суббота, 23 октября 2010

Киносъемки Tokio Hotel в турах:
2006 - Tokio Hotel - Schrei Tour
2007 - Tokio Hotel - Zimmer 483 Tour - Deutschland + Osteuropa
2007 - Tokio Hotel - Zimmer 483 Tour - Frankreich
2008 - Tokio Hotel - 1000 Hotels - European Tour

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пятница, 22 октября 2010
....our guy behind the TH TV camera, has started producing music now.
Well, I guess we don’t have to fear competition since as a solo artist
he doesn't have the support of a musical genuis like we do with Georg

But it's still pretty cool! Check the video out with four track samples
of his new record HUNDELEBEN (= dog’s life). The cover already turned
out pretty well...what do you guys think?
/> More info about JFSebastian on his Facebook page and you can download his album on iTunes (worldwide) from today on:
/> iTunes US
/> iTunes MX
/> iTunes IT
/> iTunes FR
/> iTunes ES
Wir sind Eins wie Yin und Yang
По слухам вчера Билл, Том, родители и собаки выехали из Германии в США.
Kaulitz & Cooper as double pack
At the rigt time for Halloween shock-rocker Alice Cooper gets prominent support as advertising medium: Tokio Hotel star Bill Kaulitz becomes the second advertising face for a big German electro-company.
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Kaulitz & Cooper as double pack
At the rigt time for Halloween shock-rocker Alice Cooper gets prominent support as advertising medium: Tokio Hotel star Bill Kaulitz becomes the second advertising face for a big German electro-company.
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