: "Come on, this is such an insignificant detail, someone else can do that." And then it goes wrong, and I just think: "This is shit because..." [trails off and is too excited to complete sentence - he clearly needs Tom there 0] JOOP: But I can tell you something. When I watch the DVD after the show, I just see that the shoelaces aren't tied, or that a button's open, and then I could throw up and am so annoyed.
JOOP: [on the phone, talks to his daughter... about doing a children's collection - for twins? LOL]
BILL: How old are they; the babies? JOOP: They're still newborns. BILL: Ah, okay. JOOP: But she was very happy that I called. BILL: How old is she? JOOP: Much older than you. 10 years older than you. Because I was already a father of two by the time I was 28. BILL: Au weia XD JOOP: ............... BILL: Wow, I can't even imagine that. My mum also got us when she was really young. She had us when she was 20. JOOP: Maybe it's a good thing because then you don't think about it too much.
JOOP: I also have some experience as an actor. I was in a few movies. BILL: In one or more? JOOP: In five. BILL: Five? JOOP: One movie was called 'Suck my Dick'. BILL: Okay. Oh right, I read about that somewhere.
JOOP: And then I got an agent because I had so many film offers. But I never did one again. BILL: So you didn't have fun? JOOP: No. Well, Michael Caine put it perfectly: [Michael Caine quote]. They were like "we have a technical problem, can you quickly learn another page?" BILL: I'm also thinking about doing that sometime. So maybe when the right thing offer comes along... I already rejected many projects. JOOP: It's physically exhausting, too. BILL: What was 'Suck my Dick' about anyway? [laughs] JOOP: It was not about that.
BILL: Tom and I were in a movie once, when we were 6, or so. It was called Verrückt Nach Dir. And they were looking for twins and since we were really cheeky, they liked us, so we got the parts. And in the scene - it was a really short scene - we had to pee our pants. And at 6, you're at that age where you don't do that anymore, and are proud that you're 'dry'. And then there was that weird-looking actress - she'd been styled to look like that - and Tom threw a fit and said he wouldn't be in a movie with such an ugly actress. And then he locked her into the bathroom and threw away the key, and she couldn't get out anymore.
BILL: And then we sat down, and said that if they didn't give us something to eat, we couldn't go on.
JOOP: Oh right, first we're going to a 'palais'. [TALKS ON THE PHONE...]
JOOP: My hair looks crappy. But I have to say, the rooms suit you. BILL: They suit me, right? JOOP: They do. BILL: I thought about moving in here, not to L.A. JOOP: My aunt Ulla had almost exactly the same. [blaaaaaaaaaah.] JOOP: The ambassador is coming to see us now - should we lay down?
JOOP: You want to control this image you've created. You want to fulfill this role you've invented. Sometimes it's easier, in a movie, to play this role that someone has given you. It's easier than playing your own. Sometimes you realize that your role isn't up-to-date anymore, that you should've changed into different role a long time ago. But... which one? I know myself that I wouldn't be able to play the Joop from the 90's anymore. I'm only doing this because you're here with me. I've become very camera-shy in the last few years. Because the picture of me, of what I look like, printed or on screen - I don't like it anymore. I've gotten used to a different image in the last 20 years, and I don't think I resemble that image anymore. And, I mean, this will happen to you, too, one day. Especially because this image suits you very well, you know? The whole look, the whole thing. But someday, I mean, you've managed to [...]. But at some point, combing your hair differently won't be enough anymore, of course. For me, I've noticed it on my grin. Once upon a time, every photo was perfect because of that grin, this practiced smile. Cynically, I often said about myself, when they asked me how I got so successful, how I made my fortune, and I said 'because of that grin'. But because of that grin, I noticed that at one point, it wasn't real anymore. And that my eyes looked sad. And in my eyes you could see that I'd seen too much. You see that in your look. BILL: I know. I know exactly what you mean. It's like... Sometimes there are days when you just can't do it. And I'm sitting there and I think... And I hate it when I've agreed to do something and I know I have to do it, but then there are days when I just don't feel it or I can't do it. And then my eyes are black and my hair, and I just don't feel like doing it at all. JOOP: It helps a little, though, doesn't it? BILL: Yes, it does help, but sometimes you just can't open them underneath all that. And on the picture I see it and think, "Oh shit." But you also have to stop looking at it every time. At the beginning, I looked at all the pictures, but it drives you crazy after a while. At the beginning, I really looked at every single picture but after a while, you just have to stop because you start thinking... You hear someone say something about it and you want to please that person; you start thinking, "Hmm, that doesn't really suit me," and... JOOP: It's like you're a third person. BILL: Exactly! You start seeing yourself from the outside, and... JOOP: Marlene Dietrich - I have to think about her now because we're close to her apartment now - spent decades in her bed looking at her old pictures and movies, and took notes about them. "Thin hair, bad light, how does she look there?" You know? She really haunted herself with that.
BILL: It comes out on October 1st, the L'Uomo Vogue. JOOP: Who shot you for that? BILL: Paolo Ferrari. An amazing photographer. JOOP: I was photographed too, once. 10 pages in Vogue. In the 70's. By François Lamy. That was the 'scene' of the 70's. Jerry Hall, Iman, Bowie... BILL: I'd love to see Bowie live. JOOP: I know Iman very well. I never met him [Bowie] in person. But I worked a lot with Iman in Hamburg. She's cool. Very smart. The smartest woman in the world. She got everything done; everything. She had a car accident in the 80's, with a taxi. And sued them for 5 million - that was a lot back then. And from that money, she had everything done. Her boobs, her face - everything. BILL: Bowie was... The Labyrinth - when I was little - I know that movie by heart. I loved that movie. JOOP: For me, Bowie was also... Berlin, before the wall - in West Berlin, he was on the Konrad Adenauer Platz, I think the name of the club was Konrad... He arrived there with a punk, pink-coloured car, and with makeup... like you, actually. Like... '83 or '84. But somehow they all drank, did cocaine, smoked... Today, all of their excesses are on the internet. Porno, on the cellphone... I find that strange. I know it always sounds weird when older people say that it's bad today [with all that technology] but I find that whole internet-thing really bad. BILL: I know. I mean, I grew up with it, but I also think it's bad. Sure, it makes many things easier but it brings us so many bad things, too. If I could push a button and make it all disappear for everyone, I push that button immediately. You do something and only a minute later, it's on the internet and goes around the world, and everyone can comment on it. Everyone can judge it, everyone can have their opinion about it. And they destroy it. The magic goes away because everyone destroys it immediately and adds their comment to it. They pollute it. JOOP: As good as it is, on the one hand... BILL: The whole appreciation of every product - of magazines or whatever, books, fashion, music, movies, it's all gone because you can get it all with one single click. JOOP: You lose your nerves - my friend who also grew up with the internet - and you don't have any nerves left. They watch TV and are on the computer at the same time. They're completely exhausted. BILL: And they also don't really look forward to anything anymore, like... when a record is released and you look forward to it... For me, it's also... I have an intention when I release something, like a record. There's the CD with the cover, and I want people to be able to hold it in their hands, all together. I don't want them to download a file somewhere. And for us it was like this; the music was supposed to come out in the fall, and in spring before that, there were already 9 tracks on the internet. I don't know where they came from. Every time that happens, you could record the album all over again because if 9 tracks are available already, then the album isn't worth anything. It's a catastrophe.
BILL: Wow...That's incredible; I could never do that.
BILL: You know what I would love to do someday? I was thinking about it; I'd love to do a documentary someday where you have a small camera on your shirt for an entire day, so that people can see from my - or someone else's - point of view, how people approach someone. You know? And then I'd like to fast forward, so that you can see that people always say the same things and... JOOP: Then come across really bad. How often do you think I've heard that already? But in reality, they're really nice. [????] BILL: Or, what happens to me all the time is... "Yes, there's the my friend's boss's talk show, and her cousin wants...", and I just think: Come on, give me the note already, and then I ask: "What's her name?" and they're like: "Uhh, uhhh..." And I'd like to see that, so you can understand that a little, you know? [Okay, that part didn't make any sense at all - but it's not my fault they're always talking over each other and never finish their sentences XD]
JOOP: So, what should we - Oh, why are those locks here? BILL: Does someone know what this means? RANDOM GUY: There are initials on them. I guess people sort of sealed their love with them. JOOP: And you don't have one with you? For us? I'll get chained to it. Till the next time. BILL: So they don't carve it into a tree anymore? JOOP: Well, you also have the 'key to your heart', and then you do like this [throws key into the water], and then you'll always know where it is. Right, and now we'll go to the masquerade ball.
JOOP: What's with all the photographing? [...] BILL: They want to see how stressed we are. They're probably hoping one of us will fall. ...and of course I do fall.
[IN THE CAR] JOOP: [puts mask on] How do I look? BILL: Good! JOOP: Or do I look stupid? Or should I put it up here? BILL: No, down. JOOP: Or should I not do it at all? BILL: I'm not sure. JOOP: Should I take it off? BILL: I wouldn't do it at all. JOOP: Yes, it looks stupid. [...]
BILL: I think we'll just go upstairs, right? The [??] is incredible. [...] like a birthday party, doesn't it? JOOP: We should do that next time. BILL: Yeah. Hey, your birthday is soon, so... JOOP: I don't know where I'll celebrate yet - but I'll invite you.
BILL: Morning! JOOP: Hey "Schatzi" (darling), how are you?
BILL: So you haven't seen anything yet? JOOP: No, I haven't seen anything. Probably everything will go wrong. Because, I mean, we have a small budget JOURNALIST: How does that fit together - Tokio Hotel and Wunderkind? How does that work? JOOP: I think "Wunderkind" fits for both of us. JOURNALIST: Yes? Are you both Wunderkinder? JOOP: That's what we realised the first second. The two of us from a provincial town in East Germany, who went our own way on our own. And only Wunderkinder can do that. It's like we were separated at birth, we realised last night. JOURNALIST: And Bill as a model for Wunderkind campaigns? JOOP: Yes, but I mean... have you ever seen a better model? I mean, really. Well, I haven't seen him without makeup. Since every model has to come here without makeup...
JOOP: Wow. What are you wearing? [hugs] Do you know my adoptive son? BILL: Bill, hi. WOMAN: We know each other. BILL: Yes, we know each other. WOMAN: We've met at the Bambi award ceremony. BILL: Exactly. JOOP: A great boy, I can only say. I'm full of deep admiration. This sovereignty at such a young age. Yes? This is Patricia - no wait, you know her already.
JOOP: That was incredible, wasn't it? Aggressive, WOMAN: Diversa! JOOP: Diversa. E forte!
BILL: Wolfgang and I shot something together; we met for the first time. And of course I also didn't want to miss the show.
[...] PATRICIA: I want the entire summer collection; I don't know what to wear. JOOP: I think...
INTERVIEWER: Just one minute... JOOP: Yes, lately, the portrayal of men in fashion annoys me a little. They're all so parted [their hair] and look so prissy. And I think that needs to be over now. [...]
BILL: I like that it's not something you can wear every day, so it's definitely something for me. BILL: Yesterday I had a wonderful evening with Wolfgang Joop. The whole night, and we were getting to know each other. It was really nice.
JOOP: Where's Bill? SARAH: Bill is over there in the corner. Do you want me to get you something to drink? JOOP: Yes, a glass of water, please. JOOP: I'm sweating all over. So Bill, did you like it? BILL: I found it really, really great. Congratulations. I thought it was fantastic. Really great. And you're satisfied? JOOP: Yes, I found it really great, strangely. There weren't many people backstage - they all had to go to Louis Vuitton, first. But I think it was the best collection because it had two different elements, you know? On the one side so sweet, and on the other side, so evil. But I noticed it on the people's reactions, because all my designer-friends are playing it safe at the moment. Sarah, come over to us. BILL: It was great. JOOP: I wanted to try out a few shoes for Bill. BILL: Let's do that later; let's get out of here first.
JOOP: Come over here, Bill. I need to introduce you. Look, this is my friend [Gisa?]. We share our worries and our balances. BILL: I have to go now, unfortunately. JOOP: All right, take care. We'll talk on the phone next week. BILL: We will. JOOP: You'll stay in touch, okay? BILL: Of course. JOOP: Come, I'll lead you outside.
JOOP: I'm glad to get out of here now. I'll send you one of those stitched jackets, with those... That suits you very well. And when you're in Berlin sometime, you'll visit me in Pottsdam. BILL: Yes, we'll do that. I'd love to.
BILL: Time goes by so quickly. Right, so... Thank you very much. We'll hear from each other. JOOP: Don't forget me. BILL: No, definitely not. credit xander/tha
Перевод X_Viky_X для Голос за кадром: что общего у Вольфганга Йопа и Билла Каулица? Нам интересно самим это разузнать. Прямо в Париже. Как видим, птицам разного оперения тоже нравится собираться в стаю*. «Сквозь ночь с Биллом Каулицем и Вольфгангом Йопом».
*На экране*: Вечер. Город. Два деятеля искусства. Сквозь ночь с… Йоп: у меня нет ни одной блестящей идеи, что тут можно ещё придумать, потому что я одержим работой каждый раз, когда оказываюсь в Париже. Во время недели моды здесь так многолюдно, поэтому трудно забронировать номер и, как мы видим, здесь просто… Эмм… В любой сезон, то есть каждые полгода мне нужно придумывать новый стиль, потому что если я этого не сделаю, у меня не будет больше стремления работать над этим. И, думаю, мой посетитель, мой гость Билл, ээм… он, он тоже нашел свой собственный стиль и может быть вскоре он даже откажется от него и придумает что-то новое. читать дальше Билл: думаю, он, конечно, один из самых известных дизайнеров Германии и, ээм, конечно, он создал себе известное имя, все знают его, чем он занимается, и… это тоже, определённо, отчасти феномен, правда? Он создал что-то действительно великое и классное. Я думаю, у него были серьезные амбиции и он тяжело трудился. Наверно, всё то, что преодолевает кордоны и распространяется за пределы Германии, является результатом тяжелой работы. То есть, мне это известно, потому что у меня похожая ситуация и я считаю, что с ним всё происходило так же. Что ж, мы раньше никогда не виделись, и, эмм, мне очень интересно, каким же будет сегодняшний день.
Йоп: каким-то образом между нами двумя можно провести параллель, ведь мы оба из провинции, оба, вероятно, ненавидели учиться в школе, потому что индивидуалисты терпеть это не могут. И я восхищаюсь тем, что он преодолел этот путь в таком юном возрасте, ведь невозможно сделать карьеру, не пережив боль. Так что, возможно… это… Да, наверное это очень, эмм.. сейчас я жду очень важную встречу.
*Билл выходит из автомобиля* Йоп: о, браво, браво! Билл: здравствуйте! Йоп: привет! Ну вот, два восточных немца… Билл: да Йоп:… встречаются в Париже. *оба смеются* Йоп: а ты довольно высокий. Билл: точно. *смеются* Йоп: нас только что спрашивали, выступишь ли ты в роли модели. Я сказал, что ты, в конце концов, уже делал это. Билл: да, уже делал. Йоп: в общем, я могу теперь предложить только платье Билл: да, точ… *слышит слова о платье, оба смеются* Неет, в таком случае я лучше откажусь. *возвращается к теме о подиуме* да, я уже делал это *выходил на подиум.*
Йоп: однако, мне кажется, что… между нами есть что-то схожее, правда? Ведь мы оба из маленьких городков, ээм… бывшей ГДР. Билл: да, а в моем случае это был даже не городок, а деревня. Я жил за пределами города. То есть, я жил даже не в Магдебурге, а немного, немного вдали от него. Йоп: я тоже не жил непосредственно в Потсдаме. Я был в Бёрнштеде. Билл: ясно Йоп: понимаешь? На ферме. Билл: тогда это и правда похоже. Да. Йоп: *представляет присутствующих* Проходи. Это Михаэль. Билл: *пожимает руку* Привет. Билл. Привет Михаэль: привет Йоп: а это Франк. Билл: привет Франк: привет Билл: привет Йоп: он хорошо знает Лос-Анджелес Билл: мы едем туда в этом месяце Йоп: да, я об этом уже слышал Билл: да Йоп: и что вы там будете делать? Билл: посмотрим Йоп: просто, знаешь, мне казалось, что ЛА – самый скучный город в мире Билл: да, но это просто… Йоп: я когда-то работал там Билл: ага Йоп: и… там ничего не происходит. *Билл смеется* Йоп: раньше я… когда я приехал туда впервые, я сказал «не могли бы вы не отвозить меня в старую часть города?», потому что я как раз посмотрел фильм «Бегущий по лезвию», понимаешь? Билл: ясно *смеется*
Йоп: и я просто подумал, там где-то точно должны быть здания в стиле Ар деко. И я сел в машину и всё ехал, ехал, ехал, пока не добрался до какой-то старой бензозаправочной станции, за пределами города. Вот где оказалась «старая» часть города. Билл: да, но мне кажется, жить там очень даже неплохо. Я имею в виду, конечно же, погода там гораздо лучше, чем… на данный момент я живу в Гамбурге. Йоп: вот так вот! Конечно, это очень угнетает! Билл: когда-то я выбрал Гамбург, потому что считал, что так для нас будет вполне удобно, ведь там все немного снобы Йоп: скажи-ка, почему ты копируешь всё, что делал я? Сначала – ГДР, теперь Гамбург… Билл: теперь Гамбург, да? в некотором смысле это похоже Йоп: со мной было так же. Целых 30 лет. Проходи. *представляет ещё одного парня* это «Advil». Эдвин: привет Билл: привет Йоп: на самом деле он Эдвин, но я всегда зову его «Advil». Билл: ясно Йоп: а вот таблетка, которую тебе сразу же надо будет принять в Америке… от головной боли. Билл: окей Эдвин: снимешь пальто? Йоп: а это Сара Билл: привет Йоп: моя муза Иногда… Я ещё был долгое время в Нью-Йорке Билл: да Йоп: там у меня были показы, но в плане бизнеса ты для них всегда остаешься иностранцем, понимаешь? И поэтому… приходится бороться в три раза упорнее, и когда-нибудь ты замечаешь, что, ээм, да, они берут у тебя евро, но совсем не уважают тебя Билл: хм, да. Йоп: ты когда-нибудь это узнаешь. Они на тебя смотрят, и ты вдруг видишь в их глазах значок доллара. Билл: да, да Йоп: это правда. Всё именно так. Пойдем, Сара объяснит тебе всё, ведь она здесь с самого начала. Очень…
Йоп: я вдруг подхожу к ней и говорю «знаешь что? Речь идет о сердце из Португалии». А я был в Португалии, когда мне было 14 лет. Билл: да Йоп: но больше туда не возвращался Билл: да-да Йоп: я был в слезах, когда уезжал. Я привык жить там и не хотел возвращаться в Брауншвайг. Моя первая девушка… вообще-то она была наполовину португалка, а её брат до сих пор живет там. И я никогда больше не видел его, но после 45 лет позвонил ему… или даже позже. Сара: серьезно? Йоп: и спросил «скажи, где можно заказать эти сердечка?» Из Португалии, их носят слева… Билл: да Йоп: да, в конце концов мы заказали их в Германии. Тем не менее, вся коллекция сосредоточена на цветах и садах. Это называется «Сад Португалии». И по этой причине я создал все эти контуры, и…но в то же время… точно… *поворачивается к Биллу* я имею в виду, без панка ничего не получается, да? Билл: да Йоп: так что не важно, какое направление ты выберешь.. ээм, «seasonings» означает «специя» на английском Билл: да Йоп: специя – это панк. И я совершенно не приветствую то, что люди выглядят так единообразно, понимаешь? Билл: да-да-да. А ботинки такие классные. Вау. Йоп: я всё создавал дома. Всё спроектировано одним человеком, всё я, я, я! Билл: потрясающе. Йоп: *указывает на модель* вот свидетель… Билл: потрясно Йоп: да? всё. Сара: всё. Начиная с оригинальной идеи Йоп: Но без Сары у меня бы не появилась такая идея. Сара: *скромно* да нет же… Билл: да-да, это замечательно. Йоп: Сара иногда выглядит отчасти опустошённой, как чистый холст Билл: правда? *смеются* Сара: … который нужно раскрасить Йоп: да Билл: раскрасить, точно
Сара: откуда ты черпаешь вдохновение? Билл: ну, со мной всегда так… я… нам понадобилась вечность, чтобы закончить последний альбом. Мы дали себе время, и конечно, это было противоположно тому, чего требовали звукозаписывающие лейблы. Конечно же, им больше всего нравится делать по релизу каждый год. Йоп: что-то похожее. Что-то новое, но всё равно похожее. Билл: да, но в случае со мной… это просто… я ненавижу, просто бесконечно ненавижу звукозаписывающие лейблы. Я именно такой, когда речь идет о них. Для меня это просто кошмар, и даже раньше, когда я уже… на первой встрече с компанией звукозаписи, когда мне было, кажется, лет 13, я выразил серьезный протест и, наверно, они отчасти возненавидели меня с того момента, потому что думали что-то типа «да что этот 13-летний хочет нам доказать?» Потому что все они были в этом бизнесе уже лет 20, и знают всё лучше меня. Так или иначе, мы просто не спешили с последним альбомом. Мы… Мы записывались в различных местах и писали много-много песен. И мы хотели… я хотел добавить немного электроники. То есть, последний альбом был более электронный и т.д. А тур включал в себя больше костюмов. Я менял костюмы раз пять. Я… я очень хотел этого. Всё было навеяно научной фантастикой. Всё было немножко инопланетным. Йоп: если бы я дал себе столько времени, то больше ничего не делал бы, правильно? Сара: ну это же вы… Йоп: я всё делаю только под давлением. Билл: да, потому что … ну, под давлением… я думаю, я думаю, это настоящий кошмар. Это всегда тема для дискуссии, но… по большому счету, если ничего не выполняешь, то им просто нечего выпускать, правильно? А я ненавижу, когда кто-то говорит «вот релиз, но нам всё ещё нужно, скажем, пять песен». Ну да, и что? Что мне… они будут готовы тогда, когда будут готовы, да?
Йоп: думаю, здесь жарко, давай выйдем Билл: да Йоп: я переоденусь Знаешь, Билл, я думаю, в жизни ты красивее. Билл: большое спасибо. Спасибо. Йоп: да. я имею ввиду, такое нельзя сказать о большинстве «экранных» звёзд. Билл: благодарю Йоп: видишь их в реальности, и – «о Боже!», да? *смеется* Шоу фриков. *Билл смеется* Йоп: *показывает модель* взгляни на это, пожалуйста. Билл: вау. Йоп: у меня было ощущение, что тебе это понравится Билл: вау. Очень-очень классно. Ботинки просто супер!
*звучит Automatic, Билл примеряет костюмы*
*прим: здесь перефразирована поговорка – «Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern» (что-то типа «похожие люди охотно объединяются» или Рыбак рыбака видит издалека) → «Ungleich und Ungleich gesellt sich auch gern» - непохожие тоже охотно сближаются, или в англ. варианте «птицы одного пера собираются в стаю» → «птицам разного оперения тоже нравится собираться в стаю»
Voice-over: Was haben Wolfgang Joop und Bill Kaulitz gemeinsam? Darauf sind sie selber gespannt. Gleich in Paris. What do Wolfgang Joop and Bill Kaulitz have in common? We’re curious to find out ourselves. Up next in Paris.
читать дальше Voice-over: Und jetzt sehen wir: Ungleich und Ungleich gesellt sich auch gern. „Durch die Nacht mit Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop“. And now we’re watching: *changing the proverb “birds of a feather flock together” a bit* Odd birds of different feathers also like to flock together. “Through the night with Bill Kaulitz and Wolfgang Joop.
On-screen writing: Ein Abend. Eine Stadt. Zwei Künstler. Durch die Nacht mit… One evening. One city. Two artists. Through the night with…
Joop: Wenn ich in Paris bin, bin ich besessen von meiner Arbeit und hab’ eigentlich gar keine großen Ideen was man hier so anfangen könnte. Während der Fashion Week hier ist auch alles so voll, dass man kaum ’ne Reservierung irgendwie bekommt, denn wir sehen ja hier grad, erm… Ich muss jede Saison, also alle halbe Jahre, eine neue Form finden, erm, weil, wenn ich die nicht finden würde, hätte ich auch gar keine Lust daran zu arbeiten. Und ich glaube, mein Besucher, mein Gast, der Bill, erm… der, auch der hat ja ’ne eigene Form gefunden und muss sie jetzt vielleicht grad wieder demnächst ablegen und eine neue finden. I actually don’t have any bright ideas about what one could get up to here because I’m, I’m obsessed with my work whenever I’m in Paris. Everything is also so crowded here during Fashion Week so that somehow one can hardly get a reservation and as we can see here just now, erm... Every season, meaning every half year, I’ve got to find a new style, erm, because if I wouldn’t find that, I wouldn’t fancy working on it anymore. And I think my visitor, my guest, Bill, erm... he, he has also found his own style and maybe he even has to discard it again soon and find a new one.
Bill: Ich glaube, dass er einer natürlich der größten Designer ist aus, aus Deutschland und erm, natürlich ’nen internationalen Namen hat und jeder kennt ihn und jeder weiß irgendwie was er macht und erm… Es ist schon so’n, so’n Phänomen auch auf jeden Fall, ne? Also, und er hat da… was ganz, ganz Großes und Tolles aufgebaut. Ich glaub’, mit ganz viel Ehrgeiz und Fleiß auch. Ich glaube, alle Sachen, die auch außerhalb von Deutschland dann irgendwie über, über die Grenzen gehen und so, das ist auch immer mit ganz viel Fleiß verbunden. Also, das weiß ich von mir und ich denke mal das ist bei ihm genauso. Also, ich hab’ ihn persönlich ja noch nie getroffen und erm, bin total gespannt wie das heute so wird. I think, he’s certainly one of the biggest designers from, from Germany and erm, certainly has got an international name and everybody knows him and somehow everybody knows what he’s doing and erm… It’s definitely also kind of like a phenomenon, isn’t it? Well, he has created something very, very huge and great. I think, [he did it] with lots of ambition and also hard work. I think, all things that somehow spread across the borders and then reach outside of Germany are also always down to lots of hard work. Meaning, I know this because of [how it’s with] myself and I just think that it’s the same with him. Well, I’ve never personally met him before and erm, I’m totally excited about what today is going to be like.
Joop: Wir beide haben ja irgendwie eine Parallele, denn wir beide kommen ja aus ’ner Provinz und wir beide haben wahrscheinlich den Schulweg gehasst, denn Außenseiter gehen diesen Schulweg nicht gerne. Und ich bewundere, dass er in diesen jungen Jahren diesen Weg gemacht hat, denn es gibt keine Karriere ohne Schmerz. Also, vielleicht… erm, ist das… Ja, vielleicht eine sehr, erm… schicksalhafte Begegnung auf die ich jetzt gerade warte. Somehow there’s a parallel between the two of us because after all both of us are from the province and both of us probably hated going through school because outsiders don’t like to go down that road. And I admire that he’s made his way with such a young age because there’s no career without [enduring] pain. So maybe... erm, that is... Yes, maybe that’s a very, erm... fateful encounter that I’m waiting for just now.
*Bill getting out of car* Joop: Oh bravo, bravo! Bill: Tag! Afternoon! Joop: Hallo. Hello. Bill: Hi. Freut mich. Alles gut? Hi! Pleased to meet you. [Is] everything alright? Joop: Tagchen! Na, wir beiden DDR-ler… Hello! Well, us two East-Germans… Bill: Ja. Yes. Joop: … mitten in Paris. … right in the middle of Paris. *both laughing* Joop: Du bist ja groß. You’re quite tall. Bill: Das stimmt. That’s true. *more laughing* Joop: Ey, eben haben se mich grad gefragt, ob du denn modeln würdest. Hab’ ich gesagt, na, das hast du doch schon gemacht, schließlich. Ey, just now I’ve been asked whether you’d be modelling as well. I said, well, you’d already done that, after all. Bill: Das hab’ ich schon gemacht, ja. I’ve already done that, yes. Joop: Also, ich kann dir jetzt nur ’n Kleid anbieten. Well, I can only offer you a dress now. Bill: Ja, das sti-…*hearing what Joop just said about the dress* Yes, that’s ri-... *hearing what Joop just said about the dress* *both laughing* Bill: Nee, da verzichte ich lieber drauf. *going back to topic of having modelled before* Ja, stimmt. Das hab’ ich schon gemacht, ja. Nah, in that case I’d rather give it a miss. *going back to topic of having modelled before* Yes, that’s right. I’ve already done that, yes. Joop: Aber ichfinde auch so, irgendwie… Bei uns beiden ist’s ja so ähnlich, ne? Wir kommen ja beide aus ’ner kleinen Stadt, erm… ehemaligen DDR. However, I also think, like, somehow… It’s kind of similar with the two of us, isn’t it? After all we’re both from a small town, erm... former GDR. Bill: Ja, und vor allem bei mir war’s ja sogar nicht mal ’ne Kleinstadt, sondern es war ja sogar noch ’n Dorf. Ich hab’ ja noch so’n bisschen außerhalb gewohnt. Also, ich war nicht mal direkt in Magdeburg, sondern noch so’n, so’n bisschen davor. Yes, and in my case it wasn’t even a small town but it even was a village. After all I’ve been living a bit out of town. Meaning, I wasn’t even right in Magdeburg but a bit, a bit more outside of it. Joop: Ich war auch nicht direkt in Potsdam. Ich war in Bornstedt. I also wasn’t right in Potsdam. I was in Bornstedt. Bill: Ja, ok. Yes, ok. Joop: Ne? Auf’m Bauernhof. Yes? On a farm. Bill: Dann isses schon, schon dasselbe auf jeden Fall. Ja. Then it’s definitely kind of the same thing. Yes. Joop: *introducing people* Komm rein. Das ist der Michael. Come in. That is Michael. Bill: *shaking hands* Hi. Bill. Hi. Michael: Hallo. Hello. Joop: Und das ist der Frank. And that’s Frank. Bill: Hi. Frank: Hallo. Hello. Bill: Hi. Joop: Der kennt Los Angeles sehr gut. He knows Los Angeles very well. Bill: Wir gehen diesen Monat noch. We’re going there this very same month. Joop: Ja, hab’ ich schon gehört. Yes, so I’ve heard already. Bill: Ja. Yes. Joop: Und was wird da aus dir? And what’s becoming of you there? Bill: Mal gucken. We’ll see. Joop: Ey sag mal, ich fand Los Angeles ja die langweiligste Stadt der Welt. Ey just saying, I just thought Los Angeles was the most boring city in the world. Bill: Ja, aber es ist halt zum… Yes, but it’s just to… Joop: Ich hab’ halt viel gearbeitet früher. I was just working a lot back then. Bill: Ja. Yes. Joop: Und…es is’ ja überhaupt nüscht los. And… there’s just nothing going on. *Bill laughing* Joop: Früher hab’ ich so… Als ich das erste Mal da war, hab’ ich gesagt „Könnt ihr mich nicht mal in die Altstadt bringen?“, weil ich hatte grad Blade Runner gesehen, weisste? Back then, I was like… When I was there for the first time, I said “Could you not just take me to the old part of the city?” because I had just watched ‘Blade Runner’, you know? Bill: Aha. *laughing* Alright. *laughing* Joop: Und dachte, hier muss doch irgendwo so Art Deco-Gebäude sein. Da saß ich im Auto und fuhr und fuhr und fuhr bis ich dann an so alte Tankstellen kam, außerhalb der Stadt. Das war dann die Altstadt. And I just thought there must be some kind of Art Deco buildings somewhere. Then I sat in the car and kept on driving and driving and driving until I got to some old petrol stations outside of the city. That’s what the old part of the city was. Bill: Ja, ich find’ aber so zum Leben find’ ich’s irgendwie ganz schön. Ich mein’, das Wetter ist natürlich viel besser als in… Momentan bin ich ja in Hamburg. Yes, but I think it’s rather nice for living somehow. I mean, of course the weather is much better than in... At the moment I’m [living] in Hamburg. Joop: Och! Na ja, das is’ ja hochdepressiv! Oh dear! Well, that’s just highly depressing! Bill: Ich hab’ mir damals Hamburg ausgesucht, weil ich dachte so, das war für uns irgendwie ganz praktisch, weil die da alle so’n bisschen snobig sind. Back then I chose Hamburg because I thought, like, that somehow it was quite convenient for us because they’re all a bit snobbish there. Joop: Warum machst du mir eigentlich alles nach, sag mal? Erst DDR, dann Hamburg… Say, why are you actually copying everything I do? At first GDR, followed by Hamburg... Bill: Dann Hamburg, ne? Irgendwie alles dasselbe. Then Hamburg, yes? Somehow it’sall the same. Joop: War bei mir genauso. 30 Jahre lang war ich verklappt. It was the same with me. I was dumped for 30 years.
Joop: Komm rein. Come in. *Introducing another guy* Das ist “Advil”. That’s “Advil”. Edwin: Hallo. Hello. Bill: *shaking hands* Hi. Joop: Der eigentlich “Edwin” heißt, aber ich nenn’ ihn immer „Advil“. Actually he’s called “Edwin“ but I always call him “Advil“. Bill: Ok. Joop: Das ist die Tablette, die du in Amerika gleich fressen musst… gegen Kopfschmerzen. That’s the pill you immediately have to devour in America... for headaches. Bill: Ok. Edwin: *reaching out for Bill’s coat* ... abnehmen? ... take [your coat]? Joop: Und erm, da ist Sarah. And erm, there’s Sarah. Bill: Hi. Joop: Meine Muse. My Muse. Irgendwann… Ich war ja auch in New York sehr lange gewesen. Sometime… I’ve also been in ew York for a very long time. Bill: Ja. [Yes. Joop: Hab’ da ja auch Shows gemacht, aber business-wise bleibst du Ausländer für die, weißt du? Und da, da musst du dreifach hart kämpfen und irgendwann merkst du, erm, ja, they take your Euros but they don’t give you any respect. (I) have also been doing shows there but business-wise you’ll always remain a foreigner to them, you know? And so, so you have to fight three times as hard and some day you’ll realise, erm, yes, they take your Euros but they don’t give you any respect. Bill: Hm, ja. Hm, yes. Joop: Du wirst es noch erleben. Die gucken dich wirklich an und auf einmal siehst du in den Pupillen Dollar-Zeichen. You’ll experience it sometime. They really look at you and suddenly you see Dollar signs in their eyes. Bill: Ja, ja. Yes, yes. Joop: Wirklich wahr. Das ist so. [It’s] really true. That’s what it’s like. Komm, Sarah erklärt dir das alles mal, weil die ist immer von Anfang an dabei. Ganz… [cut] Come on, Sarah will just explain everything to you because she’s always there from the beginning. Very... [cut]
Joop: Einmal geh’ ich immer hin zu Sarah und sag’ „Weißte was? Es geht jetzt um das Herz aus Portugal.“ Und ich war nämlich mit 14 ein Jahr in Portugal. At one point I’m always going to Sarah and say “You know what? It’s about the heart from Portugal now.” And I’ve been in Portugal for a year when I was 14. Bill: Ja. Yes. Joop: Nie wieder da. (I) have never been back there again. Bill: Ja, ja. Yes, yes. Joop: Ich bin heulend abgereist damals. Ich hatte mich da eingelebt. Ich wollte auch nicht zurück nach Braunschweig. Meine allererste Freundin… Also, die ist Halb-Portugiesin und erm, ihr Bruder lebt noch da. Die hab’ ich aber auch nie wieder gesehen und den hab’ ich angerufen nach 45 Jahren… oder länger. Back then I was in tears when I left. I had settled in there. I also didn’t want to go back to Braunschweig. My very first girlfriend... Well, she is half-Portuguese and erm, her brother still lives there. I’ve also never seen them again and I gave him a call after 45 years.... or [even] longer. Sarah: *a bit surprised* Nein. No,[really]? Joop: Und hab’ gesagt „Sag mir mal, wo kann man diese Herzen machen lassen?“ Die in Portugal, die haben die Spitze nach links. And I’ve said “Just tell me, where can I get those hearts done?“ The ones in Portugal, they’ve got their apex [pointing] to the left. Bill: Ok. Joop: Ja, irgendwie… Zum Schluss haben wir die Herzen gemacht, aber nicht dort, sondern irgendwie in Deutschland. *laughing* Aber die ganze Kollektion ist getrimmt auf Blumen und Gärten und so. Jetzt heißt se „Jardin Portugal“. Der „Garten Portugal“. Und deswegen hab’ ich da diese ganzen Silhouetten gemacht und erm… Aber gleichzeitig… genau… *turning to Bill* Ich meine, ohne Punk geht gar nichts, nich’? Yes, somehow... In the end we got the hearts done but not there but in Germany somehow. *laughing* However, the whole collection is centred on flowers and gardens and so on. Now it’s called “Jardin Portugal”. The “Garden of Portugal”. And therefore I’ve made all those silhouettes there and erm... However, at the same time... exactly... *turning to Bill* I mean, nothing works without punk, right? Bill: Ja. Ja. Yes. Yes. Joop: Also, egal welche Direction du machst, erm… seasoning heißt „würzen“ auf Englisch. So, no matter what direction you’re taking, erm... seasoning means “to add flavour” in English. Bill: Ja. Yes. Joop: The seasoning is Punk. Und ich hab’ überhaupt keinen Bock darauf, dass die Leute alle so uniform aussehen, weißte? So, die Mischung… Punk is the seasoning. And I’m absolutely not keen on people all looking so uniform, you know. Like, the mixture... Bill: Ja, ja, ja. Die Schuhe sind auch abgefahren hier. Wow. Yes, yes, yes. Those shoes here are also wicked. Wow. Joop: Alles, alles zu Haus entworfen. Alles eine Person entworfen. Alles moi, moi, moi. Everything, everything was designed at home. Everything was designed by one person. Everything [done by] me, me, me. Bill: Wahnsinn. Awesome. Joop *pointing to model*: Das hier ist die Zeugin. This here is the witness. Bill *pronouncing the word with a bit of a comical accent*: Woahnsinn. Awesomeness. Joop: Ne? Alles. Right? Everything. Sarah: Alles. Von der ersten Idee hin. Everything. Starting with the first idea. Joop: Aber ohne die Sarah würde ich auf die Dinge auch nicht kommen, nich’? However, without Sarah I also wouldn’t be coming up with those things, right? Sarah *being modest*. Nein. No. Bill: Ja. Ja, das is’ ja gut. *laughing* Yes. Yes, that’s good after all. *laughing* Joop: Die Sarah kann manchmal so leer aussehen… Sometimes Sarah can look as empty... Bill: Ja? Really? Joop: … wie ne weiße Leinwand. … as a white canvas. *Everybody laughing* Sarah: Dass man mich füllen muss... [So] that one has to fill me… Joop: Ja. Yes. Bill: Die man füllen muss, ja. That has to be filled, yes.
Sarah: Wo nehmt ihr eure Inspiration denn so her? Where do you get your inspiration from? Bill: Also, bei mir ist es immer so… Ich, also… Wir haben ja fürs letzte Album haben wir ewig gebraucht, ne? Wir haben uns ja ewig Zeit gelassen und gegen all dem was die… was natürlich die Plattenfirmen und so gerne hätte. Die natürlich am liebsten jedes Jahr ’nen release haben. Well, with me it’s always like… I, well… We took ages for the last album, yeah? We just took our time for ages and of course [that’s] against everything that the... that record labels etc would like. Of course they like it best to get a release each year. Joop: So was Ähnliches.. Was Neues, aber so ähnlich. Something similar. Something new but still similar. Bill: Ja, und aber bei mir… Also, das ist ja… Ich hasse, ich hasse ja Plattenfirmen ohne Ende. Ich bin da ja so. Für mich ist das der absolute Horror und ich hab’ schon als ich damals das… mein allererstes Meeting bei ’ner Plattenfirma hatte irgendwie mit, erm, mit 13, glaub’ ich, oder so, total den Aufriss da gemacht und die haben mich, glaub’ ich, von dem Moment an irgendwie gehasst, weil sie dachten so, „Was will der kleine 13-Jährige denn uns hier erzählen“, ne? Weil die natürlich alle 20 Jahre im Business sind und sie’s alles besser wissen. Und wir haben uns aber fürs letzte Album richtig viel Zeit genommen. Wir sind… Also, wir haben überall aufgenommen und haben irgendwie ganz, ganz viele Songs geschrieben. Und wir wollten… Ich wollt’s so’n bisschen elektronischer machen. Also, das letzte Album war ja alles so’n bisschen mehr elektronisch und so. Die Tour war dann auch so mit mehr Kostümen. Ich hab’ so fünf Kostümwechsel gemacht und so. Also, ich hab’… ich hatte irgendwie Bock drauf. Das war alles so’n bisschen Science-Fiction-inspiriert so, ne? Also, alles so’n bisschen außerirdisch. Yes, but with me… Well, it’s just… I hate, I just hate record labels endlessly. I’m just like that [when it comes to this]. To me that’s an absolute nightmare and even back then I’ve already... [I’ve] somehow had my very first meeting at a record label aged, erm, 13 I think, or something like that, (I) kicked up a huge fuss there and I think, they all somehow hated me from that moment on because they were thinking like “What does that little 13-years-old want to tell us here”, yes? Because all of them have been in the business for 20 years of course and know everything better. And anyway, we’ve just really taken a lot of time for the last album. We are... Well, we’ve been recording everywhere and we’ve been writing many, many songs. And we wanted… I wanted to make it a bit more electronic. Meaning, the last album was all a bit more electronic and so on. Then the tour also included more costumes. I’ve changed costumes, like, five times and so on. Well, I have... Somehow I just fancied doing it. It was all a bit inspired by science-fiction, right? Meaning, it all was a bit alien. Joop: Na, wenn ich mir so viel Zeit lasse, dann würde ich gar nichts mehr machen, ne? Well, if I took that much time, then I’d never be doing anything anymore, right? Sarah: Na, du. Well, that’s you. Joop: Ich mach’ das nur unter Druck. I only do it under pressure. Bill: Ja, weil… Also, unter Druck… Ich finde, ich finde, ich finde das echt horror. Also, die… Das ist ja auch immer ’ne Diskussion, aber das… Letztendlich ist es ja so, wenn du nichts abgibst’s, dann gibste halt nichts ab und dann können se auch nichts releasen, ne? Und ich hasse das, wenn, wenn jemand sagt irgendwie „Hier ist ’n release und wir brauchen jetzt noch fünf Songs, so.“ Ja gut, und?. Soll ich jetzt ins, ins… Also, die sind halt fertig, wenn sie fertig sind, ne? Yes, because… Well, under pressure… I think, I think, I think that’s a real nightmare. Well, the... That’s also always a point for discussion but that’s... At the end of the day it’s like this, that if you don’t deliver anything, then you’re just not delivering anything and then they also can’t release anything, right? And I hate it when, when somebody somehow says “Here’s a release and we still need, like, five more songs.” Yeah well, so [what]? Am I supposed to, to... Well, they’ll just be finished whenever they’ll be finished, right? Joop: Find’ ich hier zu heiß in der Ecke. Komm, wir gehen mal raus. I’m finding it too hot here in the corner now. Come one, let’s move away. Bill: Ja. Yes. Joop: Ich zieh’ mir gleich mal ’ne andere Bluse an. I’ll also just change into a different blouse. Joop: Erm, weißte Bill, ich find’, du bist in Natur noch viel hübscher. Erm, you know Bill, I think you’re even prettier in the flesh. Bill: Danke schön. Danke. Thank you very much. Thanks. Joop: Ja. Ich meine, das kann man von den meisten screen stars nich’ sagen. Yes. I mean, that can’t be said about most of the [on-]screen stars. Bill: Vielen Dank. Many thanks. Joop: Runter von der Leinwand und „Oh Gott!“, ne? *laughing* Freak show. [Seeing them] off-screen and “Oh gosh!”, right? *laughing* Freak show. *Bill laughing* Joop: *showing model in a dress* Ja, guck’ dir das bitte an. Yes, please take a look at this. Bill: Wow. Joop: Ich hab’ mir schon gedacht, dass dir das gefällt. I’ve already had a feeling that you’d like that. Bill:Wow. Sehr, sehr cool. Die Schuhe sind ja der Hammer! Wow. Very, very cool. The shoes are just wicked!
*Сильно не мучаясь над выбором и переводом, я на все группы поставила Wer ist das? (кто это ваще такие?), а на Tokio Hotel - Super-Band 2010! Желаю вам того же *
Luna Teen #52 December 2010 (Argentina) Alone with Tokio Hotel
Previously to their show in Chile in front of more than 7.000 people, Luna Teen was able to talk with the 4 members of Tokio Hotel inside the Sheraton Hotel in Santiago, To be honest, Georg and Gustav, bassist and drummer respectively, didn’t said to much; the Kaulitz twins took the lead instead. The day they arrived there was a Little earthquake that made them a quite uneasy but, when we explains to them that this was something usual in this latitudes, they calm down and chatted distend. Bill, tall and skinny, full of necklaces and a pair of heels that dizzy us because of their height. Tom looks like he came out of an Eminem video. Georg, from Bon Jovi’s band, and Gustav could well be the drummer of a metal band with his skull tattoos and neatly cut hair.
So different in their looks, is surprising to see them together, laughing at private jokes and understanding each other with a glance. Their personalities are as different as their looks but that’s how Tokio Hotel is, this band that’s already a decade old even though their band members are between 20 and 23 years old. Veterans of world stages, they are still surprised in front of their fans admiration, that transcends the language barrier and follow them wherever they go. This time was Chile’s turn, Argentina will be set for the next visit (or at least that’s what they would like).
Luna Teen - Finally you’ve arrived to Latin America, How was the tour?
Bill: We had big expectations with this tour long ago, we really wanted to come and we finally could. So far, everything was perfect, better than expected, there was no problem, people received us really well. Even in the airport there were a lot of fans waiting for us.
Tom: We brought the same tour we did in Europe, and a great bassist. (says jokingly referring to Gustav I think they meant georg)
Luna Teen - You’re very involved in all the production process of the show, Why is that?
Bill: We’re very obsessive and perfectionists and we don’t have much confidence in anybody else than us! No, really, we’re perfectionists but is hard for us to lead the responsibility to others and also we like to be part of the process and be on everything.
Luna Teen - What do you do 5 minutes before going on stage?
Bill: We activate our Power Rangers superpowers, that we all have, but in general we’re very nervous before going out.
Tom: Georg goes to the toilet!
Luna Teen - Bill, Tom, How is the relationship of you two outside the band?
Bill: We’re not just brothers, we’re identical twins, we have a very special relationship, we spend 24 hours a day together, we share everything, it’s something automatic, we get along really well, we are more than friends.
Tom: We have never been separated more than 4 or 5 days.
Luna Teen - How do you conciliate 4 different personalities?
Tom: We’re completely different, besides the band we have very little in common but we’ve been working together for 10 years, we get along really well, we grew up together.
Gustav: We’re a band but we all have different tastes.
Bill: We’re like 4 brothers, we grew up together, since very little, we’ve been together a lifetime.
Luna Teen - Is there a particular song you like the most?
Bill: Many, is really hard to choose one, we have a special connection with each song, each one connects in a special way with the songs and, also, they respond to different emotional moments and have their own history.
Luna Teen - Being the 4 of you so different, is there songs that are left out because not everyone likes it?
Tom: Yes, many are left out.
Bill: When we get in the studio, we spend a lot of time recording.
Georg: We record a lot of songs in a year and maybe the last ones make it to the album.
Bill: Although, they’re not always the best.
Luna Teen - The Best of…. It’s about to come out, Is their going to be any surprise?
Bill: There are 2 new tracks, one that we recorded long ago, before I change my voice, so the difference is going to notice a lot, it’s only recorded in German and the other one, it’s a 2009 track that it’s only in English. They are 2 very different songs.
Luna Teen - What do you think is the reason of your success, of having such a solid career?
Tom: We’re better than most!
Bill: We found each other, there wasn’t somebody that put us together, we grew up together and found our own sound, we started playing and things came out naturally.
Georg: It was a natural process, since very little; I think that gave us a very strong identity.
Luna Teen - What difference you found between your European fans and the Latin ones?
Bill: Fans in here are happier to see us that in other places, maybe is because they don’t see us very often. They are more use to it in Europe.
Tom: Here they are really intense! We like women with such a strong personality.
Luna Teen - What was the craziest thing that happened with your fans?
Gustav: A lot of stuffs, to many stories.
Bill: In Spain, when we finished playing, we came down the stage and we run to a fun that we never knew how she managed to get backstage. We think she climbed the walls. I don’t know.
Tom: And again, Georg found 4 naked girls in his hotel room!
Georg: We’ve been through a thousand of stories, impossible to tell them all.
Luna Teen - What are your plans for next year?
Tom: Many
Bill: We’re always playing, rehearsing, writing songs but we can’t assure that we’ll release a new album in 2011.
Tom: But is going to be a year full of surprises that we can’t tell yet.
Luna Teen - Bill, Why do you have such an extravagant look?
Bill: I like fashion a lot, its fun for me, I’m very spontaneous, every morning I choose what I’m going to wear according to how I feel, I love to travel with a lot of clotheses to choose and change.
Luna Teen - Who’s the one that takes the longest to get dress?
Everybody: Tom!
Tom: Georg and Gustav also work a lot on their style and nobody ask them! Well, if you want to call this a style….. (Jokes pointing Gustav)
Bill: We don’t agree on a look, each one has its own and nobody tells the other what should wear.
Luna Teen - Do you have any lucky charm or something you can’t forget when you arrived to a country to play a concert?
Bill: Yes, I have a locket with my mom and Tom’s picture and I always wear it. If I don’t have it, everybody gets worried; they think something might go wrong. I also have a little box full of memories and little things that I always carry with me. There is where the important things are.