Raise a glass to Tokio Hotel frontman Bill Kaulitz, who turns 21 years old today. The German singer and fashion icon is already something of an industry veteran, performing with his twin brother Tom since he was 10 years old. They plugged away quietly as Black Question Mark until they met Georg Listing and Gustav Schafer, who filled out their band and turned them into Devilish. The young band continued to play shows and attempt to get discovered until Bill performed on the German version of "Star Search" in 2003. He didn't win (he was eliminated in the quarter-finals), but his one-of-a-kind voice and unique sense of style scored his band a recording contract. They changed their name (again) to Tokio Hotel, and the rest is history.
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@темы: Bill Kaulitz, Билл Каулитц, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

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@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель



Bravo nº36 - 2010 (Германия)
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@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель, scans, сканы





Возможен небольшой тур по Европе, там будет и Москва! Немецкие фаны могут ожидать еще одно посещение Гамбурга и Оберхаузена. а кроме этого Париж, Брюссель, Хельсинки, Вена, Прага, Ницца, Барселона, Мадрид, Лиссабон, Милан и Рим.

@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель
