воскресенье, 12 сентября 2010
Гораздо мудрее образумить человека словом и улыбкой, чем бить его по морде.

Tokio Hotel Cleans House
Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel shows up in Madrid, Spain, without his signature shaggy mane of black hair or raccoon-eye makeup.
суббота, 11 сентября 2010
Сегодня выйдет второй выпуск программы Cherrytree Records "Завтрак с Tokio Hotel". Программа идет полчаса и звучат только песни Tokio Hotel.
На прошлой неделе в Breakfast with Tokio Hotel вошли:
Stich uns Glück
In Your Shadow
Vergessene Kinder
Ready Set Go
Ich Brech Aus
Darkside of the Sun
На прошлой неделе в Breakfast with Tokio Hotel вошли:
Stich uns Glück
In Your Shadow
Vergessene Kinder
Ready Set Go
Ich Brech Aus
Darkside of the Sun
пятница, 10 сентября 2010
Tokio Hotel nominated for music and social awareness award, "Help Music Award"
t has been said that music is the universal language; one need only look at the popularity of international bands like German band Tokio Hotel to see evidence of this. Coming in late October (10.22 & 23.10), according to PressAnzeiger.de, Tokio Hotel will one of more than 150 bands, DJs and musical artists to take part in the “Help Music Awards” under the motto of “Music Creates Bridges”.
t has been said that music is the universal language; one need only look at the popularity of international bands like German band Tokio Hotel to see evidence of this. Coming in late October (10.22 & 23.10), according to PressAnzeiger.de, Tokio Hotel will one of more than 150 bands, DJs and musical artists to take part in the “Help Music Awards” under the motto of “Music Creates Bridges”.