пятница, 08 октября 2010
All screens by Evelyn
RTL Exclusiv (06.10.2010)
Download 51 screens: http://www.multiupload.com/KF2UXZNOO0

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RTL Exclusiv (06.10.2010)
Download 51 screens: http://www.multiupload.com/KF2UXZNOO0

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... The whole house was going
Will they ever return to his home in Hamburg?
Yesterday, five trucks were moving in front of the house of Bill Kaulitz (21) and his brother, Tom of Tokio Hotel. The young men moving large containers collected with the house of the twins inside the truck, then drove to the port of Hamburg.
Later this month, the Kaulitz brothers are moving to Los Angeles to work with his producer and manager David Jost with the new songs.
Moving their home to America should take eight to ten weeks. Twins of the most successful international rock band bring their cars from Germany to Los Angeles on ships.
Translation by THEurope
Will they ever return to his home in Hamburg?
Yesterday, five trucks were moving in front of the house of Bill Kaulitz (21) and his brother, Tom of Tokio Hotel. The young men moving large containers collected with the house of the twins inside the truck, then drove to the port of Hamburg.
Later this month, the Kaulitz brothers are moving to Los Angeles to work with his producer and manager David Jost with the new songs.
Moving their home to America should take eight to ten weeks. Twins of the most successful international rock band bring their cars from Germany to Los Angeles on ships.
Translation by THEurope
by Evelyn
Vogue Interview with Bill Kaulitz and Tom Kaulitz (HD 1280x720)
Download 183 screens: http://www.multiupload.com/QWTXY9GQFJ

Vogue Interview with Bill Kaulitz and Tom Kaulitz (HD 1280x720)
Download 183 screens: http://www.multiupload.com/QWTXY9GQFJ

четверг, 07 октября 2010
"Durch die Nacht mit Bill Kaulitz" Documentary in Paris, France - 05.10.10
- http://www.mediafire.com/?k2ppkahzxlqd5fq
(37 HQ pictures included)
Wunderkind Fashion Show by Wolfgang Joop in Paris, France - 06.10.10
- http://www.mediafire.com/?bck6bpzw8cmlj1w
(13 HQ pictures included)
- http://www.mediafire.com/?k2ppkahzxlqd5fq
(37 HQ pictures included)
Wunderkind Fashion Show by Wolfgang Joop in Paris, France - 06.10.10
- http://www.mediafire.com/?bck6bpzw8cmlj1w
(13 HQ pictures included)

Вот кто поделился своей курточкой с Биллом Каулитцем. Кстати, Килиан любит музыку Tokio Hotel.
Подробнее на немецком http://klatsch-tratsch.de/2010/10/07/tokio-hotel-der-pariser-chic-von-bill-kaulitz-ist-von-kilian-kerner/60404
Спасибо за ссылочку AntonyMolko