суббота, 07 августа 2010
Во время пребывания в Сингапуре Haeki Hildish, тур-менеджер группы Tokio Hotel, встретился с руководителями Universal Японии и вел переговоры насчет промоушена группы в Японии.
По слухам на Official German Forum и со ссылкой на Universal Норвегии говорят, что Tokio Hotel может сделать еще один тур по Европе в этом году.
скачать www.mediafire.com/?izsq3ue87nsy5zi
06.08.2010 - Pro7 taff www.mediafire.com/?xs6o3d8le2slxo6
06.08.2010 - VOX Prominent www.mediafire.com/?gtha1cypughvs33
06.08.2010 - ZDF Leute heute www.mediafire.com/?4fdbbkybsrhk7ps
06.08.2010 - Pro7 taff www.mediafire.com/?xs6o3d8le2slxo6
06.08.2010 - VOX Prominent www.mediafire.com/?gtha1cypughvs33
06.08.2010 - ZDF Leute heute www.mediafire.com/?4fdbbkybsrhk7ps

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пятница, 06 августа 2010

Кто подходит Тейлор?
- Tom Kaulitz!
- Jared Leto!
- Ни один из них!
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Okay guys I am really really sorry but I have to go now, so I will post what I already started and if no one will complete that until I'm back I will do it. Sorry once again! <3
It's BT and Adam (?) and this time we're gonna interview Tokio Hotel. It's the second time but we'll do it a little different today. Look at our eyes, c'mon just come look this is mine and this is his, I drew Adam's eye while he drew mine so I'm gonna ask Bill Kaulitz a bit you know, comments about our make up skills because... I think I did quite good job. (Adam) I think I did... okay job. (BT) really?
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Okay guys I am really really sorry but I have to go now, so I will post what I already started and if no one will complete that until I'm back I will do it. Sorry once again! <3
It's BT and Adam (?) and this time we're gonna interview Tokio Hotel. It's the second time but we'll do it a little different today. Look at our eyes, c'mon just come look this is mine and this is his, I drew Adam's eye while he drew mine so I'm gonna ask Bill Kaulitz a bit you know, comments about our make up skills because... I think I did quite good job. (Adam) I think I did... okay job. (BT) really?
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