Sascha: And uhm.. will you also make music together once? читать дальше Kay One: Nah, well to be honest, we had talked about it once, but he is so so so often underway, you know, and me too, on the whole world *laughs* and then we thought we won't come to a common denominator.. no, really, he's often underway but we had planned it many times and I can't say if we'll do it in the future.. but as I said, I would immediately write a song with him.. you know.. a song about girls (Kay One's latest song is called "Ich brech die Herzen aller Mädchen" which means "I break the hearts of all the girls", so it was an allusion to his song when he said "a song about girls" ).
Sascha: So to say a "Ich brech die Herzen aller Mädchen" Part 2?
Kay One: Yeah.. Kay One feat. Bill Kaulitz
Sascha: Would you actually do such a nose piercing as well?
Kay One: Here.. like that..? Nah.. ey Bill, in all honesty now, what did you think you were doing with this ring in your nose? Before that.. you were so cute.. but seriously, please put this ring out of your nose! That's not cool anymore..
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