Now you can win 2 T-shirt signed by Bill and Tom and 3 video cameras if you participate in the contest of PETA Kids. What you have to do is a video that show how videos can be funny without animals. Click on the photo to participate.
Tokio Hotel frontman, Bill Kaulitz, says he is exited for concert in Sao Paulo
Tokio Hotel finally comes to Brasil for a single presentation tomorrow in Sao Paulo, based on "Humanoid" album. Read the interview with singer Bill Kaulitz (21).
Bill Kaulitz - We are exited and anxious, mainly because we will meet our fans for first time. Be anywhere for the first time is a very nice experience.
F - In 2008, you had a hard throat infection. How did you feel ?
BK - It was the worst period of my life. I was afraid of losing my voice. I couldn't do anything. I had surgery and had to learn to sing again.
F - For the band, the image is as important as music ?
BK - What we do is music. Our intention is not to create an image. It just appear naturally. We have never had the intention of creating something that is not us.
F - Have you been prejudiced by the way you dress ?
BK - From cute young. Now, it doesn't bother me more, because I have chewed a lot of this for a long time. Is thing of the past.
F - What inspires you ?
BK - The best ideas come on tour. We are together and when we come together to make a new album, each other bring their ideas.
24.11.2010 Stop animal abuse! As you guys know, protecting animals means a lot to us which is why Bill and I didn't hesitate a second to join the PETA campaign. Check it out:
On December 12th the Best-Of Album of Tokio Hotel will be released, which includes two new Songs: “Hurricanes and Suns” and “Schönes Mädchen aus dem All”. The Last Song is already 7 years old and should have been on the boys’ first Album – but it didn’t make it.
So now we can enjoy this song even more, since the boys were very young when they recorded this track. This certainly brings back memories (:
- Билл вошел в комнату со стаканом с Колой и поделился со своим братом, оба пили из одного стакана! - Том хотел воды, но бутылка была стеклянная и нужна была открывалка, фотограф предложил помочь - Георг и Том во время всего интервью делали шутливые жесты - В конце пресс-конференции Билл пытался выбраться из кресла, но зацепился за ремень - Когда Билл отвечал на вопросы, он смотрел вам прямо в глаза и улыбался - После интервью Билл показал свою татуировку "Freiheit 89"