*То, что поняла: дом в Лос-Анджелесе уже нашли, четырех собак забирают с собой, пишут новые песни.Любимый аксессуар - ожерелье с амулетом и фотографией матери. Семья важнее всего. * читать дальше
BILD : At the Milan fashion shows you were the hit of Dsquared catwalk. At Wunderkind catwalk you were just among the audience - don't you want to be on the catwalk anymore ?
Bill Kaulitz : For the moment I don't have time for a second job. We found a house in Los Angeles, where we are moving soon. My four dogs are coming with me too; also we are working on new songs. Stress !
B : You are a fashion-freak- What is hot in your opinion ?
Bill Kaulitz : I like to wear german brands, today Kilian Kerner. Also I liked Worfgang Joop. But my favourite accesory is a necklace with my mum's photo. The family is the most important thing ever.
B : Do you have an overview of how much you spend on clothes per month ?
BK : No, better no. I spend too much money in fashion. But anyway, someone have to boots the textile economy !
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