суббота, 27 ноября 2010
Bill: When you see the fans for the first time it's a magical moment.
Question : Do you know you have fans from Bolivia, Ecuador and Argentina ?
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FRIDA #24/2010 (Швеция)

Celebrities' worst habits!
No, you're not alone! Even our biggest stars have some real bad habits... You find out who here!
Bill Kaulitz: "I drink way too much coffee!"
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Celebrities' worst habits!
No, you're not alone! Even our biggest stars have some real bad habits... You find out who here!
Bill Kaulitz: "I drink way too much coffee!"
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13 декабря группа Tokio Hotel выпустит сборник “Best Of”. В компиляцию войдут лучшие треки группы и две ранее не издававшиеся песни. Сборник выйдет в двух версиях – на английском и немецком языках. В России первой выйдет немецкоязычная версия сборника, английская будет выпущена в начале 2011 года.
Предыдущие релизы группы имели в России невероятный успех – все альбомы достигали как минимум золотого статуса, а альбом “Scream(Schrei)” стал трижды платиновым.
Wir sind Eins wie Yin und Yang
Report 1..As reported by fans who were at the airport, a group of hysterical fans were thrown at the boys and although the police tried to stop them, one came up to Bill and stabbed him in the arm. The injury is not serious, but not the best way to start the day!
Report 2..Apparently, when TH arrived at Chile, a group of fans appeared out of nowhere and tried to get near them. The police were all over them, trying to stop them. One of them got to Bill and hurt his arm. Bill’s injury is not that serious. The boys are pissed off…
Report 2..Apparently, when TH arrived at Chile, a group of fans appeared out of nowhere and tried to get near them. The police were all over them, trying to stop them. One of them got to Bill and hurt his arm. Bill’s injury is not that serious. The boys are pissed off…