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You really thought that Tokio Hotel will come back big time, and we won't give them a cover with an interview? this is how you know us? So c'mon, check it out, and by the way read that Tom wants to walk around Naked. We swear.
Tokio Hotel, maybe the most lovely band around the teenagers in Israel in those last years, released a new album, "Humanoid". But you know it already. The album promoted by the mega-hit, "Automatic". Probably you already know it too. And I bet you know that here, in Rosh 1, we LOVE Tokio Hotel. So this is clear as the sun that comes after the Monsoon storm (Got it?), Bill and Tom Kaulitz will call us. But us only, and not any other magazine in Israel, for an interview to celebrate their new album. Although my had shoke a bit from excitement (but don't tell anyone), I've answered the phone without thinking twice, I didn't want to make the twins depressed. Now, lets start.
Stop the hypocrisy!
Hey guys, I'm happy to interview again for Rosh 1. We talked before already, but tell me again, how are you?
Bill: Ja, we remember Rosh1. We're good, and of course we have the new album. We worked on it more than a year and we recorded it in two languages, German and English. To be honest, we can say that everything is new with us!
The album's name is "Humanoid". We saw the cover, we can see there Bill as a robot, connected to some wires, with a shiny blue eye. What is the story behind the album and the future stuff?
Bill: The name of the album expressing kind of a feeling. During the recording we felt like humans, but we also felt weird, something you can't explain. Like we visited a small village and we felt there different, different from the citizens. In fact, this is the feeling that we feel in those last years.
Why you decided to record this album in two languages too? Tokio Hotel is already an international successful band, so English supposed to be enough, no?
Bill: We recorded in two languages because this is what we did before and it went pretty good. When we started to make music ten years ago we sang in English and German too, we just continue what we already started.
You released this album in million versions. What is the difference between them?
Tom: In the Deluxe version there are more songs, with DVD and more cool stuff.
Lets talk about your first single from the album, "Automatic". I've heard it a lot of times and it's a cool song, really, but I have to say it's a bit morerhythmic and optimistic from your old material. Is the album more optimistic too?
Tom: Actually you're right. The rhythm and the style of this album are a bit different from our old albums, but don't be wrong - it's still an album of Tokio Hotel with lots of guitars, good singing and all we need.
We talked about the album cover, and now I'll ask you about the cover of the single: We see there a human heart that a robot hand holds it. Also this picture is not so normal. What it means?
Bill: It's a good picture that reflects the song. "Automatic" talks about a girl with no real feelings, everything in her is automatic.
So the heart reflects the real feelings of the guy, and the hand - the automatic behaviour of the girl?
Bill: Yeah, something like that.
I must to ask: is the song tells about something real that happened to you? Is there a girl that played with your feelings?
Bill: The song talks about something real, yeah, but not about a romantic relationship but about our music scene and our life. We meet a lot of people, and a lot of times we see hypocrisy and automatic feelings.
from the red border on the left:
The Evolution
No need to worry. "Humanoid" is a good album that improves Tokio Hotel's sound in a few stages.
The emo-goth became to futuristic style. More electronic. Bill's voice is more deep and mature. Tom comes with more solos. These are the four differences we found on "Humanoid" from the old material of Tokio Hotel, already from first listening. Check out this review.
1. "Noise" - Good song for the opening. Rhythmic and electronic, and a chorus that will make you to raise your hands up. Lets make some noise! Must to be a single.
2. "Darkside of the sun" - More rhythmic song, that sounds a bit like the 80's pop. Must be a single too.
3. "Automatic" - You already know. Maybe the best song from the album.
4. "World Behind My Wall" - Deep and exciting rock-ballad.
5. "Humanoid" - The main song of the album. A lot of noise and anger. The start didn't sound the best, but the rest of the song is better. Lots of Tom.
6. "Forever Now" - Classic rock. Good song.
7. "Pain Of Love" - Interesting. Didn't decide yet if we like it or not. Good, but weird. Not so much Tokio Hotel-ish. Okay, we decided: we like it.
8. "Dogs Unleashed" - Everybody dance! Electro dance track, the retro 80's.
9. "Human Connect to Human" - Also more like the 80's, that sounds a lot like "Personal Jesus" of Depeche Mode.
10. "Alien" - Bill sings that he has an alien in him. Maybe he's right? The 80's electro is here too, and we also recognized some influences from A-ha.
11. "Phantomrider" - The second ballad on the album. not so good and not so calm from the other, but not bad at all.
12. "Zoom into me" - More ballad for the end. Futuristic song that talks about loneliness. We recommend to listen to it in the dark before you sleep.
Well, we hope that we're not from the automatic people that Bill talks about. We were with the band on their way, and we also helped the fans to bring them here. But why be so pessimistic? If this interview will be translated to German and the boys will read it, we have something to tell them: Guys, we're not hypocrites! Come, give us a hug. Well, we went too far. Lets continue with the interview, okay?
Lets talk about the great video of "Automatic". Robots, cars... looks like you enjoyed. What you can tell us about it?
Bill: We filmed the video few months ago in South Africa, it was really cold and we worked on it 5 days. The song itself is energetic and fast, and it's really fun to listen to it while you're driving. So this is why there are cars in the clip.
Now the album is out, you're going for a worldwide tour?
Tom: Ja! We want to go for a huge tour next year.
Your biggest hit, "Monsoon", was on "Guitar Hero". Will you give more songs for such games?
Tom: Probably yes. We already talked about it and gave some ideas, but nothing is close yet.
Few months before the album was out, few demos from "Humanoid" were leaked to the net. What happened there? How did you feel about it?
Bill: It was unexpected and annoying. The person who leaked them is mean. We worked really hard on this songs, and the leaks were just awful.
Tom: Since the songs were just demos, we felt like naked.
Banal question, but we have to: How did you change as persons, since you're stars?
Tom: Of course our lifes are different today. Weird feeling, but we've got used to it.
Tom, you changed a lot, your look. You left your caps for bandanas, from the hip-hop style, and Gustav also comes different and wears glasses. Why?
Tom: I didn't change my look specially for the new album. The braids is something I did already a year ago. I just feel good with the change, it makes me feel alive. I don't want to look in the mirror and see the same things all the time.
How did you enjoy the last summer? Work all the time or you also found time for parties?
Bill: Work! We recorded non-stop in the USA and Germany.
Vampires Rocks
And the most important questions. First, if you could choose to be a hero, which one would you choose?
Bill: It would be cool to be invisible. Flying is also nice.
Tom: Invisible is the best, so you can walk around naked.
If you didn't see, it's the second time that Tom talks about nudity in this interview. The conclusion: Well, in fact, we don't have a conclusion, but we're curious to think what he wears right now. If he wears.
And the second question, and now about "Twilight". What do you prefer to be, a vampier, or a wolf?
Bill: A vampire, of cours. (Like everyone, actually).
Well, I know it's depressing to say goodbye, we're in the end of the interview. Last words for your fans in Israel?
Bill: We just want to say that the concert in Israel was amazing and exciting. We would love to come again, but we don't have a date yet. Thanks for all of the fans!
Thank you too, guys. Kisses and hugs for the G's!