четверг, 09 декабря 2010
07-12-2010 - ARTE - Durch Die Nacht mit... 1 - English subtitles
Voice-over: Was haben Wolfgang Joop und Bill Kaulitz gemeinsam? Darauf sind sie selber gespannt. Gleich in Paris.
What do Wolfgang Joop and Bill Kaulitz have in common? We’re curious to find out ourselves. Up next in Paris.
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Voice-over: Was haben Wolfgang Joop und Bill Kaulitz gemeinsam? Darauf sind sie selber gespannt. Gleich in Paris.
What do Wolfgang Joop and Bill Kaulitz have in common? We’re curious to find out ourselves. Up next in Paris.
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среда, 08 декабря 2010
Part 1 :
part 2
10-12-08 - Durch die Nacht mit ... - Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop part 01 ... [112 meg, 12:06 min]
10-12-08 - Durch die Nacht mit ... - Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop part 02 ... [95 meg, 12:57 min]
10-12-08 - Durch die Nacht mit ... - Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop part 03 ... [122 meg, 17:30 min]
10-12-08 - Durch die Nacht mit ... - Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop part 04 ... [112 meg, 9:43 min]
part 2
10-12-08 - Durch die Nacht mit ... - Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop part 01 ... [112 meg, 12:06 min]
10-12-08 - Durch die Nacht mit ... - Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop part 02 ... [95 meg, 12:57 min]
10-12-08 - Durch die Nacht mit ... - Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop part 03 ... [122 meg, 17:30 min]
10-12-08 - Durch die Nacht mit ... - Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop part 04 ... [112 meg, 9:43 min]

*Сильно не мучаясь над выбором и переводом, я на все группы поставила Wer ist das? (кто это ваще такие?), а на Tokio Hotel - Super-Band 2010! Желаю вам того же

Luna Teen #52 December 2010 (Argentina)

Alone with Tokio Hotel
Previously to their show in Chile in front of more than 7.000 people,
Luna Teen was able to talk with the 4 members of Tokio Hotel inside the
Sheraton Hotel in Santiago, To be honest, Georg and Gustav, bassist and
drummer respectively, didn’t said to much; the Kaulitz twins took the
lead instead. The day they arrived there was a Little earthquake that
made them a quite uneasy but, when we explains to them that this was
something usual in this latitudes, they calm down and chatted distend.
Bill, tall and skinny, full of necklaces and a pair of heels that dizzy
us because of their height. Tom looks like he came out of an Eminem
video. Georg, from Bon Jovi’s band, and Gustav could well be the drummer
of a metal band with his skull tattoos and neatly cut hair.
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Alone with Tokio Hotel
Previously to their show in Chile in front of more than 7.000 people,
Luna Teen was able to talk with the 4 members of Tokio Hotel inside the
Sheraton Hotel in Santiago, To be honest, Georg and Gustav, bassist and
drummer respectively, didn’t said to much; the Kaulitz twins took the
lead instead. The day they arrived there was a Little earthquake that
made them a quite uneasy but, when we explains to them that this was
something usual in this latitudes, they calm down and chatted distend.
Bill, tall and skinny, full of necklaces and a pair of heels that dizzy
us because of their height. Tom looks like he came out of an Eminem
video. Georg, from Bon Jovi’s band, and Gustav could well be the drummer
of a metal band with his skull tattoos and neatly cut hair.
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Download links (222 screens):
.rar file - http://www.mediafire.com/?9aplwkihk8ew1a1
.zip file - http://www.mediafire.com/?7wg3d4hil7n151e

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.rar file - http://www.mediafire.com/?9aplwkihk8ew1a1
.zip file - http://www.mediafire.com/?7wg3d4hil7n151e

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