Tokio Hotel nominated for music and social awareness award, "Help Music Award"
t has been said that music is the universal language; one need only look at the popularity of international bands like German band Tokio Hotel to see evidence of this. Coming in late October (10.22 & 23.10), according to, Tokio Hotel will one of more than 150 bands, DJs and musical artists to take part in the “Help Music Awards” under the motto of “Music Creates Bridges”.

@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

Guess ?139

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@темы: style, стиль, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель



Tom & Bill participate to new book- would you buy it?
Designers against AIDS Last month we announced a new upcoming initiative from Tokio Hotel to help raise funds for Designers against AIDS and their new International HIV/AIDS Awareness Education Center (IHAEC) in Antwerp, Belgium.
Today I can reveal the project: at the end of this year, an English written book will be published by Belgian publisher Ludion about the first 10 years of the work of Designers against AIDS (including our Fashion against AIDS campaigns/collections with H&M), with 15% of every book sold going directly to the Education Center. One half of the book will deal with the most important projects of DAA (including the photo of Tokio Hotel in the FAA campaign in 2009) and in the other half of the book, over 100 well known and emerging artists give us their vision on what true beauty means to them. For this part, Bill and Tom Kaulitz donated three photos that have never been shown before, shot by themselves: one taken from the stage in Paris on July 14th in 2007 when they played for over 500.000 fans and you can see the Eiffel Tower in the background, the other two taken in the plane, on their way to their holiday in Malé.
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@темы: Tom Kaulitz, Том Каулитц, Bill Kaulitz, Билл Каулитц, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель



Bravo 37 (Германия)
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Bravo 37 (Россия)

Star2 Nº53/10 (Испания)

Bravo 202 (Сербия)

@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель, scans, сканы

Футболки одинаковые. Кто знает того, что слева? :)

@темы: style, стиль, Tom Kaulitz, Том Каулитц, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

Yes, endlich ein Comic-Held ;-)

Ganz ehrlich, wer hat nicht schon mal davon geträumt die Hauptfigur in einem Comics zu sein. Seit kurzem gibt es ein spannendes Duell zwischen
Bill & mir im Comic Format.
> HIER kannst Du die komplette Story lesen!

Alle Kreativen können die Geschichte auch weiterschreiben – die beste Einsendung wird mit einem Audi A1 prämiert (persönliche Übergabe durch
Bill & ich). Und damit meine ich kein Spielzeugauto! :-D

Yes, finally as a comic hero ;-)
Honestly, who haven't dreamt about to be the main character of a comic. Recently, Bill and I took a part in an exciting duel in comic format.
>> Here you can read the full story!!

All creative people can continue to write the story - the best entry will be rewarded with an AUDI A1 (personally give over by Bill and I).
And here I don't think about a toycar :-D

@темы: Tom's blog, блог Тома, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

Написано про ограбление дома Tokio Hotel и что украли только мобильник и деньги.

@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель, scans, сканы

"Я умный, вокруг козлы! Я честный, вокруг жулье! Я - гений, вокруг быдло! Я - д'Артаньян, все пидорасы!" (с)