В сборник вошли также два прежде не издававшихся трека
Выпускать альбомы из цикла «BestOf» - любимое занятие современных групп, записавших в свой арсенал пару-тройку коммерчески успешных альбомов. «TokioHotel», чьи диски становились платиновыми и золотыми в России, родной для них Германии и ряде других европейских стран, не стаи исключением из правил. Новая пластинка ансамбля выпущена лейблом «Universal Music» в двух версиях – на английском и немецком языках. Кроме того, в качестве бонуса на ней представлены два ранее никогда не издававшихся трека.
Известно, что в России в продажу поступит немецкоязычная версия. Диск на английском языке появится на прилавках музыкальных магазинов не раньше февраля 2011 года.
You will hate me for this question because it has been asked a billion times ... you said you like Bill from Tokio Hotel, right?
Yes, he's cute!
... There is a kind of struggle between the fans, some of them are your fans while others can not stand you because they think you're trying to imitate him. What have you to say to these people?
Yes, I've heard about it, but this is ridiculous, there's really nothing to argue! We have similar tastes and I can not understand ... what is it that haunts so much the fans! (Laughs)
I started dressing like a fool and listen to the music I listen well before I come to know who Tokio Hotel are. You can may take some women pop stars and even make comparisons ... I do not know, you can look at Beyoncé and Rihanna and find a few similar things, like clothes they wore ... but no one is copying anyone! It's only fashion and style. We both like the black, we both want to be nice ... That's all! (Laughs) And we're both singers. Well, I sing live. He sings live?
Not always. For sure you have a much more powerful voice ...
... I didn't tell that! I do not want to offend anyone. (Laughs)
Have you ever thought to record your songs in another language?
Uhm ... No, but it would be a good test. I have already sung in other languages ... it would be cool. I sang in Italian! In high school I did lyrical music for like a year and half, so I learned Italian, Latin, i may have made a song in French ...
What is the worst prejudice that people have on you?
Well, I do not know what prejudices can have. At first I was all "oh my God, who knows what will people think!" Now I let it go, basically. Dunno, what do you think?
I do not know ... maybe just the one about Bill?
Ah yes, that is really big. But I think it just happened that, during some interviews, I've been asked who I liked and my honest reaction was to say "Well, Bill is a nice guy." It is, no? I'm not trying to steal him from the fans, don't worry! Among the other thing he's straight, no? Exactly. (Laughs)
Cherrytree Records is proud to announce that on December 14th, both English and German versions of the new Tokio Hotel album release, Tokio Hotel – Best of, will be available digitally in the USA.
Each version will contain 2 previously unreleased songs – the first song the band ever recorded professionally in a recording studio in 2003 (which has never been on any of their previous releases): “Mädchen aus dem All” (“Girl From Outer Space”) and “Hurricanes And Suns” recorded in 2009.
On January 18th the limited deluxe edition CD/DVD will be released